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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. You are doing an awesome job! A suggestion for the cut-outs: Round/smooth the edges a bit, When I look at the lower corners of the usb-cut out, it looks like something that could easily get caught in fabric, of say a pocket. So especially this could be an issue for the cut-outs on the long edge. And in particular slanted edges are needed for the fingerprint reader, for accessing the reader with the finger 'in line' and not 'perpendicular' to the device (e.g. when opened). It might be the resolution of the images but I do not spot holes for the speakers. Can those be done in the print
  2. And the majority seems to be on firefox 🔥🦊 😇
  3. Pros and cons, a lot has to do to usage pattern. If you primarilly are going to use the keyboard on a table and not handheld. Planet's models might be interesting. Search for Cosmo or Astro or Astroslide in this forum. I have listed a few alternatives here (yet to be updated on the Astroslide)
  4. Yes, there are photos earlier in the thread, just search the brandname 🙂 And opviously you are right, prefabricated holes are better, but i have not have any of the many different types of cases i attempted to modify tearing, so I guess the risk is more in theory than a practical problem, none of the cases have been extremely thin though.
  5. Apart from the finger size, another group that could be problematic is people with long nails
  6. Actually the support for hardware keyboard IS part of Android, and has been it 'always', or at the least for very long. BUT it is not optimised for it, as they clearly focus on devices with fake keyboards only. So any fancy features would be needed to by added to android. Though a lot of clipboard and text/page navigation and the like, is as you would expect it in a PC. including task-switching.
  7. Oh indeed, from a user perspective it technically seems be good, but the question is how the code is made, and how much would need to be rewritten. Or perhaps the idea would come at other odd side-effects. we do not think of initially.
  8. Well as you said off the shelf product. At some point they told us that it is simply harder to find displays that are not curved at the same price. I have not done any research to check if it is right, but I assume so.
  9. https://eskerahn.dk/?p=3620 The P20 Pro cases (practically) all need simple modifications, that anyone can do with a pair of scissors, see earlier in thread or https://eskerahn.dk/?p=3620
  10. The problem with a hole is that when open, the screen edge gets close to vertical, so at whatever hight ypu would put the bridge, it will be a nuisance...
  11. Idea: I wounder if it would work with a vertical icon-toolbar in landscape to the right, (Reload, stop, Prev, Next, bookmark, and not the least the icon for https/http)
  12. I'm very pleased too. Note that going for a non-curved screen would mean two thing Higher price Lesser Screen-to body-ratio. (larger body or lesser screen) So personally I think it would be MUCH better to at a deep hardware-driver level at the users choice offer the display to the system as Full, 2160x1080 (18:9) slightly reduced keyboard side only, 2160x1035 (18.8 : 9) slightly reduced both sides, 2160x990 (19.6 : 9) substantially reduced keyboard side only, 2160x990 (19.6 : 9) substantially reduced keyboard side, slightly on opposite, 2160x945
  13. I got another variant from here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/163816498496?var=463367316516 that is not quite as good as these https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/254181243108?var=553543447253 mentioned above The first is a bit thin/flapsy (and have a minor fabrication flaw on both I bought), the second is stiffer, and with partly matted edges.
  14. Interesting point. Didn't notice that, thanks. I wonder if making it thinner would even be possible without seriously reducing the stability? And at the least the corners should stay 'thick' , as those are the areas most in need of protection by a case. Though I at first made (well adapted) a flip case as a 'quick fix' in lack of something better I am getting used to it, and as I see the images here, I doubt that the overhead size is much bigger than this type of dedicated case. When you make the flip case like a japanese book, opening to the right in portrait, the flap does not interfere
  15. So you never heard about the Samsung Galaxy Fold? And that's just the first example that comes to mind. And advertising never, ever, was honest. In the best case, advertising is about presenting and exaggerating advantages over the competiton while hiding disadvantages. Ask aPple about their charging pad... But of course it is totally unfair to the industry to take to tiny players like Samsung and aPple as examples 😇 [/sarcasm]
  16. By that logic Apple is a Chinese company attempting to frontline in the US. You will find it really hard to find any phone-brand out there, that is build 'in the west'.
  17. Another user had the same problem reported somewhere in here, and there even was an odd cure. Do not recall the thread, so try searching...
  18. It is not quite the same. We got a system like the one @SchattengestaIt describes in Denmark too. And they have closed almost all post offices. And have a few shops do the supplement of the box-system. The idea could be described as shared post-boxes. We get a mail/sms that tell us we got a parcel, and it includes a one-time open code. You can also send parcels by buying the postage on line, and mark the parcel suitable (or use stamps), and put it in a free box.
  19. Well as thumb typing on this is going to be hard, you could say that is not an issue. But for those that want to not use it on a desk but in their hands thumb typing, an extra 1cm wide and keys close to the edges would certainly be an issue reaching for many. Edge to edge of keys are 134mm versus 153mm, so 14% wider key-section..., so a bit more than "two millimetres", it is "two centimetres". ...But I do agree that the extra few mm in thickness and portrait width is less of an issue, as Pro1 already is beyond one hand operation for the majority of people.
  20. Well my MAIN reason to want to use .ie over .co.uk after brexit is one small tick/box in the search options that are like to disappear, depending on the final agreement.. to To avoid customs issues, and still have it in English. Others might prefer e.g. .de or .fr to have the ebay part of the text in their native tongue. 🙂 (the listing would still have the language the seller choose, obviously) There are NO guarantee that an international seller ships to a specific country BUT an easy filter to use is this sort option: As those that might or might not send, would
  21. I'm not quite sure what you mean, have you got an example? Here an example with different domains https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/254181243108?var=553543447253 https://www.ebay.com/itm/254181243108?var=553543447253 https://www.ebay.ie/itm/254181243108?var=553543447253 https://www.ebay.de/itm/254181243108?var=553543447253 https://www.ebay.fr/itm/254181243108?var=553543447253 PS, note the the price is NOT the same sent to the same place for the five, the .de and .fr are the cheapest...
  22. With ebay itm links you can just change the domain to your preferred local one. I expect to swap .co.uk wih .ie before new year. Unless the current situation further delays brexit. Not all work equally wel on all variants though. The Irish one seems to not offer the basket option the same way the UK one does - minor detail though.
  23. Took the liberty to move your post quoting the letter to the locked thread here.
  24. You mean the update that is supposed to merge the two? AFAIK, certification is still pending. If you need saftetynet badly, you can wipe the Pro1 with a full image as described in this post by @Waxberry, and then do OTA.
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