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  1. Official Release: https://download.lineageos.org/devices/pro1x/builds Changelog: https://download.lineageos.org/devices/pro1x/changes First Build: LINEAGE-22.1-20250101-NIGHTLY-PRO1X-SIGNED.ZIP How-To upgrade v.21 to v.22.1: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1x/upgrade/ Gapps (ARM64!) https://wiki.lineageos.org/gapps/
    5 points
  2. Slightly off-topic: My browser has been flagging this site as insecure for weeks. Could someone please just run 'certbot -renew' once? 🙄
    5 points
  3. So hello 🙂 I have today HW/SW modified Blackberry Passport. Maybe it will be my second device...or device just for fun 🙂 It works relatively good...yess it is old and yess it have only 3gb ram....but good device. It runs LOS 18.1 (A11). I have one question. Passport have on lineage same problem as was on FX (first custom roms) - multipressing keys. Can anyone help me fix it? Will be needed to add something like key press deelay.
    4 points
  4. They report that they have fixed it 🙂 Thanks @Casey 👍
    4 points
  5. I did send a message up the chain and they acknowledged it. But so far, nothing has been done.
    4 points
  6. I know everyone has had their breath bated: "None of us can sleep until we discover why, oh, why the Backspace won't work in the Pro1x/Exagear/MS Word 97." External Keyboard Helper proves to be the oracle. Installing EKH and selecting that as the on-line keyboard somehow returns the Backspace to all its glory of erasure. I can't even begin to imagine the forum's relief 🙂
    4 points
  7. Official Release: https://download.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/builds Changelog: https://download.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/changes First Build: LINEAGE-22.1-20250101-NIGHTLY-PRO1-SIGNED.ZIP How-To upgrade v.21 to v.22.1: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/upgrade Gapps (ARM64!) https://wiki.lineageos.org/gapps/
    3 points
  8. Lineage-22.1-20250127-NIGHTLY-pro1x with January 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained.
    3 points
  9. Hi everyone I think I found a trick to repair my old pro1 keyboard. Facts : -some models have keyboard problems since beginning -some users reported some problems after a few years of use -problems listed are everytime the same : some ghosting touch (example : you type 'a' and nothing appears, or a triple 'a' suddenly pop... -when I removed the keyboard cap (the things with the buttons) a few years ago it solved all keyboards problems, for a few months or so -Completely removing the keyboard "white things" (things with contact touch and led, no idea for the correct name), i
    3 points
  10. I can confirm (checked with my phone which always complains). Thanks!
    3 points
  11. An update: TL;DR: I ended up getting the battery to charge after disassembly. EDIT: However the charging circuitry seems to be the fault that originally lead to the battery discharging. I left the phone sitting in a drawer until today, as I didn't have time and wasn't looking forward to disassembly. I felt like I was in the mood today and that I had nothing to lose, even if I broke something along the way. I followed this guide by the way (read all of the tips, as the author is very correct): https://github.com/imax9000/fxtec-pro1-teardown I managed to not do too much cosme
    3 points
  12. Lineage-22.1-20250113-NIGHTLY-pro1x with January 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained.
    3 points
  13. Those are hardware issues, unfortunately. All recent releases of Lineage (including mine) have a workaround implemented in the keyboard driver that suppresses unwanted multiple keystrokes (https://review.lineageos.org/c/LineageOS/android_kernel_fxtec_msm8998/+/318274). For the undetected keypresses, there is unfortunately no software fix. I have three Pro1s. One (the oldest) has that issue to the point where the keyboard is almost unusable, the second has one or two keys that sometimes need two presses to react. Only my most recent device has a flawless keyboard. All three run t
    3 points
  14. The Delete key works after all. I must've been drinking yesterday.
    3 points
  15. Lineage-22.1-20250106-NIGHTLY-pro1x with December 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained.
    3 points
  16. be honest, you are just trying to get the excel 97 flight simulator to work 😄
    3 points
  17. I have moved to Lineage OS 22 and there is another thread for that where I will be posting here. The spammers will no doubt continue to post here. Lol.
