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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. For stock: This was a bug in an early sneak-view version of the March update, has been fixed with later OTA.
  2. Interesting. In my case it looks logically the same in "File Transfer" and PTP from the PC (though obviously fewer entries in PTP, and different icon) But note that it appears as BOTH an Android Phone AND under Portable devices If I change to "No data transfer" on the Pro1, it disappears under portable devices (but is still registered as an Android Phone) (It looks the same for stock BTW)
  3. What driver has Windows chosen - that might be the culprit.
  4. One thing that really bugs me with that one is why they place the icon in forced positions where they are the hardest to reach? Why not start from the bottom - that is where the thumbs can reach easiest both portrait and landscape and both opened and closed...
  5. Tanks for your analyse, and I agree to a large extent. Though I do find the build in quickstep solution of two blocks of equal side next to each other or on top of each other quite ingenious for a simple launcher, and thus simple to use for anyone, the only drawback is that a widget must stay within one of these blocks. And that is not a bad price for most. But obviously independent layouts are more flexible (including allowing for larger widgets) - at the price of more complex setup. Unfortunately the Total Launcher's auto-rotate is not really working - though it can do both orientations
  6. Yes. But I do not use a vary fast charger normally. I try to use a charger offering 5W in normal usage, and only about 20W when I really need it. But even at 20W I do not have it go as high as 50°C, worst case in the forties. During fast charging usually peek at 42°C or lower. But once this year it has been above that, it reached 49.0°C on Feb 23. PS I use a shell case, and this actually makes the heating worse at at can not cool to the surroundings as easy (plastic with card board inlay()
  7. I can confirm this has worked for me. I never had any problems UPgrading (I did have some issues once I tried to DOWNgrade a particular combination of test build) Even when I fumbled with the first change from Test to Nightly, Following the usual flashing procedure fixed that too.
  8. WHAT! That sounds like pure Heresy! 😇
  9. It is in the standard android market https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=aws.apps.keyeventdisplay
  10. You could try to install "KeyEvent Display" and see if any of the problematic keys has any reaction what so ever..... (Note that Enter is interpreted by the App as Select, but you should see it doing something if the key is working)
  11. Sorry, does not work by a simple side load - but it does VERY much sound like a hardware issue.. Assuming you have tried a simple reboot, you could try a factory reset, but the chances that it will help are slim.
  12. Yes, was unaware that you were on Lineage. That package has not been moved over - not sure if it will run under Lineage. Just a sec.
  13. The standard first guess is to try a different cable or port, or perhaps a different driver on the pc.
  14. EskeRahn


    How sad. You should contact [email protected] (this is a user to user forum. AFAIK their office is near Baker Street St. But I do not know where they do service.)
  15. Sounds like a hardware issue...😥 ADD: The below is for stock Android not e.g. LineageOS First go to Settings►System, Languages►Physical keyboard►Physical keyboard►Set up keyboard layouts, and de-select ANY selected. OR if you are using FinQWERTY you could also just select "FinQWERTY None (stock)" If QWERTZ ignore that the print is now wrong, we want to test hardware keys(!) Then try the factory test described here it is number seven on the list. Please note that the Esc-key has changed in later OTAs compared to this test , so not lighting up does not mean it is broke
  16. ....I can not help the feeling that you might have put more time into developing software for the Pro1 since autumn than Idealte....
  17. it said 4-6 weeks for a long time, but was then edited. But sure it might not be up to date. But one week that sounds like pure shipping so my guess would be they pulled two from some spares they set aside for service-replacements. I would not be at all surprised if they got substantially lower serial numbers than the first you got. But guessing....
  18. I'm not sure, but it sounds to me like they given the rest of your order a special high priority treatment, since they made an error initially. The order page currently says "Shipping worldwide in 10-12 weeks." so I guess they got a bit to go.
  19. Using the paid version of the full all-in-one toolbox. But please note the granted permission (see hints in the link above), and the markers for plug etc are optional but default not on.
  20. In Privacy Guard, Ellipsis (top right), Advanced you can select an app and select to allow&disallow stuff, but I do not see network access on the list?
  21. Just a wild guess, You haven't by any chance something limiting the network access that need an explicit open? I use "Netguard", more advanced options are available if rooted. But sometimes I forget to poke a hole when an app usually not needing net-access for what ever reason does need it for other purposes than stealing our data.
  22. It comes with a touch-margin feature build in, but that wont help you here.
  23. There are tools out there that can make black borders of the size you wish. If I recall right, one is called "Edge Null". They do require a rather high level of privileges though.
  24. I'm not sure if you heard about it, but there has been some kind of flu affecting a few people since, But F(X)tec are getting closer to getting trough the stacks of old pre-orders. They had reached 70% about the time you gave up. I do not know if new orders pour in at a faster or slower pace than the production has picked up.
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