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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2020 in Posts

  1. Nice! Note that 17.1 will be relatively easy with 16.0 working. It should be ready within a week or two. Nolen and Ethan are making great progress.
    8 points
  2. I managed to fix the problems with GPS by clearing all caches. Now I'm getting a fix within 5-10s, GPS, GLONASS and Beidou is used. # rm -rf /data/cache # rm -rf /data/dalvik-cache
    6 points
  3. Just been offered a new official OTA. I will attempt to let it do it OTA on one of them..... (it has gone up a substantial 50MB, so would be interesting to know what has been added) ADD I: Download and manual flashing worked fine. ADD II: OTA download&update took an hour, but it got through this time.
    4 points
  4. I think this thread needs reviving. 😉 My dog Helga (Small, brown, a Bulldog-Pit mix) and her BFF Lulamae...
    3 points
  5. Stock is the broken implementation. Stock should take the code from lineage.
    3 points
  6. F(x)tec Pro1 is in the news! LineageOS 17.1 adds support for the OnePlus One, Sony Xperia XZ2, XZ2 Compact, and F(x)tec Pro1 XDA did not understand something so don't get too excited. We are on LOS 16.0 so no LOS 17.1 (Android 10) yet. I believe that it is coming in future but we need to hold our horses for some time.
    3 points
  7. FinQwerty does not work on Lineage OS since the driver is working differently. The developer of the app would have to re-create the layouts to make it work on LOS also. Special characters are not working since you can not use button combinations for "upper characters" at all. See more from here:
    3 points
  8. A week or 2?! That's awesome. OTA also installed properly for me with successful Magisk preservation.
    2 points
  9. The source is here. It goes into /vendor/usr/idc on the device. I intentionally named it after the device name so that you can override it easily. See the search logic here.
    2 points
  10. @tdm has done excellent job with Lineage OS. I am very grateful of his work. However, I still have to comment that there are still some hiccups with standard language packs on LOS if you are using QWERTZ. Finnish is now usable on LOS when it was totally broken on stock. Layout provided by FinQwerty is still better and that is the reason why I have not switched to LOS as a daily driver yet. Some special characters are placed very oddly on standard language packs on LOS. "Yellow arrow" is on both side of the keyboard so combinations can be reached easily.
    2 points
  11. Yeah exactly, he is fixing what is broken. There is no slash key. With stock if you pick any layout at all you have no way at all to really use them because then you have no way to get slash key with any english layout, and using us-intl is useless without alt-gr as are probably most of the other foreign languages. And their hack of a workaround (using no layout) makes it so shift doesnt even work right. So 100% what Eske said, this is most definitely a fix. Plus its a feature cuz we get home,end,pgup/pgdn, F1-F12 keys etc all natively, something Fxtec should have implemented and ho
    2 points
  12. Indeed, to me WYSIWYG rules. PS: I have not giving up on your custom qwertz layout 😁
    2 points
  13. I have tried to split the discussion on the the Yellow arrow key usage into a different thread:
    2 points
  14. The thread is going far astray from display into keyboard land.... I wonder if it should be split, or these post merged into a different thread. Any good suggestions of a destination thread? Anyway I think that @Hook has the main point in this. The shifted Qwerty is not an optimal starting point, and that is what @tdm have found a quite clever way to work around so the keyboard acts like a (shifted) standard keyboard, that then can use standard language layouts on top. But I personally find that using qwertY on the qwertZ keyboard as done by FinQWERTY is a better starting point. Incl
    2 points
  15. I went directly from stock to Lineage and have Magisk 20.4 running on nightly 20200720. Also, @tdm thank you very much for all your work getting an official Lineage build for the Pro1.
    2 points
  16. How odd, maybe that's something funny with LOS keyboard definitions. I just took a quick look. You're appear to be using slant arrow combinations, which are hidden from userspace in Lineage. Modifiers you could use in your app would be left_alt and ctrl like stock, and LIneage also has right_alt on sym and meta on Fx key, but no access to slant arrows by apps, etc. (What we can do with slant arrow combinations under linage is define what keycode comes directly out of the driver). I haven't looked very close at your app but if you want it to be compatible with LOS, suggest us
    1 point
  17. Hello, I want to buy a pro1 and I saw during the ordering process that the QWERTZ keyboard is sold out. I contacted the support and they told me, the delay is because of COVID-19. Right now I don't want to wait anymore. So my question is, if it's possible at LineageOS to map some german special characters to a different button (for example ä to a or ß to s)? If yes, what's the best way to solve it? Regards moep
    1 point
  18. I'm using Aldi talk with working WifiCalls (verified by putting the phone in airplane mode and only enabling wifi). I don't think I changed any setting in the network menu of the phone (I may have flipped the wifi call switch to enabled) (*#*#INFO#*#* , or https://f-droid.org/de/packages/de.mangelow.network)
    1 point
  19. SIM was just taken over from old phone. online contract details say "WLAN Call: enabled". Are there any settings on Pro1 that could help? VoLTE is working fine, btw.
    1 point
  20. Downloading and installing the official OTA now! 😄 Forgive my ignorance but with these OTAs, do they also update the recovery?
    1 point
  21. Where can I find the base kcm-file for LOS that I would be able to edit (QWERTZ)? FinQwerty layouts are available here: - https://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/kcm/ I know how to edit those kcm-files but I don't how to create kcm-file from scratch for LOS. If there is kcm-file available I could create new one and add it with root. (I don't know how to add kcm-files without root).
    1 point
  22. OTA update went fine for me as well. Have set it to high priority, that cut down installation time to about 30 minutes.
