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Background history Alright. So I broke my Pro1's screen. I don't know how the remaining scratches came to be, but the first one was the Pro1 falling off outside my bath tube (there was no wa

We send the screen part, not "just the screen" - that cannot be removed without a heatgun, potential damage and it's not something we provide. The screen part that we ship includes the frame arou

Ok, now I do: They're M1.4x2 and any shop that sells small screws should carry them. Also, they're easy to find in black, too, looking good enough for me to not bother with the black stickers anymore.

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2 minutes ago, divstar said:

hm... I kinda hoped it'd be cheaper, because the screen and touch stull work and just the glass needs replacement.. thanks for the info though.

I don't know if that's possible with these curved screens and if so it'd be difficult. Also I don't know where to buy the glass separately for these particular screens. But see what does support tell, I am not all-knowing ;).

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1 hour ago, netman said:

You should probably contact support and ask them directly, often more fruitful than the forums I think. However we do know it's the same screen as Elephone U and U Pro, so these in theory should fit: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32952316407.html

Sorry to ask again, but are you sure this one is expected to fit? Where did you get that information?

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is not possible to good separe curved glass from display and then quality glue it back without any problems , bubbles and defects. ....AND for any service technician it this very hard and long time work.

Display self is cheap (approx 50-70USD) if you search for original BOE display for elefone u pro....just check part numbers

Edited by CornholioGSM
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3 hours ago, divstar said:

Somehow I managed to break the glass surface of the screen. The touchscreen itself works just fine. But what do I do now?

At first, I would contact F(x)tec directly and ask them what is their suggestion.
Maybe you may also order a replacement screen from them.

Anyway, how did your screen break - what happened?
Just curious what circumstances were lead to it - maybe to learn what not to do, etc
Have you used a screen protector? If so, what kind of it?

Anyway, if I somehow could not get help from F(x)tec, I would buy the mentioned screen for Elephone U Pro and replace it, but first I would ask what F(x)tec says.

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I haven't used a screen protector and to be honest I do not know how the screen broke. It got its first scratch at the top-right of the front, because I dropped it accidentally. But the way it looks now... I really don't know how it happened. FxTec support is on vacations till the 2nd of January...

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7 minutes ago, divstar said:

I haven't used a screen protector and to be honest I do not know how the screen broke. It got its first scratch at the top-right of the front, because I dropped it accidentally. But the way it looks now... I really don't know how it happened. FxTec support is on vacations till the 2nd of January...

I'm sorry to hear that, that's unfortunate. That's partly why I am too scared to use my clack out in the wild (the other is whether to venture onto LineageOS). Hopefully the Unicorn Beedle brands of the world will make a rugged case at some point. FWIW EskeRahn has a topic on here linking to his blog where a certain case can be modified to help protect the bottom. This doesn't help in your specific case, but it's a start hopefully (link -> https://eskerahn.dk/?p=3620).


Hypothetical, more for discussion than action. Recommend you wait on Fxtec support -> Let's say you order that Elephone U screen and receive it. What is the probable level of difficulty to swap the screen in hand with the screen on the phone? Just to give some flavor to our speculation, can this be on a scale of between '1/10 open up case and swap interchangeable battery' and 10/10 'trying to manually solder wires to the SoC'? Looking at the back of my clack, there appear to be plastic spots covering screws. Maybe we just pop those open and swap that out?


Once an iFixit teardown happens, that will help us tremendously.

Edited by Maplesteel
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7 minutes ago, divstar said:

I haven't used a screen protector and to be honest I do not know how the screen broke. It got its first scratch at the top-right of the front, because I dropped it accidentally. But the way it looks now... I really don't know how it happened. FxTec support is on vacations till the 2nd of January...

On a phone Just like a car window, once you got a small crack it can extend .

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On 12/29/2019 at 2:22 PM, Maplesteel said:


I'm sorry to hear that, that's unfortunate. That's partly why I am too scared to use my clack out in the wild (the other is whether to venture onto LineageOS). Hopefully the Unicorn Beedle brands of the world will make a rugged case at some point. FWIW EskeRahn has a topic on here linking to his blog where a certain case can be modified to help protect the bottom. This doesn't help in your specific case, but it's a start hopefully (link -> https://eskerahn.dk/?p=3620).


Hypothetical, more for discussion than action. Recommend you wait on Fxtec support -> Let's say you order that Elephone U screen and receive it. What is the probable level of difficulty to swap the screen in hand with the screen on the phone? Just to give some flavor to our speculation, can this be on a scale of between '1/10 open up case and swap interchangeable battery' and 10/10 'trying to manually solder wires to the SoC'? Looking at the back of my clack, there appear to be plastic spots covering screws. Maybe we just pop those open and swap that out?


Once an iFixit teardown happens, that will help us tremendously.

From what we have heard is should be very service friendly. Is I understand it the only thing that is not accessible by screws should be the keyboard plate (that requires a heat gun)

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1 hour ago, divstar said:

I haven't used a screen protector and to be honest I do not know how the screen broke. It got its first scratch at the top-right of the front, because I dropped it accidentally. But the way it looks now... I really don't know how it happened. FxTec support is on vacations till the 2nd of January...

They've been working hard fielding angry requests from grumpy customers. They need a good break so they don't all have a nervous breakdown.

I'm sure they'll help you when they return. If it still works in the meantime, you're not totally stuck, right?

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3 hours ago, divstar said:

Sorry to ask again, but are you sure this one is expected to fit? Where did you get that information?

I'm only a 90% sure. The reason for expecting these to fit is that Chen (@Waxberry) showed a photo of a box full of screens on which the numbers are the ones of these panels. We also know screen protectors for this Elephone U fit exactly (which I can confirm first-hand).

And do take my advice to contact support, they'll be more certainer, and perhaps have instructions on how to replace. Hope you get it good as new soon :).

Edited by netman
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1 hour ago, Maplesteel said:

Looking at the back of my clack, there appear to be plastic spots covering screws. Maybe we just pop those open and swap that out?

I took one off for science a while back. PH0 driver fits. [edit] And my plastic prying tool damaged the circle sticker a bit but it reattached quite nicely. I'm looking into having custom small circle stickers made with a more interesting print than just black 🙂.


Edited by netman
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8 minutes ago, divstar said:

This is what the screen looks like... but everything still works.

Thank you for sharing the photo.

So the whiter part of the bottom appeared later if I understood well.

I hope F(x)tec will help somehow or in worst case scenario, another screen from Ebay will help.
However, luckily you are able to use the phone while waiting for a replacement screen.

Anyway, the replacement should be done by someone who is familiar with electronics to not cause damage in the phone itself.
The repairability should be good according to what they said earlier.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/27/2019 at 7:22 PM, EskeRahn said:

I have tried to google FHPV5036108P to no avail. Have you got any luck? The QR says "IIDL120152725", same as the lower line.

I have several times tried to look for the battery by both these numbers from the FCC images... Does anyone that have had it open know if this is the one actually used?

Anyone found it? Or 'just' something compatible.

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36 minutes ago, D1ggs said:

The fashion gods punished your phone because you wore socks with sandals 😛

Are you sure this is in the right thread??

Ah sorry, I see the old photo now...😂 Though it could well be indoor slippers, but that would be ruining your joke.

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