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Everything posted by Name_not_avail

  1. Rubbished may be overstating it, I don't recall exactly. And it sounds like you and I installed Magisk differently. I installed the apk normally on the phone like any other app, then downloaded the boot image corresponding to the current version of LOS, then had the Magisk app patch that boot image, then used a PC with adb to fastboot flash the patched image back to the pro1x. If anyone else here did Magisk that way, then to preserve root with OTA updates of LOS, I recommend doing the "interrupted OTA and install to inactive slot" trick that I mentioned above. It saves a bunch of hassle.
  2. @CornholioGSMCan the bootloader be unlocked for the Blackberry Priv now too? I flipped through the Discord pages on these Blackberry projects, and although there was a guy claiming he had unlocked the Priv bootloader 6 months ago and promised a "How To" manual, nothing seemed to have followed. First he claimed it required a new EMMC soldered in with a patched rom, then he claimed a subsequent software-only exploit. No patch files visible to me anywhere on the Discord, though. I'd love to get my Priv going again with LOS.
  3. I just did the January 27 OTA on my first pro1x, and root was NOT maintained. This is the first time I tried an OTA after the manual installation of this version of LOS. I had followed the normal Magisk install instructions in the app, instead of initially sideloading the patched boot file or whatever deprecated method it was that I had done to initially root the last version of LOS. Now I forget exactly what secret sauce it was, but it was the only thing preserving root with OTA for me in the last version of LOS. I remember Hook rubbished me for it as being unnecessary when I posted abou
  4. I agree that it must be a software bug, and it happens more readily as the battery is aging. Might be connected to LineageOS breaking the original charging software (you recall when offline charging got broken with respect to the stock Android rom, and the LOS devs eventually gave up trying to fix it). The LED often glows red when I leave the 1X on charging for longer than it takes to hit 100%. One time I left it charge overnight and it completely discharged the battery, presumably after reaching 100% and then bugging at that point. I had to use the rubber band trick to get going aga
  5. Me too, including root, which I attribute to the sideload trick.
  6. For LOS 20, I initially installed Magisk the recommended way, but I would lose root with every OTA while watching you post "I upgraded and kept root and GApps." That was annoying! After I did the sideload trick, I no longer lost root with the OTAs. I didn't uninstall Magisk, just sideloaded it over the existing installation. So I hope that works on v.21 for me now too.
  7. I just updated to LOS 21, thank you for the instructions on the LOS wiki page. Boot time is the same or better than version 20, about 25 seconds from cold, so the 3 minute comment is not my experience. i flashed Magisk by downloading the v.27 .apk and changing the extension to .zip, and then sideloading that with adb. That is the deprecated install method, but I believe @Hook said that is what preserves root after OTA updates, so I did that, no problems, we shall see if root is preserved on the next OTA.
  8. Pretty strange outcome when the stock Android ROM did not suffer from this problem. The problem only arose after installing LOS. That would strongly suggest that it was a LOS issue introduced at that point.
  9. And my final comment on documenting this issue. It is completely solved in the current version of LineageOS, 20-20230803-NIGHTLY. Issues discussed above were in respect of a much earlier unofficial version of LOS, and version 2.1.5 GMS-less Android from Fx Tec. The current official LOS permits three codecs with these headphones, SBC, AAC and Qualcomm aptX, and they all work just fine, no sudden "suspend" disconnects. So thank you very much LOS devs, and mystery solved!
  10. Playing with this a bit more, I see when I switch to HD Audio, two codecs are permitted with this combination of HyperX headphones and Pro 1x. They are SBC and Qualcomm aptX. By default, enabling HD Audio triggers the Qualcomm aptX codec, and that kills the headphone sound and starts the "suspend" problem. But it is possible to select the SBC codec instead of Qualcomm aptX when HD Audio is enabled, and that reconnects the sound. Interesting. Some kind of failure related specifically to the Qualcomm aptX codec. Anyone else have a Bluetooth device working properly, using that
  11. Solved! I tried the solution proposed by @Tim6263 to disable HD audio within the Developer Options menu, and now these headphones connect normally. I expect if @Tim6263 had tried a Bluetooth snoop log when he was having trouble, before disabling HD audio, he probably would have seen the same "suspend" commands as I did.
