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  1. MediaTek doesn't release any open source code. So custom roms like Lineage etc. are very difficult to make. So you are stuck with stock. And further, given that it's all closed source Chinese code, I'm not going to take any chance that it's spying on me.
    5 points
  2. Hey all, it's been a while since I've been here so I wanted to pop in and give an update. I live in Seattle, which has been under stay-at-home orders for over two weeks and will continue until at least the end of this month. I have a wife and 4 boys at home, and we are all healthy. But it is difficult to get any work done between the constant interruptions. In addition, I have been given a new project at work that will take a week or two to complete. So I'm afraid that I won't have much of any time to work on the Pro1 until at least the middle of April, but more likely the star
    5 points
  3. Hey guys. Just wanted share the case I printed out for my wife. She wanted a functional opening case that would protect her phone and won't fly off when it opens. After many attempts I was able to get it to work. I'm probably going to modify it some more and tweak my print settings to make it a lot nicer and possible do some post print finishing.
    3 points
  4. Great job!! I think a lot of us are hoping for someting like this, to protect the top and bottom of the phone. As mentioned, a soft case would be great for absorbing shocks.
    2 points
  5. Enjoying the phone very much just one last quirk that I hope gets addressed in the future: I noticed that the rear camera audio is very weak, I can barely hear anything in recorded videos and video chats people can barely hear me. Front camera audio is fine, however, as is visual quality for both cameras. Wondering if this has anything to do with the high call volume? Is the mic gain switched for the mics or something? I tried searching forums but nothing specifically referring to this. Cheers
    1 point
  6. Ya seems like noise cancelling is trying too hard.
    1 point
  7. Yes I recorded a small concert like I often do (hey I like to keep memories lol, only indie shows of music I listen to at home) and the focus wasn't incredible for starters, although that improved since switching camera app. So visually I have no complaints, but the audio recording has been poor across the board, even with a consistent sound it seems to want to keep switching the sensitivity up and down so that it drops in and out. As if it's trying too hard to tune in to a voice or something and just turning off all noise. And on speakerphone I often get people complaining so I switch to han
    1 point
  8. Don't you worry Americans are spying on you too, they will just find a way to make it legal 😁 Joking aside, I got it, closed source is bad especially for niche, community driven products like those.
    1 point
  9. This is exactly the kind of case I've been waiting for! This type of case is superior to those flappy book style ones in that it still protects the edges, corners and to an extent the screen while allowing you to actually see and use the screen without having to open a flap each time. Can't wait to see the final version. Then I just need to find somewhere that can print me a few TPU prints of it...
    1 point
  10. @tdm Thank you for whatever you can do whenever you can do it. Right now, the number one priority is taking care of yourself and your family. Bless you for all you have already done! Cheers!
    1 point
  11. Based on some models and ideas presented in this thread, I made a new leather flip case for this phone. Each side is reinforced with thin plate of fiberglass. The phone is tied to the cover with 2 pieces of rubber. There is 4 small magnets to keep the cover properly closed.
    1 point
  12. Same issue with latest stock firmware.
    1 point
  13. While I agree FxTec perhaps shouldn't have been publicly promising, and shouldn't continue to promise even today, 4-6 weeks delivery time for regular orders while even pre-orders were (are) still being processed, and while I perfectly understand your disappointment about the substantial delay (I'm still waiting for my device as well, ordered on September, 20), the quality of support isn't really a matter of someone's feelings... As far as I can see, most of the few serious issues (i.e. more serious than the software issues which everyone is facing and which we all hope will be fixed by a futur
    1 point
  14. Being that I ordered the Pro1 December 4, 2019, and I still have not received it, I will look closely at the development of this new keyboard prototype. While I can appreciate the challenges of COVID-19, FxTec continues to advertise on their website timely deliveries to people that order the Pro1. This is simply not true and a set up for people who order the Pro1. I had hoped to beta test the Pro1 for software medication administration. I paid for the device at the time of purchase at December. I'm still waiting for delivery. Very frustrated, Luke Queen
    1 point
  15. @Erik Yes, that works and it is a very nice summary of the instructions that those of us on (or who were on 😉 ) Verizon have used (I found Global worked nicely as network setting). The only caveat is that, for some of us, it doesn't keep working, the most common failure seeming to be that you can receive but not send SMS. Why? I don't know, I certainly don't think it's the phone. I'd love to find an explanation. It happened to me twice. On the other hand, the phone worked wonderfully on Verizon for the better part of 3 months. However, especially in these times, I didn't feel I could tole
    1 point
  16. Thanks, that was it. The program is called Wireless Updates. I cleared the storage and cache. After a reboot everything was ok.
    1 point
  17. The link should include the "Var": Huawei P20 Pro
    1 point
  18. Rear mic is not obstructed. This issue has existed before I had a case and I made sure there was space to accommodate with the case. When recording video with the rear camera, the audio sounds like there is a very drastic drop off between myself holding the phone and sounds a little further away from me, much more so than any other recording device. People a meter or 2 away are barely audible unless I crank the volume.
    1 point
  19. Sorry, and no, that's just dangerous semi-knowledge, and it has nothing to do with the new coronavirus whatsoever. On the contrary, the new coronavirus became the threat it now is because of far too little hygiene on the Chinese wet markets, where living wild animals of lots of different species are crowded together, giving viruses a chance to jump between species which never would come close to each other in nature, which is exactly what happened now, with bats being the original carriers, sold on wet markets because there is demand for them in rural cooking. And Chinese rural households aren
    1 point
  20. I don't know where I should post this, and I guess I am too lazy to search the forum for similar issues. But my main camera doesn't focus anymore. It tries though and rolls the focusing back and forth, but never gets anything in focus. Seems like auto exposure is also gone with the focus. I am running Lineage and the problem exists both on Lineage stock camera and Open Camera. Focus still works on front camera, so I believe this is more like a hardware issue. I have taken some otherwise great photos during this week, but they all look like this:
    0 points
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