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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Not quite. It is not Android that prevents you from rooting, it is some phone manufacturers. But sure rooting could be made easier, and a more advanced security level system could have been implemented in Android. I guess this could be a matter of history, that Android worked on hardware much more limited than today's devices, and have not been thoroughly reimagined/rewritten. And on the bank thing, I repeat my self here: it is an APP thing not an OS thing. At the least in Denmark web-banking requires much more authentication than opening a bank app on your Android device.
  2. Well it is possible to work from a third state between what we have as un-rooted and fully rooted. Giving us the flexibilities of rooting temporarily, without the permanent risk of working rooted. But seen from an app-perspective it is still an insecure platform, as they (obviously) have no idea what we did while we worked with high privileges. It is the old story of where we want to be in the spectrum of in the safety in jail in one end and total anarchy without restrictions in the other. I doubt that there will be any place in that spectrum that fits all. Quite a lot of
  3. I agree in principle that rooting should not block OTA updates - I was unaware that it did. But my GUESS for the reason behind that is that for a non-rooted device it is much easier to know the state of things, and this simplify updates quite a bit. For the other root-related issues, I still say that it is an app-thing not an OS-thing, so they are not to blame as such. Though they by certification and SafetyNet offers a frame for the apps to check the base they are working on. If an app has nothing to loose by you being rooted I doubt that many will require that your device is non-roote
  4. (split from another thread) I have a hard time finding the logic here. If you want the free access to do as you please, you can just root it. The whole point of NOT rooting is precisely to make sure the user do not have the rights to accidentally make something that messes things up. If you want to be in complete control, then root. Yes there are apps that won't work rooted, for security reason. Typically apps like bank-apps. If you disagree with them requiring the device to be locked&certified, it is a matter to take up with the app-maker, Not Android in it self.
  5. AH! That sounds like the old known bug, that the display and touchpanel is inactive. I have seen it a few times on Lineage - though more seldom that I did on stock, before it was patched, If you open the device, you will see that e.g. Caps is reacting, if this is the bug. When I had it I held Power 1-2 secs, pressed Tab Trice and Enter (To open the power menu, and goto "Restart").
  6. A few guesses. Have you tried a different port and/or cable? Could it be the version of ADB? Have you fetched it directly from Google https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools? Have you tried from a different PC with another OS? (I have been using 29.0.5 on Windows 10, and just tried reflashing with newest 30.0.2, that works too)
  7. Indeed. @tdm has modified it for LineageOS with a delay, ignoring repetitious touches. Hopefully this patch will come to stock too.
  8. I have had a unit that had Stock, Lineage, Sailfish and now Lineage, but I clearly booted at the least at the end of each installation. I'm not quite sure how you could avoid the boots?
  9. In your second dump i see ... ANOFFCHECKORUM (and in the first ALARUM) So my guess would be that the second is only active when the device is sleeping / the screen off, that is to wake the device to do something?? See also e.g. this https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tasker/sms3Kt2inzY So these really are questions belonging in the Tasker forum not the Pro1 ;)
  10. It was only after a reboot/power up I have seen it. So unless the device have rebooted during the night, it sounds like a different bug.
  11. There was a bug that if we were too slow in entering password/pin it rebooted. But that ought to be remedied in firmware quite a while back. So a little surprised you see it.
  12. Indeed, I will strongly recommend FinQwerty over stock layouts. (Note that it is not an active app, it is just presenting the system with pre-made layout files)
  13. The Stock maps for US qwertY and German qwertZ can be found here https://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/#pro1
  14. The question/request have been raised before, and I'm no expert on this. The A/B system as I understand it is normally used to apply new updates, so one can be flashed while the other is still active. The LineageOS setup offered use it slightly different with a recovery image in A and the main image in B If I got it right there would also be a certification issue for stock android with multi boot. So some apps would complain. (Typically bank-apps and the like, fearing the potentially compromised security) But in principle it should be possible.
  15. The layouts (currently) offered can be found described here: https://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/#pro1 e.g.
  16. Are you sure you follow TDM's guide to the letter? I made a batch file for it, see this:
  17. You have limited the shipping to Germany. But the qwertZ variant is interesting to a broader audience than that. Any language with national letters usually right of L and P is likely to be better matched with the qwertZ layout than the shifted qwertY. See FinQWERTY
  18. That is interesting! Does this happen if you restart it manually too, or only on spontaneous reboots? I haven't experienced this, and just tried to provoke it a few times without any luck (Lineage and stock) BUT have very often experienced that just after a restart it can be hard to actually enter the password, the password entering going out of focus pressing Enter I guess. But never had any odd side-effects of it, I just have to tap on the password field and press Enter again. (I see this on stock only, not on Lineage) EDIT: Sorry, that bug is also there if I wait several min
  19. Well @Hook is not experiencing reboots but shutdowns where it stays 'Off' until he turns it back On manually.That is why my guess was overheat protection. And unless the phone really is overheating (And he did not report that) that led me to guess at a sensor issue. Hence I was looking for where such an event might be logged.
  20. How odd. A GUESS could be that an 'overheat' condition could turn it off? So if some temperature sensor is faulty, that might cause this behaviour. If that is the case, I'm sure it will log it somewhere before turning the device off. I Guess @tdm might help in telling where to look for the logs on Lineage?
  21. Any phone has a weaker signal in a pocket than it usually have on a table. As the body more or less blocks the signal. So if in an area with a a weak signal, pocketing can make it worse. And as other have reported this related to weak signals, I find this more likely than accidentally pressing the power button - though this of course could happen. I always recommend people working at a desk to put their phone on the desk, as this gives a better signal, and thus also prolongs the stamina, often quite significantly, to the benefit of the overall life of the the battery too.
  22. I loved my N97mini, except that it was useless outdoors in the summer. So I actually carried a secondary phone (Samsung S8500 Wave) for outdoor usage...
  23. Sounds like you could be right. Looks like an odd scam. The account created a few days ago using a "spamdecoy" mail-address. It all have an ooze of fake... But I could be wrong of course.
  24. These are really strange issues. But I have a strong suspicion that it is related to one or more specific bands. I have no idea if it is switching from that band to a weak signal or it is switching to that band with a weak signal. I mean if it was just a weak signal in general, then more people would have it frequently. Say when ever we go to a basement, or a a parking cellar or tunnel without repeaters. I have a friend living in a rural area with very weak signals for my provider, only able to use my phones in some rooms and preferable near the windows at one end, and seldom 4G, jus
  25. The Phone I doubt I will ever miss is the HTC Diamond. Not because of the hardware, but the extremely unstable Windows software. I would be lucky to have a day without a reboot, and I needed to do a factory reset at the least every fortnight! I actually ended up making a MORT_SCRIPT that could perform a full factory restore, and install my apps, and set the needed settings!!! Ran it about every second week, or when the device had messed it self up too much- Often when the phone rang you would be unable to pick it up.... With Vista being a competitor, I think this is the worst software M
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