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On the pre-production status

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29 minutes ago, VaZso said:

I think, if anonim001 with order number of 12xxx without IGG voucher is in the second batch, then all the remaining IGG backers are in the second batch and if there is no mistake somewhere, then you, with order number of 62xx should be also in the second batch if you were not payed it extremely late.

That is only my opinion, but I think it may be a real expectation.

Maybe QWERTY / QWERTZ difference can mix this a little bit, especially if anonim001 has a QWERTZ order and you have a QWERTY one.
(Earlier they said as QWERTZ orders are much fewer, they may arrive a bit faster for their preorderers.)
Which may also mix the above expectation if the batch with current light leaking problem has QWERTZ devices.

Remember we can not deduce ANYTHING directly from the order number. The order number had an impact on the order we got the payment mails, but they clearly stated that they used the order of payment for ordering. Some was very fast to pay, and others took hours, days or weeks.... So that way some very fast could have gotten in front of me with a higher number, and likewise I might have gotten in front of some with a lower number slower to pay than my five minutes.

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Thanks for pointing out before the mass panic :). Corrected to January as it was meant.

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8 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

Remember we can not deduce ANYTHING directly from the order number. The order number had an impact on the order we got the payment mails, but they clearly stated that they used the order of payment for ordering. Some was very fast to pay, and others took hours, days or weeks.... So that way some very fast could have gotten in front of me with a higher number, and likewise I might have gotten in front of some with a lower number slower to pay than my five minutes.

As @anonim001 wrote she/he payed after a few days, I assume a lower order number with faster payment may be also in second batch if everything are going as expected.

As of me, I have payed two minutes after receiving payment request. Also, one of my friends has an order number below 5000 and he pre-ordered because I showed it to him (still no stock assignment mail for him). Also, I would have also pre-ordered it earlier if they have not told us to wait for our voucher as we will all have priority.
I have a bad feeling I may have been in the range of 3-4000 or even lower if I would have been not waited - maybe also in the first batch then...
(As far as I know /if I am right/, not every number is a real order but  the order numbers are sequential.)

Also, there are others who canceled their orders then ordered again after receiving their voucher and others who waited and finally could apply the code for their order.

Back to the topic, I still think @pistikem may be in second batch if he payed 24 hours after receiving mail and @anonim001 with a higher order number payed a few days later and received stock assignment mail.

So I hope these things are going as expected and this batch is relatively large.

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I wanted this phone and I'm glad that they are trying to fix a hardware problem they found for you guys. But I can't continue to trust what they say. One day everything is on track two days later there is something that will cause another delay. For the most part the problems don't sound like things that fxtec didn't know about when they sent the previous message. Other messages are at best intentionally vague. On a different thread someone openly admits they didn't pay till Oct and they have their stock assignment email. That's definitely not how I interpreted the email they sent prior to the payment request. Reading the posts here makes it sound like there is a lot of irregularly with that. Somebody compared it to quiting a marathon just short. I ran the marathon fxtec changed it into a iron Man triathlon and I didn't sign up to get taken on a ride and given a soaking. If there is a 2 maybe I'll be back but I can't support the pro1 anymore.

Edited by Pico
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7 hours ago, damion said:

The Cosmo is inconceivably heavy, it doesn't fit in my pocket and the keyboard is difficult to use when not resting on a table

Thanks for the short review! That's really sad to hear. I was already afraid it would be not overly easy to type&walk with that keyboard (I owned a Psion mx5), nevertheless this looked like a very neat device. I eventually opted for Pro1, because of its form factor being pretty similar to the N900 and that was a good compromise of keyboard real estate and usability.

Yet, good to hear they could improve quite alot, so maybe the next Planet Computer device focuses on thinner/lighter.

6 hours ago, michael.bosscha said:

So, realistically speaking, is there any chance that if you're not in this batch, the phone will be on the doorstep before Christmas?

My guess is still: Got no "stock assigned" until 12/06 -> go buy yourself a Christmas gift!


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7 hours ago, VaZso said:

For me, I have an order number of 116xx with IGG coupon and payed immediately - EU / QWERTZ from second batch.
Still not received an e-mail, I hope for it in the coming days.

Maybe it means the batch which is currently on their way will handle all IGG preorders and at least some of other preorders as well despite the just discovered light leaking issue in a batch of newer devices.

I am in the same boat with you (order number 11xxx, IGG coupon, QWERTZ EU, paid 1st of August). I still haven't received stock assigned email but I am thinking that F(x)tec just has not sent every email yet. I am looking forward that I will receice email little bit later.

