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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2020 in all areas

  1. It certainly is a matter of priorities! I just love my Pro1! 😍🥰 🤩 Sure there are things that could be better. But there are NO other devices offered that comes closer to fulfilling my needs&wishes. So with no viable alternatives, Pro1 got an easy win in my book....
    7 points
  2. I had to delete some of the content our very crafty users found about this :). We can’t share anything for certain until the 27th, as there’s still a lot of graphical (presentation) work undergoing, pricing is being drafted and more. What you may have seen is far from final, hence the links were taken down.
    6 points
  3. I'm not sure how universal this is. My build quality so far is fantastic. Yeah, this is kind of duh. 😉 Again, not here Again, not here on Lineage OS. I like they keyboard except for how we get / and ?. but I've adapted easily. Most of the other points aren't that relevant for me (e.g.,I don't use a phone for video much) and therefore can't attest one way or another. Are there improvements that could be made on a first ever phone for a new company, sure. I certainly hope they make it to a Pro2 or whatever where they will no doubt do that. But I would re
    5 points
  4. Alright.... I received my screen today, replaced it. Phone works again as it should!
    4 points
  5. I thought that was pretty obvious. So true, quality need to improve. That I don't get, mine is so stable on stock and can run months without a reboot. I don't do much video recording, technically I don't think any smartphone does any filming 🤣 However mic has either software or hardware issues as people often complain they can't ear me well in speakerphone modes notably over facebook messenger. I'm just happy it has a keyboard at all 😉
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. Anyway, the active speaker during handsfree mode is the one near main microphone while the other one is muted. My other phone had the opposite anyway. Generally it does not seem to be a good idea producing a "noise" next to the microphone which should have the "signal" input. So practically it should has been interchanged in software.
    3 points
  8. thanks a lot guys, will go back to stock to experiment a bit
    2 points
  9. My point was not to have you reconsider your opinion. I had no doubt you had good reasons for your opinion. My point was to simply let someone coming here know there are other opinions. 🙂
    2 points
  10. I'm pretty sure you could get a descent price for it on ebay.
    2 points
  11. @Erik @Waxberry Can we get a fix for this? Should be as easy as fixing the stereo issue which was fixed a while ago.
    2 points
  12. I believe this is true. If I recall well Fx Qwerty redefines everything.
    2 points
  13. On stock it is 172 I believe though I'm not sure that's still valid on LOS. Most scan codes you should be able to find there: https://github.com/Slion/hwkbd/blob/master/app/src/main/res/raw/fxtec_pro1_template.kcm
    2 points
  14. The way I did is just edit the one that is there, that did work for me.
    2 points
  15. Back in 2013 I had a Blackberry Q5. It has a physical keyboard, that shows text predictions while typing on the lower end of the screen, but no software keyboard. This demo from back then shows how it worked: https://youtu.be/gNoC4rBWdes?t=43 I tried several keyboards on the Pro1 trying to achieve a similar result, with the exception that i want to see the software keyboard in portrait mode. Android Keyboard(AOSP): Shows in portrait word with word suggestions, but does not show at all in landscape mode. "Show virtual keyboard" option in Android Physical Keyboard Setti
    1 point
  16. So it's been almost a year since I received my Pro1, here are my thoughts: Unless you _absolutely_ want a keyboard phone, do not buy the Pro1. Why not? So-so build quality (my display was f'd from the start but now it's getting worse, the edges on the right side of the display are starting to become black) Play in the slider hinge Software is atrociously bad and quite unstable at times, even with LineageOS Being unable to film anything properly with the camera because the mic is borderline useless No Maemo /s The staggered keyboard layout is dumb IMHO
    1 point
  17. Indeed. I have no doubt that for the vast majority of people the extra weight and thickness alone outweigh the benefits of a real keyboard of the Pro1. But for a small group it is the other way around. And among that group some of us also finds the benefits outweighing the oddities and bugs (that we obviously hope will be ironed out). Everybody has their own priorities, and for ANY device counting the pluses and minuses can lead us to what is most suitable for each of us. But I can not imagine that there ever will be a device that is ideal for all. Not even within this small group of
    1 point
  18. Please share how I can get rid of this screen-waste. How do I hide the Toolbar on Microsoft SwiftKey? We recently made a change to the Toolbar on your Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard. Just tap the icon to the left of the prediction bar to close or hide the Toolbar. Tap theicon when you want to expand or open your Toolbar.
    1 point
  19. Word-prediction under Swiftkey works well for me, both using the real keyboard in landscape and the fake keyboard in portrait. (But got no idea why the suggestions are different....)
