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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. The FinQWERTY layouts are made for Stock. They will work somewhat on LOS too, but with some minor quirks. E.g some of the added stuff like half and Mu will not work (or at the least I has not guessed how to...)
  2. It does sound a bit low, but not far off. The original box I had with the phone is 600g, but that came in an outer cardboard box, that will add a bit.
  3. Careful with that. Some in here had locked it and could not unlock without help. Only re-lock if you are sure that it is the official stuff that is running, and it might not be after the failed attempts.
  4. It was added as a character to official German rather recently (June 2017), for the case of writing an existing text in all caps (as an example the Corbusier WP theme I use for my blog has this odd behaviour for some headers). I guess It is not that likely to actually type it though. But that is now possible.
  5. Installed smoothly with and without root. πŸ™‚
  6. I tested earlier today, and seem to have it too - honestly I never tried to take outdoor photos with it on Lineage before at all (three indoors between March and June), so have no idea if it is a new bug or something that goes back to the beginning.
  7. Could it be when placing it in the pocket? Try to only register the opposite hand. e.g. left hand if you got it in your right pocket, that would eliminate that as a possibility. Even though I pretty early on made a flip/case, I did not see the described before.
  8. Indeed. On the Pro1 we have (at the least) three variants for carriers supporting VoLTE Carriers that works with both stock and LineageOS Carriers that work on LineageOS but not stock Carriers that work on neither LineageOS nor stock. Does Sailfish on Pro1 support VoLTE? Ubuntu for Pro1?
  9. @FlyingAntero As I read that quote it just says that they know it works out of the box or with known actions taken on the listed devices. So they just do not guarantee it working on other devices. Maybe like CBB here it would work on LineageOS on a Pro1 too, despite not working on stock?
  10. For many of the poorly coded portrait-only apps, alternatives exists. Though many proprietary apps like banking apps unfortunately leaves no alternatives.
  11. Well it is, as this tells us that it IS a matter of what the card/carrier signals to the device. It does not tell us how&what of course.
  12. That would make sense. But the same SIM working with VoLTE on a Pro1 on Lineage does NOT give me VoLTE on a Pro1 on stock. And another carriers SIM giving VoLTE on a Sammy S8- does not offer it with the Pro1 in neither Stock nor Lineage.... So something more complex is in play... I would love to understand what!
  13. Correct, that slowed typing down to a degree where touch typing is competitive.
  14. Exactly. All devices are made with a number of decisions / compromises. Different people got different usage patterns, different hand size, More or less sharp vision.... etc So we will never have a single device that is optimal for everyone. But hopefully a wide range of products fitting a wide range of people.
  15. Are you on stock Android, or have you flashed LineageOS? If you are on normal android, I'm very interested in knowing how you got that working. see this thread
  16. We have various threads where VoLTE have been mentioned. e.g. on AT&T closing down some networks. VoLTE is similar to VoWiFI in that it handles normal voice-calls through pure data-connection. I know that VoLTE works with LineageOS, 😁 And others have reported it working with stock Android too. - But I have not (yet?) been able to get it to work with stock for me. It is easy to test if it is working on the Pro1, as we can select LTE as the only allowed network type (Settings, Network, Mobile network, Advanced). And if voice calls still works VoLTE is active. πŸ™‚
  17. EDIT: I have moved my reply as part of a new more general VoLTE thread
  18. I'm with you. Let us have it in a deep metallic red and not the least with a NON shifted qwerty keyboard. ☺️ ....Scandic would be an additional plus.
  19. Or like me just feel sorry for the customs bills that are going to hit you. Your government certainly use drastic measures to limit import of foreign electronics. 😡
  20. Indeed. I certainly dislike that "might" in their mail!!! To me the qwertZ is far superior also for typing English as the keys are where they are expected to be... (It's hardly a secret that I'm not a fan of the shifted Qwerty, a non-shifted qwerty would have been much better and had worked internationally better too IMHO)
  21. I would say that a drastically different keyboard always takes some getting used to. I'm not typing fast on it (neither on a pc), but physical keyboards give me a LOT fewer errors than on a fake keyboard. And clearly faster on the Pro1 than the Priv for me, simply due the Priv's limited numbers of keys making Danish far from easy to type on the Priv. The swiping on the Priv could often help guessing the words with Γ†Γ˜Γ… before I needed to type it. On the other hand I got a lot of unwanted swipes trying to move the fingers quickly. So certainly do not miss the Priv keyboard.
  22. I can confirm that VoLTE works on LineageOS 20200727 - but can not activate it on Stock Android, the option is greyed in *#*#Info#*#*
  23. Interesting. It could be extra sensitive to static electricity. And static electricity is affected by the materials of the clothes you are wearing and the humidity in the air.But odd indeed.
  24. Thanks. A brief look does not seem like any of them adding anything I would expect to be of substantial size. We are talking +8% of the total LineageOS so can hardly be just minor adjustments... Is something just not packed the same way, or have we got an unwanted side-load of some kind? Is it perhaps the mentioned Samsung and/or LeEco stuff that are actually included in the package?
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