    3 points
  18. Lineage-22.1-20250101-NIGHTLY-pro1x with December 5th security patch installed smoothly. MindTheGapps15 was installed, and root was applied using Magisk 28,1 flashed as a zip file. Had to do the usual first time opening the Magisk App to download an update and create it's own modified boot thing. I did this using the update instructions for the first time. It worked beautifully, leaving all of my data intact. You are essentially doing an OTA update, except you have to do the update manually. The instructions are very clear and it's so nice not to have to rebuild the phone after a majo
    3 points
  19. (lineage-22.1-20250201-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-15.0.0-arm64-20240928_150548) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage.
    2 points
  20. (lineage-22.1-20250125-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-15.0.0-arm64-20240928_150548) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage.
    2 points
  21. verizon will only work with LTE. VoLTE should be toggled on. CDMA is no longer used by verizon and GSM isn't used by them
    2 points
  22. Lineage-22.1-20250125-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 (2025) security patch, installed smoothly using OTA
    2 points
  23. Android Auto worked two out of two times for me with todays update.
    2 points
  24. Lineage-22.1-20250120-NIGHTLY-pro1x with January 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained.
    2 points
  25. I also still have a working Pro1 which I used do flash the Touchscreen driver, also located in EU like @CornholioGSM, DM me here or via our Discord server if you want me to flash your screen.
    2 points
  26. It stopped working again. Let's hope for a Lineage, or app update. Other phones seem to have the same issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/LineageOS/comments/1i2hi9y/android_auto_broken_after_update_from_los_21_to/
    2 points
  27. The only way of "upgrading" is installing LineageOS 22, which will give you the equivalent of Android 15. Since LIneageOS re-uses most of the device drivers from stock Android 9, it is unlikely that audio or camera quality will be improved. At least I do not know of any such updates. That being said, a recent LineageOS will give you all those Android security patches since 2020, which is of quite some value in itself ...
    2 points
  28. Back to PC it seems. For me personally it means that I again carry around my notebook all the time. It was nice to restart servers from my phone. I know this is still possible, but the touchscreen-hassle makes it impossible to do it properly.
    2 points
  29. I must be one of the lucky ones. I was an early backer because I wanted the best deals on Indiegogo. I received my Pro1 and my Blue Pro 1 X early. I received the Pro 1 X almost a full year before Covid hit and all the shipment emails of back orders for other people's phones started arriving. To this day, both phones are snappy and work great. However, the real power of physical keyboard is from the Google Play Store app named Keyboard Mapper. The app is awesome. I always use physical keyboard shortcuts to open Apps, write -out/remember passwords, addresses, phone numbers, or common pre-written
    2 points
  30. I split out the Android Auto discussion, Just seemed like something that needed it's own focus rather than being buried in here, Hope no one minds.
    2 points
  31. Congrats. 👍 I once documented my very similar procedure here: This was before the rubber-band trick was discovered, so I hadn't tested if that would have worked in my case. At the time, I also measured 0 V between the pins, but you are probably right, that the internal protection disconnects the cell below some critical value. My Pro1-X has been working fine since (though I do not use it much anymore).
    2 points
  32. This is ridiculous. I understand that F(x)tec are low on resources, but Let's Encrypt certificates are available for free! They literally would only need to run the 'certbot renew' command. I can only hope they will pass on the contents of this forum to the community in some way before the server goes down, otherwise all the (mostly unofficial) info on the Pro1/Pro1-X we have collected here will be lost ...
    2 points
  33. Update: I got it working again (for now) by re-installing the Android Auto app using the playstore. Warning I lost all my settings this way, so maybe try clearing cache first. @CornholioGSM
    2 points
  34. Lineage-22.1-20250111-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on December 5 (2024) security patch, installed smoothly using OTA
    2 points
  35. (lineage-22.1-20250111-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on December 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-15.0.0-arm64-20240928_150548) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage.