    1 point
  20. That is weird since for me the overlay does not block anything on WhatsApp 🤔. Just tried it, see below. I just don't understand why you want to use real keyboard on portrait mode?
    1 point
  21. So, edit the .kcm didn't turn out very good, seems like the keyboard map in finqwerty only defines the buttons that is changed, and the non changed characters is not in that file. So removing the stock .kcm was not an good idea. I have just flashed my phone with linage is, and now the Fx button doesn't work. Anyone knowing the scancode of that? So I can map it?
    1 point
  22. @Ralf as neither of us know what it is all about, it is much a guessing game. In a small company people have to fill a lot of slots. But it is not that everyone can fill every slot... So using marketing hands for say packing or service are not likely to be very effective way to use their resources. But sure we would all wish they were able to fulfil pending orders and service request faster, but as we do not know neither what is holding things up, nor what this new stuff is all about we have absolutely no idea if the same hands behind this could sensibly have been used for fulfilling
    1 point
  23. Yeah, I had no interest in having a system run of external media. It was an accident. And I definitely got lucky. Ijust wanted to make sure this was documented in case others had a need to know.
    1 point
  24. @EskeRahn I see you are confused, so let me explain a bit more. In my opinion ALL resources (human and financial) of f(x)tec should go toward fulfilling customer orders. No matter what the "something special" is, there is money and work spend on it. And now, imagine this "something special" is pretty cool and people want to buy it? F(x)tec can not deliver, so all the work and money invested into "something special" is just wasted. That is unless "something special" is just designed to funnel money out of the company as "marketing spend" and then back into the private pockets of the f
    1 point
  25. I've just issued the refund for you. Sorry for the delays. Hope we'll change your mind later in the future when we have readily available stock!
    1 point
  26. I also want to point out that Annsi of FinQwerty (and I think Slion here, but I have mostly worked with Annsi) is very open to requests and suggestions. Contact information is at the top of this page: https://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/ Current Pro1 layouts are here https://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/#pro1 Probably nothing you didn't know already...
    1 point
  27. Pro1 is system-as-root so you simply `mount -o remount,rw /`.
    1 point
  28. I forgot to answer this question properly, Finqwerty tells Android it has keyboard layouts and where they are by responding to this message https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/input/InputManager#ACTION_QUERY_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS
    1 point
  29. The .kl file is a Key Layout file that maps physical scan-codes (which the keyboard driver spits out) to Androids key-codes, the .kcm is a Key Character Map which maps those key-codes to characters or actions (and allows you to have different binding for combinations of modifiers (ctrl, alt, shift, fn) and keys). The .kcm can also remap scan-codes to different key-codes, so I'd recommend leaving the .kl alone unless there's a good reason to edit that one. In the kcm file you can map a scan-code to a key-code by a statement like: map key 158 ESCAPE And a key-code to a character like:
    1 point
  30. if you have root, yes /system/usr/keychars/Vendor_181d_Product_5018_Version_0001.kcm if not mistaken is the default (when no keymaps selected) alternatively unzip finqwerty or fx-qwerty (apk files are just zips) and edit one of the keymaps in the res/raw/ directory (or add one and edit the xml file in res/xml/ that that tells where the .kcm files are) then zip it again and use and then use jarsigner to sign it and then zipalign, or first zipalign then apksign (java sdk and android sdk provide these things) to sign and align them so android is happy and you can use that (either search google
    1 point
  31. No, you need to recompile and install anew. Which layout are you using?
    1 point
  32. Could be a mechanical or electric fault. I've had something similar on a Pro1 that I since got replaced.
    1 point
  33. yes that's what it is, except that it when it does not do anything with esc which is the case most of the time it should tell it and the fallback would work. Fx Qwerty back with alt+left works.
    1 point
  34. in the FinQwerty layouts the Esc-key acts as Esc if the app supports Esc, otherwise it has a fallback as Back. On the "fallback" all I know is what can be seen in the "Behaviours" section of this So maybe Chrome has implemented Esc as e.g. stop loading a page. In Stock layouts it just sends Back. But the fallback solution in FinQwerty makes Esc available to apps where it is crucial such as Termux.
    1 point
  35. Odd they must have been breaking this recently, try Fulguris instead.
    1 point
  36. The typical installation method as described on XDA won't work yet on Pro1, because we don't have a fully working version of TWRP yet. But never fear, it's still easy, five simple steps and you will have the privileges you so rightfully deserve on your own device. 1. Install Magisk Manager App on Phone Download from: https://magiskmanager.com/downloading-magisk-manager or github. After download, install the apk, which will require you to allow the install from "unknown source". 2. Install Android Platform Tools on PC (adb & fastboot) Ubuntu (and presumably de
    1 point
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