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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Hmm I'm not sure if the Pro1 got VoLTE or not. Have a look at these two images from a Pro1 on Lineage (Dark) and stock (light) - same sim moved over, same place. Notice how it is greyed out in stock. PS the "Preferred network type" follows the sim. Inserting another sim in Stock it says "LTE/WDCMA"
  2. This sounds like a quite dangerous sort of 'backup'. If your phone is lost or damaged, your 'backup' is worthless.... It can of course be fine for a short term backup before 'messing with things'.
  3. The Wireless charger may pull all the power, but it will not be transfer all of it wireless Even in ideal condition and with a common iron core (like a transformer) magnetic transfer will have substantial loss. (Unless we are talking generally and include super conductors). But obviously the phone must be able to handshake through a protocol supported by the charger, e.g. Qi. We do not know what protocols the Pro1 supports here. It might only be some so basic that it can not request a reasonable amount of power from the charger.
  4. I have no issues with fingrprints on official Lineage, and they survives boot nicely. How odd they reacts differently-.
  5. To see what charge is sentto/pulled fromthe battery, you con try to install an app like 3C Battery Monitor (also part af a larger all-in-one toolbox, i can also highly recommend) It does NOT tell how much gets delivered to the port though.
  6. You might have to roughly half the charger output to what the phone recieves wirelessly - at best 75% (hence the heating with wireless charging) but I know that the phone can charge slowly with 5V 500ma. I will see if I can find an old 300ma charger in a drawer...
  7. Sure we could close it, but I see no harm in it being open, I think the recommendation of the link to the new thread would suffice. Don't you? I guess once test-builds for 17.1 appear, we would have a new thread for that too, that should also be recommended. I mean if someone (for whatever reason) prefer one of the old 16.0 test builds it would be natural for anything related to that to be in here. (not that any support on the old test builds could be expected from the developers, but there still might be sharing between users)
  8. Ah... So that was It, too bad... πŸ˜₯ I was sure I read somewhere that someone had done it. ☺️ Just a guess. Could it be that the metal back disturbs the magnetic field so it can still 'see' it but can not really transfer power? For the test it could be interesting to see if it charges free in the air not attached to the back (though obviously useless for real usage).
  9. It should be if you have the right part. But even without a new board with a little luck it is 'just' the soldering, so a technichian can resolder the plug on the board.
  10. It sounds to me as you need to contact support. πŸ˜₯ With no dirt, my guess would then be a bad soldering. Luckily the USB-plug is not on the main board, so it should be a rather small operation to change the board.
  11. Indeed. a tiny amount of pocket lint, can make havoc in the wrong place,
  12. It is EXTREMELY slow to actually install the package. The mere download is perhaps two minutes, depending on net and servers. But the install takes well forever.... I will suggest to just take the notification that an update is available, and then download and install it manually - that takes a few minutes through the ADB sideload. Yes less elegant, but MUCH faster. For me the OTA of the V2 over V1 even failed to boot after I waited over an hour, so had to do it manually afterwards anyway, but that could be an initial issue, where it lacked the gapps... i'm not going to attempt an OTA a
  13. I will NOT move the few older posts on the official build into this thread, as moving things older than the OP into a thread make things sort of a mess, as the OP then appear as an answer..... But will try to remember to move the newer ones in here.
  14. Thanks. Is there an 'officially signed' version of the gapps package we should use, or should we just ignore the warning?
  15. Thanks. I get this after flashing trying to run the usual "adb reboot recovery" though: error: device unauthorized. This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong. The suggested kill server does not help. (I can manually reboot to recovery from the menu though) It then complains about the signature of the gapps-package, but I am allowed to overwrite that. (Same for adb reboot) But overall it installed gracefully and preserved my user data. πŸ™‚
  16. They are rather glossy, so not something I can recommend πŸ˜•
  17. I think they already made something like that: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1
  18. If you can easily press it down, but it just pops up again, I think adhesive is a very likely guess. If on the other hand something prevents it from being pressed down easily, something more severe could be the reason.
  19. As far as I know the keyboard foil is mounted with heat and&or adhesive, so my GUESS would be that your specimen had had this foil mounted with a little too low amount of adhesive and/or is placed ever so slightly wrong with a bit of tension in the foil, that then popped up due to the bump. I would try gently heating with a heat-gun (or hair drier) to attempt to make the adhesive more liquid, so the keyboard can be pushed in place. and then let the device cool back to room temperature, and see if it stays in place You could also try contacting support, and hear if they have a bet
  20. I think it would work just fine, and I believe someone in here have actually done it, unless my memory fails me. BUT note that the off centre placement of the USB-plug might make it hard to place in a suitable way, as they most likely will come with a flat cable.
  21. Some good news: The v2 seems just as lean on the battery as the Test22 (This is from the unit without GSM) The dip at the right side is all the install mess described above, but that apart it seems pretty parallel after a few hours sleep.
  22. After a whole hour it finally continued. And failed to boot.... Suggesting me to retry the boot or do a factory reset... The retry failed too... I will try a manual flash, and see if that fixes stuff... That fixed stuff, and it booted (almost) normally except launching the qx1000 install wizard - that I just skipped.
  23. Doing it manually will DEFINITELY be faster that the OTA way. After 20 minutes it is only at around 30% in the "Finalising package installastion" stage... I explicitly omitted it to see how it would handle the update without. Previously I have had the gapps as part of my batch installation previously described in this thread a few times. And I will most likely go back to that, and use the updater for notifying me only....
  24. Oh I let it do the update, it is almost finished with the "Preparing for first boot" stage.... πŸ™‚ If it is still there I will try to boot into recovery and sideload, and see if that fixes it πŸ™‚
  25. Installing V1 over Test 22 without reinstalling the gapps leads to a repeated "Google play services keeps stopping...." ...But the updater fetches the next version as it is supposed to πŸ™‚
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