    2 points
  36. Just a minor point, but I think 500msec is a bit too long, at least for the likes of the cursor keys and the backspace keys, but still a massive improvement overall. Only the other day someone mentioned keyboard deterioration over time, and mine has been getting noticeable on certain keys, and this practically cures it. Super. 🙂
    2 points
  37. I don't know, but it caught my attention too, which makes me guess it wasn't there before.
    2 points
  38. Is the 'debounce' a new feature to LOS22, or have I been missing out all this time?
    2 points
  39. The latest unofficial LineageOS 16.0 (for qx1000) is available at https://findus.zwergenschaenke.net/~puma/linux.html#lineagepro1 Go for the build dated 20250108. Changes since last month: Backported fixes up to the "1 December 2024" Android Security Bulletin. Updated system WebView and browser to Chromium 131.0.6778.200. Have fun.
    2 points
  40. With this post, I'm hoping to win Most Arcane Question of The Year (So Far) With fxtec pro1x and stock Android 11, I've successfully set up Exagear (a Wine container) to use my beloved Word 97. One has to jiggle a lot of handles in winecfg, but Word 97 does become quite usable except for one strange kb bug: To use either the Backspace or Delete key, they must first be repeatedly pressed to be activated. They eventually work, now with a single press, but from there, any other key press results in a double letter or number, often to the point where the phone must be restarted (this dou
    2 points
  41. Version 0.3, 'bloody Mary', progress report. Added cardboard inserts so that the whole thing will better hold the shape. Still not firm enough. More precise magnet placement by adding a cut in the cardboard. Adjusted sizes in various places, bigger radius on all angles. Final version will also have a magnet on the other side for cover detection as suggested in thread pointed by @EskeRahn. But I think I'll have to dive in into the code before it's going to happen. Added proper pockets to fit the cards. I also finally received the special paint for the leather e
    2 points
  42. Hi everyone! I decided I'd share my initial efforts on making a leather case for pro1x. I got mine just a few days ago. This is work-in-progress, I'll post the CAD files once the result doesn't look too ugly. But please note, it requires some good equipment and skill. So, since it's a true linux smartphone like they used to be in 200x - you even have to make the case and the rest yourself. Basically, I used the initial design from here: https://www.printables.com/model/267403-fxtec-pro1x-case/files and printed it. While TPU was not around in my workshop, I made a draft print from SBS
    2 points
  43. Actually the link is there but easy to miss... the single word "now" is the link. I'm sure others will miss it so thanks for providing the link here.
    2 points
  44. Thanks, Hook. Worked perfectly for me. I used my Raspberry Pi4, as always, for adb. Windows is too finicky. The update instructions don't have the Gapps link, so: https://wiki.lineageos.org/gapps/ Use the ARM64 version for LOS 22.1.
    2 points
  45. If you follow the instructions for updating that lineage has now posted (linked in the Lineage 22 thread), it will smoothly update you to version 22 over version 21 without harming any of your data, It isn't a crude dirty flash, but the same process as an OTA except that you have to do it manually to get it to work.
    2 points
  46. @TeZtdevice Has started a new thread on the new 22.1 here: I have switched, and will thus no longer be posting here on 21.0 specifics.
    2 points
  47. Did a dirty flash (no factory reset) from lineage-21.0-20241228-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on December 1 security patch and MindTheGapps-14.0.0-arm64-20240925_175633 to lineage-22.1-20250101-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on December 5 security patch and MindTheGapps-15.0.0-arm64-20240928_150548 using adb sideload And all seems to work as before. 🙂 We still can only select one keyboard layout though, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage. 😢
    2 points
  48. Lineage-22.1-20250101-NIGHTLY-pro1 with December 5th security patch installed smoothly. I have not installed MindTheGapps 15 or rooted as I have been experimenting with using my Pro1 Google Free (well, Playstore system free) since my Pro1x is actually my daily driver (as a writer, I like the keyboard tweaks better on the Pro1x). I did this using the update instructions for the first time. It worked beautifully, leaving all of my data intact. You are essentially doing an OTA update, except you have to do the update manually. The instructions are very clear and it's so nice not to have to
    2 points
  49. to @DoctorClu, I agree with @claude0001, but LineageOS also has it drawbacks, over stock, though for some they might not matter. Pros and cons.... Personally the lack of multiple key-layouts, that was broke a few versions ago, makes it almost useless for me (use it for tests only). And there might be some app that have very high security requirements that might not work.Could e.g. be bank apps, or some apps for putting official papers like drivers licence or similar identification apps on the phone. Some might work fine though, but not all.
    1 point
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