  12. Can anyone post a link to the 2.1.6 beta? Are there release notes to show what was changed?
  13. Notorious problem in stock 2.1.2, then fixed in GMS-less 2.1.5, and for some reason LOS developers are not using that updated vendor blob for the current versions of LOS. Does anyone have a way to communicate this issue to the LOS devs? Seems like it should be a relatively easy fix, to just use the 2.1.5 stuff for LOS.
  14. It's the phone. Or maybe it's the firmware drivers, but it makes no difference, it won't get fixed at this point. You have a wifi tablet with a mechanical keyboard, not a phone. We have all been soaked, and LOS can't fix it.
  15. This problem existed on the initial stock Android ROM, 2.1.2, but was fixed in the 2.1.5 gms-less Android ROM that was subsequently released. For some reason, LOS devs must have been given the initial vendor blobs where the problem still existed.
  16. This analysis makes good sense. I was surprised that the gps.conf file would be read at any time other than boot. I now think I let "coincidence imply causation", and the GPS was actually using the gps.conf file as last edited for the prior boot.
  17. If I can get the previously useless GPS going this way, it makes me wonder whether there is a similar configuration file for the LTE modem, that I could force the 1x to use a SNR that would normally be below its threshhold. A sort of "perfection is the enemy of the good" configuration, that would stabilize voice calling.
  18. Here is the full text of the gps.conf file that unlocked the ability of my 1x to get a GPS fix. Thank you, @claude0001 [quote] XTRA_SERVER_1=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_2=http://xtra2.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_3=http://xtra3.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_VERSION_CHECK=1 # Error Estimate # _SET = 1 # _CLEAR = 0 ERR_ESTIMATE=0 #NTP server NTP_SERVER=north-america.pool.ntp.org #XTRA CA path XTRA_CA_PATH=/usr/lib/ssl-1.1/certs # DEBUG LEVELS: 0 - none, 1 - Error, 2 - Warning, 3 - Info # 4 - Debug,
  19. I can't speak to that, as every other app that required root seemed to behave normally. But I have had a Eureka! moment in editing the gps.conf file! Until now both 1xs could do no better than 0 to a max of 3 satellites ever seen by the device, and neither could ever get a fix. I had all but given up until trying to play with gps.conf. Initially, the mods proposed by @claude0001 did not help, but then I "unremarked" the line # ACCURACY_THRES=5000 That didn't help either initially, but then I changed the 5000 to 3000, and BANG, the 1x instantly saw the whole constellation of
  20. Interesting about LOS! As I have said before, I have two of these boat anchors, one with official LOS and one with 2.1.5 gms-less stock Android. I was only fooling with this on the latter device. I can say with certainty that in 2.1.5 gms-less, rooted with Magisk, it was not possible to edit and save, or to copy and paste, into that folder. I tried with MixPlorer and various adb efforts as SU. After running this "lebigmac" tool, there are no obstructions now. Still rubbish GPS reception, but I can play with gps.conf now, and maybe come up with something that is an improveme
  21. So although some people have reported their 1x to have decent gps fix performance, it's been rubbish for me. Pretty small issue relative to the rubbish voice calling bug, but annoying nonetheless. Then I read a recent comment by @claude0001 that it was possible on the old Pro 1 to modify the gps.conf file for improved performance: He pointed out that changing those settings on LOS 20 would require Magisk scripting, which he had no experience with. So down the rabbit hole I went. What I found was a script package that will convert the /system files and folders to be writable. Wi
  22. God I hope I never have to do this job. If the LOS devs re-establish the ability of the 1x to charge offline, then hopefully I never will.
  23. @claude0001That is terrible news. Maybe there is a thin hope, since there is enough power to illuminate the LED still. Hold the power button for 60 seconds, and see if it tries to boot. Keep a charging cable handy, and jam it in there if you see the boot starting to happen. LOS beta has only been around for a couple of months, so as long as you stored it while powered off, that seems like a short time for the battery to die. If it was stored while powered on though, that is probably the end of the story.
  24. @jakfishFWIW, when I did this on stock Android 2.1.2, I only did "fastboot oem off-mode-charge 1", and it worked fine with the battery animation present on the screen by default. YMMV, I guess. I use a Windows PC for this kind of work, and download and install "Minimal adb and fastboot". Forgive me if the following "how to" is too basic, but it seemed you might want some foundational info. I just did all this a couple of days ago, so it's still top of mind. Once Minimal adb and fastboot is up and running on the PC, it will open a terminal or "cmd" window in PC speak, and you can ente
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