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3 hours ago, Pico said:

I wanted this phone and I'm glad that they are trying to fix a hardware problem they found for you guys. But I can't continue to trust what they say. One day everything is on track two days later there is something that will cause another delay. For the most part the problems don't sound like things that fxtec didn't know about when they sent the previous message. Other messages are at best intentionally vague. On a different thread someone openly admits they didn't pay till Oct and they have their stock assignment email. That's definitely not how I interpreted the email they sent prior to the payment request. Reading the posts here makes it sound like there is a lot of irregularly with that. Somebody compared it to quiting a marathon just short. I ran the marathon fxtec changed it into a iron Man triathlon and I didn't sign up to get taken on a ride and given a soaking. If there is a 2 maybe I'll be back but I can't support the pro1 anymore.

Even though my mail came, I still don't trust them. As Eske suggested, I'm not expecting anything until I get my tracking number.

FxTec is lying (sorry, can't find a different word than that) all the time, that's nothing new. I would suggest to just accept the fact like I did, don't listen what they say and wait until You get the tracking number 🙂

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6 hours ago, cmar said:

Yes I agree. I hope we get an clarification by Erik because the latest update seems to overrun the information he had posted recently. Fx Tec wrote "so we have reproduced this batch from scratch". My interpretation of this enigmatic message is that "batch 2" is dead / delayed, except a few units (a few seems to have received stock assignment message).


Ehm, where did you read "so we have reproduced this batch from scratch"? This was not part of the sent out update, only the took care of the problem with some additional steps.

Also IGG with QWERTZ here and no assignment. Of course time of assignments (even in the same batch) could differ according to layout and place of living.

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35 minutes ago, Kabbone said:

Ehm, where did you read "so we have reproduced this batch from scratch"?

In the "Pro1 shipping update" from Adrian and Chen.


We have also been working with our screen supplier to fix a light leak issue, discovered in another batch of devices before shipping. To resolve this [...] and so we have reproduced this batch from scratch.


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9 hours ago, michael.bosscha said:

So, realistically speaking, is there any chance that if you're not in this batch, the phone will be on the doorstep before Christmas?

I just don't know anymore. Assuming the shipping will take as long as previously (not that wild of an idea), then the chance is very low, they'd need to ship them Tuesday. However, reading Craig's post in the "Got Your Pro1, Tracking Number or "Stock Assigned" message? POST HERE!" thread suggests that the theory of same shipping times wouldn't hold.

3 hours ago, Craig said:

Got another stock assigned email today  (US, IGG, first batch).   It suggested tracking numbers coming within the next week.

Tracking numbers next week would be faster than the previous shipment.  And then there's also the first batch that's returning from the US which might get re-assigned to people in the third batch, so maybe that batch will ship sooner.

4 hours ago, Pico said:

On a different thread someone openly admits they didn't pay till Oct and they have their stock assignment email.

I generally agree with your post, but I think you might be wrong about this. I think you're talking about somebody saying they didn't pay until 08.10 or something, which could mean both the 8th of October and the 10th of August. Considering they're in the second batch, I'd guess they meant the 10th of August.

1 hour ago, anonim001 said:

I would suggest to just accept the fact like I did, don't listen what they say and wait until You get the tracking number 🙂

Yeah, these constant slips just before when you could reasonably expect an update based on previous information completely stripped me of any will to even try and get excited. It's just been a constant roller coaster of getting excited because of what they said, and then being told you just need to wait a couple more weeks and that you shouldn't have been getting excited this time because of some excuse. I really thought setting my expectations for Christmas was a good worst case scenario, but it now seems to be too optimistic, a big part of that being that the second batch seems significantly smaller than the first batch even when it should've been the other way around. I'll ignore every shipping estimate they'll post now until I either get a tracking number, or my bank's buyer protection is about to run out.

EDIT: Also, I just want to add that I'm thankful and glad that F(x)tec prefers to deliver a good quality phone without lightbleed over just shipping bad phones as soon as possible. I think I'd be way more bummed about finally receiving the phone and it having some flaw than I am now. That however doesn't make this roller coaster enjoyable by any means, and I think it could be managed significantly better.

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23 minutes ago, Zamasu said:

EDIT: Also, I just want to add that I'm thankful and glad that F(x)tec prefers to deliver a good quality phone without lightbleed over just shipping bad phones as soon as possible. I think I'd be way more bummed about finally receiving the phone and it having some flaw than I am now. That however doesn't make this roller coaster enjoyable by any means, and I think it could be managed significantly better.

