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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. I have moved some posts on replacement phones serial numbers over here https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2478-fxtec-repairability-plans-for-the-pro1 Might not be the optimal place - but less off topic.
  2. You should state if it is qwertZ or qwertY variant.
  3. I would suggest to wipe and retry, and then try it without the restore for a short while, to see if it is stable. And then try to restore in small bits to try to pinpoint what somehow interferes with the system and makes it unstable/
  4. Note that your image indicates you placed the magnet a bit away from the sensor, so if if you experience problems, you might want to try to move it a bit. See the image I added here
  5. ...Forgot to say that Test21 installed smoothly both with and without root here too. (I did noticed that it in both cases after boot was somewhat slower redrawing the home screen, especially the clock widget. We are talking perhaps ½-1 second or something equally ignorable. Just reporting it as a noticed difference, Later redraws works just fine)
  6. The mic placement is clearly intended for noise-reduction. And I have no idea if the mics are handled as individual mics and the noise-reduction are done software-wise, OR if it is some chipset function using two physical mics, but only giving one mono stream of input to the system. I would not be surprised if the second was the case. Anyone knows? @tdm ?
  7. If my memory do not fail me, they explicitly told they would do exactly that. 🙂 ADD: By afterthought it is actually encouraging to know that they thus initially have allocated more than they have needed. That is the ratio of units that had needed replacement so far has been so much lower than what they expected so they still got some of the initial ones available to send to you eight months later. 👍
  8. Sure, just tell me what you need me to do 🙂
  9. Very low priority, it was just as I understood you changed something on it,
  10. It is there 🙂 . But It worked on early test-builds, up to and including Test9.
  11. It still got the bug that holding the LiveDisplay icon in notifications fail to launch it. Sure it is a trifle....
  12. Installed Test20 smoothly, both with and without addonsu root.... 😄
  13. And how do you know when this retailer ordered the ones they allegedly got or expects to get? They might be "pre-orders" too for all we know. Just saying.
  14. It is indeed interesting that this seller even mark it as "In Stock" 😮 https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B08172P5PN?smid=A3W0X2W5D6AOK6 (Though it is at high price that translates to over $1000)
  15. I doubt they are completely unaffected by this whole mess, though not counting in months. And anyway we do not know how stuff are delivered to the factory, thus potentially delaying production.
  16. Before the Corona, the 'record' here was slightly over two months. But it looks like shipping is slowly normalising again.
  17. Just for comparison on how unstable shipping still is: Yesterday July 10. I got two simple USB-chargers bought on ebay on March 18 (was £2 back then). That is close to four months for such a simple small package to go from China to Denmark.... I got other ebay small package stuff from China sent in June, that arrived within three weeks. So just to show how unpredictable shipping still is.
  18. My point is merely that the simpler the procedure the better to have less 'tech savvy' people join the party - And no point in expecting it to be in the path all the time for all users, Sure for the minority that uses adb & fastboot a lot it obviously eases things to have it in the path. But less can do for the general public's need of OS installation (and simple interactions with the device either stock or Lineage).
  19. A tiny bit of stick splitting. You got the full blown install and using guide for the ADB, and this is fine, but for the user just wanting to Install LineageOS, less will do it. They do not need to fiddle with the path, as long as they do the commands from the subdir the tree in the zip was unfolded to. So a more minimal (and thus less scary) version of the guide could be used for Install. That is just a link to the download, and then a few words on unfolding and running the commands from that folder, perhaps adding a sample path to the examples for the recovery and sideload flashes
  20. Thanks 🙂 Installed smoothly... on both...
  21. I use no special tricks on the Pro1 over what I usually do (see various posts on that subject on eskerahn.dk ) Except one trick: In my environment it uses substantially more power idle when connectet to a 5 rather than a 2.4 WiFi on the same router. But the general advice is to avoid 'free' ad based apps, as fetching and displaying ads can be quite costly. Install Greenify, and I also use Android Assistant. Though not as a service, but just for easy kill. Use something like 3C batttery monitor and/or GSAM to help you find the culprits that need to be held down. Disable
  22. Allow me to put peoples attention to the below post, if anyone feel like sending TDM some (additional) 'beers' for his great work.
  23. And the great thing about Greenify, is that it helps keep the stuff down that tries to but really shouldn't run in the background. Sure well written apps could stay in the background, doing nothing. But a myriad of bad apps can not stay inactive, and waste your battery with zero benefit for the user. It could either be bad code, or actively stealing your activities/data.
  24. I have it the other way round. The most annoying bugs should have highest priority. Most likely what ever customisation they do can be moved over from P to Q at some point. And I would much rather have a stable P than a buggy unstable Q
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