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PRO1, LineageOS 16.0 Official Builds: Discussion

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32 minutes ago, tdm said:

Yes but I'll need help from you to describe what keys should be mapped.

Ok, i´m a noob on these things. Do you mean like this: https://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/#pro1

and look at the Swedish for physical QWERTZ and Finnish for physical QWERTZ. Should be the same layout because we use the same keyboards.

Or you need some other kind of help?

@FlyingAnterois better at explaining those things 😁

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I am pleased to announce that the Pro1 has received official support in LineageOS 16.0.   You can find the builds and installation instructions on the official LineageOS Downloads page.

Lineage recovery will offer to install from sdcard if, and only if, a physical sdcard is present and it is able to be read without any decryption (eg. it is not used as adoptable storage).  

In my opinion LineageOS 16 was a very important OS for the Pro1 that brought the best out of the device at a moment when stock couldn't (yet) . Although not a developer, I can well imagine it also bro

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I tried OTA with 20200914 and again a softbrick, using the `adb sideload` method unbricked the device. I'm wondering about the root cause.

One hypothesis is that I wrote /system. I followed this guide of mine to install the F-Droid Privileged Extension. Touching /system in any way will break OTAs on stock, and I'm wondering if the same may be the case for LineageOS.

Saying "just don't write system" is not a solution, because it's impossible to modify /etc/hosts without writing /system 🙂

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10 minutes ago, marmistrz said:

Saying "just don't write system" is not a solution, because it's impossible to modify /etc/hosts without writing /system 🙂

I would say until the LOS OTA allows for incremental upgrades my guide would be "just don't use OTA on LOS"...

But on a more serious note. How picky is it? Could you try renaming the default hosts file before copying your own in, and then remove your own and rename back before OTA? Obviously this is a bit cumbersome, but could be worth a try next time.

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6 hours ago, marmistrz said:

I tried OTA with 20200914 and again a softbrick, using the `adb sideload` method unbricked the device. I'm wondering about the root cause.

One hypothesis is that I wrote /system. I followed this guide of mine to install the F-Droid Privileged Extension. Touching /system in any way will break OTAs on stock, and I'm wondering if the same may be the case for LineageOS.

Saying "just don't write system" is not a solution, because it's impossible to modify /etc/hosts without writing /system 🙂


Lineage does not do verity (checksum) on /system or /vendor.  It can't, if it is to allow addons like gapps and su.


If you want to investigate why your modifications aren't working, the first step is to get a logcat.


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I must say, wifi and data connectivity feel better since I disabled NFC in my parameters. 

The phone was always lost when switching data/wifi networks.

I saw always a problem with NFC (using #sudo dmesg), and I never used NFC.

If it can help anyone...and thanks for the good work with LOS, there are some issues with ghostering keys who suddenly appears when typing, and keyboard who is lost sometimes when typing message (when I use Alt or Sym) but for my normal daily use it's ok.

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Hi all,

I experienced missed/ghosted keys today when I was installing Python and pip with Termux but it seemed to work again just after. So, I'm wondering if that "CPU intensive" task was the origin of the trouble...

LOS 2020-07-27 (official build) with OpenGApps

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On 8/22/2020 at 3:17 PM, order#10248 said:

Today I took the time to flash Lineage OS , following the instructions at https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/install .

My Pro1 has physical qwertz keyboard layout and I prefer German as system language.

So i did the following steps (sorry for writing german setting names here):

"Einstellungen" --> "System" --> "Sprachen & Eingabe" --> "Physische Tastatur" -> "Builtin Keyboard" -> "Tastaturlayout wählen" + "einrichten": Checked Deutsch (Android Tastatur).

Still no change: Most keys seem to be "shifted" , i.e. pressing "f" then a "d" is printed .

After searching and reading for ages here without success, I found the solution rather accidently: There is another option for keyboard settungs which is not translated and so can not be found by search (with german words ...):

"Einstellungen" --> "System" --> "Erweitert" --> "Keyboard" (scroll all the way down) --> "Layout" where it is possible to switch between QWERTY and QWERTZ !

Searching in settings for "fn" (and tapping on one of the two matches) are leading there also.

I think an appropriate  hint belongs to installation procedure.

Cheers, order#10248

Just, thank you so much. Made me insane.....

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On 9/11/2020 at 4:52 PM, DieBruine said:

I am curious though, isn't anyone else experiencing these mayor-pain-in-the-butt keyboard issues under LoS!? We are a family of four with totally different lifestyles and apps. Yet all four experience so many errors that typing under LoS is unbearable.

Just for the record, I am experiencing some of the described hiccups as well, but not so frequently that it makes it unbearable. It seems to correlate with system load in some way. Unfortunately I cannot tell if stock has the same problem or not, I am too afraid of flashing it without having a full backup for now.