    1 point
  23. Indeed, but the keyboard drivers of the Pro1 are not part of stock AOSP. So @tdm is not messing with the Android stuff here. On the contrary he is trying to make the Pro1 hardware to work better with the hardware-keyboard support present in native android. AND doing this in a way so what is printed on the keys are still respected when US Qwerty is selected. And this also allows for selecting any of the other native android key-layouts. SURE there might be custom layouts that does a better job for a specific language than what the default android offers in LOS. But on the contrary to what Stoc
    1 point
  24. Technically we could program our own custom keycode, so if there is some combination LOS can't make by default, we could define it ourselves, if there were such an app. (I realize you actually made such an app, but if stock fixes/changes slant arrow behavior or you want to make it work for lineage, I doubt it'd take long to update.) For customization, there's another dumb thing stock did regarding slant arrows btw. Although in hardware they are separate (unlike the two shift keys for example), they assigned them in software to the same keycode! Before TDM made his custom soluti
    1 point
  25. They put the definition in for PC keyboard not thumb keyboard. We have thumb keyboard. How is there controversy? Why would someone not want this fixed?
    1 point
  26. The reason finqwerty is NEEDED is cuz stock did it wrong. It's not needed with Lineage cuz you can use the included layouts! We have Altgr! We have a solution for slash/questionmark.
    1 point
  27. How is that controversial? Is there anyone who thinks they didnt make a mistake there?
    1 point
  28. A very major reason for using LineageOS currently is that it fixes a lot of what is broken in the Stock Android implementation.... One could even says that @tdm's take on the Yellow arrow is ALSO in "fixing what is broken", as it allows for the few billion users not using English as their primary language to better use the device... As it standardise the qwerty, so standard 'language packs' can be used on top. So it might not be a bad idea at all to include that too in a future Stock OTA....
    1 point
  29. As a Scandinavian I want to make one point clear. We do not have "/" and "?" marks as independent buttons on standart ISO QWERTY keyboard. Typically they are used as below: "Shift" + "7" = "/" "Shift" + "+" = "?" (where "+" is located next to the "0") Pro1 QWERTZ is arranged like this on stock when you select German except that there is a catch. Now those keys are working like this: "Shift" + "7" = "7" so you have to type "Yellow arrow" + "7" = "/" However "Shift" + "ß" = "?" and "Yellow arrow" + "ß" = "ß" (where "ß" is located next to the "0") Developer of the
    1 point
  30. That's what they do on Sailfish btw. Slant arrows are Right_Alt. And the Sym key is slash/questionmark. And that's a perfectly acceptable solution too. Both better than stock. What I actually hope to do, once we can reconfigure right slant arrow, is make it my slash key. But people who use international layouts may set it as Right_Alt (in addition to the right_alt lineage gives us on sym key and is the standard android keymapping for sym key on other devides like photon q etc, hence why its the key used for Android keyboard layouts level 3, just like PC, and something I assume wil
    1 point
  31. I would not call it broken, I would call it basic. I also understand why FxTec did not push too hard to improve it knowing they can't please everyone and developers can publish their own layout anyway. I merely use a custom layout to extend the existing basic functionalities. Since I have a bunch of apps out there making use of keyboard shortcuts I was just trying to understand the differences between LOS and stock having never used LOS myself. Now I think I do understand: Changes in the driver means scan codes are different meaning custom layouts are not compatible. Func
    1 point
  32. As someone who could not have been happy on stock without FinQwerty, I confirm @tdm's assessment. FinQwerty isn't needed on Lineage, at least if you are using U.S. QWERTY. Can't speak for other layouts. I can't say if FinQwerty would work on Lineage. Never tried either.
    1 point
  33. I don't know, I don't use a keyboard mapper because the keyboard works as it should in lineage. My impression is that most people use a keyboard mapper on the stock pro1 only because it is so broken. But that could be off.
    1 point
  34. I didn't quickly find an on-point thread using search unless we hijack the " mapping different chars to qwerty keyboard thread." Might be better just to break the posts out into a new thread, something like "Pro 1 Keyboard layout issues and questions." Feel free to come up with a better title. 😄
    1 point
  35. I don't think ordering QWERTY instead of QWERTZ will get you a Pro1 any sooner.
    1 point
  36. Keyboard mapping is fine with kcm files. You can map characters in both stock and lineage. Find the people that use FinQwerty, they can probably tell you more.
    1 point
  37. ...And can be combined with shift for marking. (You have to press shift before Ctrl)
    1 point
  38. Yeah snapdragon camera has lots of issues. I watched a bit and was wondering if maybe it had to do with it seemed to sometimes keep trying to refocus. But yeah not much sound going on that I noticed. Lineagecamera is fine, yep. Another alternative for stock or Lineage is OpenCamera. It even recognizes our focus and shutter buttons. Although if you're trying to use the button with stock you'll need a 3rd party app to prevent the camera button from auto-launching snapdragon app, one of the many other problems with stock that were reported last year.....
    1 point
  39. It's a 21 minute long video, what exactly are we supposed to be looking for?
    1 point
  40. The rub of it is that for me, this is still BS. I understand disputes happen, that's life. I even am willing to suspend my disbelief and say sure, this is why it was delayed. But that's pure bull that FX "apologizes for the inconvenience.". No. Apologize for being elusive and not upfront with your customers. We all know problems like that happen, it's okay! What's not okay is keeping us in the dark and then sweeping it under the rug, and when we finally do get answers they don't address the actual reason anyone is mad: the lack of communication. I'm upset the phone's shipment was d
    1 point
  41. Please don't. Or at least clearly separate the product review from the support communication review. We all want fxtec to get on their feet and produce more phones in the future.
    1 point
  42. Your problem is Verizon, not the phone.
    1 point
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