I dont get it.

what it means is that the batch 1 people who have already received their devices with the issue of light bleed? no one mentioned that

but if this issue was fixed before sending batch1, they fx shouldve been on track to shipp all pre orders by end on nov

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6 minutes ago, kashif said:

I dont get it.

what it means is that the batch 1 people who have already received their devices with the issue of light bleed? no one mentioned that

but if this issue was fixed before sending batch1, they fx shouldve been on track to shipp all pre orders by end on nov

First batch also had issues with lightbleed, it was mentioned before and it's an issue with the display and prevalent in a different phone with the same display. It's been explained that basically some number of devices made will just have lightbleed. It's like yield in other production processes, they try to make 100 devices, but only get like 10 good quality ones and scrap 90 of them (I made that number up). It's not every device, it just slows down the production.

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30 minutes ago, holter said:

Please give me 1$ discount and ship one "scrapped" light bleeding device immedialy.

(quertz, #11xxx, IGG Backer, no "stock assigned" e-Mail)

There is no reason to think that that's possible, there's a chance they'd rather re-use the parts or whatever for a different device then.

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3 hours ago, anonim001 said:

Even though my mail came, I still don't trust them. As Eske suggested, I'm not expecting anything until I get my tracking number.

Please do not try claiming that I should be backing any of your paranoia. What I tried to emphasize is that we do not know the order the mails are sent out WITHIN the group that are allocated the second batch. And from the paying mails we know that their mailing system sent those out over several days, so I expect that here as well. So I doubt the last mail on "stock assigned" for batch two is sent out yet. As simple as that.

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3 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

And from the paying mails we know that their mailing system sent those out over several days, so I expect that here as well.

That wasn't the case for the first batch stock assigned emails though. There was a reason to stagger the payment mails, no reason to stagger the stock assigned emails.

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2 hours ago, A Dude said:

In the "Pro1 shipping update" from Adrian and Chen.

You do know the term "Cherry picking", right?

If you bothered to go a few lines done, you would see that some were sent Wednesday so the one where they go batch from scratch, must be a later one...

18 hours ago, Raksura said:

Another batch of devices has left the factory on Wednesday

Note the "Another"...

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1 minute ago, EskeRahn said:

You do know the term "Cherry picking", right?

If you bothered to go a few lines done, you would see that some were sent Wednesday so the one where they go batch from scratch, must be a later one...

Note the "Another"...

I read that as "the second batch", as that batch is different from the first batch.

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5 minutes ago, Zamasu said:

That wasn't the case for the first batch stock assigned emails though. There was a reason to stagger the payment mails, no reason to stagger the stock assigned emails.

We do not know if that was the case... We all know that the first batch was very small (We know that it was at the least 120 from QC image though), so even if the mails went out slowly, they would not be much spread in time. I mean even if mails were sent out one every second minute, and it was say 500 mails, it would still be within a day.

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13 minutes ago, Zamasu said:

I read that as "the second batch", as that batch is different from the first batch.

Are you saying you are guessing a third batch was sent, and "the second batch" was not? Seems a bit far fetched, but theoretically you could be right - but we are splitting sticks on labelling the batches then....

Let us get things straight: We know that have sent two batches. (Theoretically, but hardly likely more than two)

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This is the email I received. I have trouble to understand it (batch 1, batch 2, batch 1 returned from the US and sent back,....) , I wait a few days... for clarification by Erik or when I will see people receiving tacking number.

It seems not all preorder will be delivered soon... This is what I understand now

Pro1 shipping update


We just wanted to get in touch with an update on the Pro1. As you are aware we have shipped a number of devices to customers in the last few weeks. In parallel we have been battling our way through a few more challenges, most recently:

·        A large batch of devices have been sent back to our warehouse in Hong Kong by US customs due to strict import regulations, this held up all our US customer orders. We have a solution for this now.

·        We have also been working with our screen supplier to fix a light leak issue, discovered in another batch of devices before shipping. To resolve this, we have added in a couple of extra steps to the production process and have been looking into alternative methods to ensure this improves the overall ratio of yield. We are committed to delivering devices that meet our high quality standards and customer expectations, and so we have reproduced this batch from scratch. 

Rest assured the team at F(x)tec in London, China and Hong Kong are working to get your Pro1 over to you asap. Another batch of devices has left the factory on Wednesday and is making its way through the F(x)tec logistics network over the next week. We’re working with the factory on how quickly they can get the remaining pre-order devices assembled and ready, updates will come either through us directly or a change in status to your order.

Have a great weekend all and to our US customers, wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Adrian and Chen
Founders, F(x)tec


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14 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

We do not know if that was the case...

You can see the times people posted about getting those mails yourself. If you're saying that people are wrong in those posts or something, then we shouldn't trust anything posted on these forums.

9 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

Are you saying you are guessing a third batch was sent, and "the second batch" was not?

Nope, I'm saying "I read that as "the second batch", as that batch is different from the first batch." Nothing about a third batch in there.

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