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Hi! This is potentially a very dumb question, but I am trying to update from a LineageOS test build (16.0-20200310-UNOFFICIAL-pro1) to lineage-16.0-20200914-nightly-pro1-signed following the instructions under https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/upgrade. However, when I flash (be it from "adb reboot sideload" or from recovery->apply update->Apply from ADB) I always get the error

Error applying update: 26 (ErrorCode:kDownloadMetadataSignatureMismatch)

I haven't really been able to find anything informative about that error code - any idea what I might be doing wrong? The sha256 for the lineage zip file is correct.

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3 hours ago, Garanthor said:

Hi! This is potentially a very dumb question, but I am trying to update from a LineageOS test build (16.0-20200310-UNOFFICIAL-pro1) to lineage-16.0-20200914-nightly-pro1-signed following the instructions under https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/upgrade. However, when I flash (be it from "adb reboot sideload" or from recovery->apply update->Apply from ADB) I always get the error

Error applying update: 26 (ErrorCode:kDownloadMetadataSignatureMismatch)

I haven't really been able to find anything informative about that error code - any idea what I might be doing wrong? The sha256 for the lineage zip file is correct.

To update from a test build to a signed official nightly, you first have to flash the boot image (in this case the one dated 20200914).  Then you use this new official and signed recovery to sideload the signed nightly. 

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10 hours ago, Gigadoc2 said:

Just for the record, I am experiencing some of the described hiccups as well, but not so frequently that it makes it unbearable. It seems to correlate with system load in some way. Unfortunately I cannot tell if stock has the same problem or not, I am too afraid of flashing it without having a full backup for now.


I went back to stock and have zero ghosting/hiccups. Tdm will compile a LoS with stock keyboard driver to troubleshoot. I type a lot, don't like calling people 😌. Anyway, two Pro1 users on stock without keyboard issues. Two LoS users who experience nuisances... So yeah, it's definetily something in LoS.
By the way, users with ghosting and other nuisances, do you flash MtG or OG? I have only tried MtG.


Edited by DieBruine
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I have a question. In settings under Security & Location and then under Trust it warns that the "Vendor" is out of date. What does this mean, and is there something I can do to fix it? Or is everybody's vendor technically "out of date" or something?

Some info that might be relevant: When I got the phone I immediately went to Lineage test builds, and went from test build 12 or so to the September 05 official build. 

On 9/11/2020 at 10:39 AM, auvo.salmi said:

Already feeling myself an annoying noob to even ask, but I have been using the first official since it was published. The reason I haven't updated is that I have everything working. Everything refers to Magisk stuff mostly. I know that if I sideload the update, I have to flash and configure Magisk manually after that. But does the OTA update also overwrite those parts of the system? 

I had the September 05 official build with Magisk flashed and working, and I used OTA to update to the September 14 build, and then the September 21 build. Magisk just kept working, I had zero issues updating. 

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I received one display yesterday and sent back my phone immediately. So unfortunately I myself cannot test LoS anymore. But as soon as there's a version available with the different driver, I will flash the two other phones and ask their owners to type a little bit more often 🙂 . For now I'm stuck with a Priv/cracked screen/65% battery capacity 😖.
I have to say, I am curious now if there is a OpenGapps user with keyboard ghosting issues... 🙄

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4 hours ago, phix said:

Yes, I am! See above. But it seems related to CPU load on my side...

Yeah sorry. I read it and forgot about it 🙃. Well at least we know it can't be MtG. By the way, I have often killed all apps. A second or two later the ghosting began again. So I'm not quite sure it's a cpu hog.

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On 9/18/2020 at 4:06 AM, marmistrz said:

I tried OTA with 20200914 and again a softbrick, using the `adb sideload` method unbricked the device. I'm wondering about the root cause.

One hypothesis is that I wrote /system. I followed this guide of mine to install the F-Droid Privileged Extension. Touching /system in any way will break OTAs on stock, and I'm wondering if the same may be the case for LineageOS.

Saying "just don't write system" is not a solution, because it's impossible to modify /etc/hosts without writing /system 🙂

20200914 worked out of the box for me.

Just as a precaution I let the updater download the package, then used the updater's "extract package" option, this created a update zipfile on the phone's storage which I then copied to the sdcard. The idea being that if the automatic update didn't work, I could use the recovery to update from the sdcard.

But it was unnecessary.

Mind you, I only had opengapps (customised aroma option) installed.

I now am downloading 20200921, this time I will try OTA'ing it but now I have Magisk and addonSU installed.

By the way. After 20200914 my battery usage is off the charts. I don't know if it's Magisk, 3C toolbox now having superuser access, or the update itself (these are the 3 things I remember having changed from the last update). Battery lasts only until about 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

I'll update to 20200921 and see if anything changes.

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