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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Would be nice to at the least be able to search in thread titles for words shorter than four chars. Say you want to look for threads on "USB 3.0", USB, SIM, OTA or similar. You currently are limited to using (e.g.) Google search with site:community.fxtec.com parameter, not super elegant.....
  2. I see the same, would be nice if double click required a little delay, and not just picking up with insecure grip..
  3. You could just call it with disable rather than uninstall
  4. I just HATE apps like that, that think their functionality is the most important thing in the world, and the main reason you got the device, and thus need to be running all the time.... For me it would be FINE if it checked for update at boot. and when I manually triggered it, and then STOPPED the app when finished! We see the same pest on PC's All kind of 'updaters' running in the background or as a service you need to manually kill. It is so annoying when e.g. Adobe Acrobat updater pops up on the PC and tell you a new version is available when you are in the middle of something e
  5. I agree with you to a very large extent The nomenclature of "buying" or "owning" is not exactly describing things accurate. It is a bit like heavy carrier subsidised devices where people 'buy' it but is bound for some monthly rather expensive usage fee. So it is a bit muddy what is the real usage fee and what in an instalment plan purchase. It is indeed an interesting almost philosophic discourse. And obviously Google have no interest in us flashing say Sailfish or Ubunto On the ad-thing I just wish some clever people invented an alternative ad-broker model, where we as user cou
  6. You can disable a LOT more than you might think (no rooting needed). See this
  7. The Ellipsis are used all over on both Stock Android and and LineeageOS. In this context I was referring to to Settings ► Apps & Notifications ► See all ## apps ► Ellipsis ► Show System. I must admit that I find it quite unclear when they use Ellipses and when they Use Three bars. Some apps uses both...
  8. it is the three dots usually top left. … Sometime used vertically and not horizontally.
  9. Som @VaZso allerede har svaret bedes du skrive på engelsk.Det bliver noget frygteligt rod hvis vi alle skriver på vores eget sprog. Or in short: English Please!
  10. Had the same. Went into apps,, Ellipsis, Show system and then simply stopped the two "Wireless update"
  11. Odd, works fine here. Have you tried a restart?
  12. In the above I think you forget a very important commercial aspect: Many (most?) apps are sold as 'free' by being infested with ads, and for some by stealing data. That model would not work if people had complete control and could easily remove/block the ads. E.g. by blocking or restricting network access. BUT that said, It would be nice if all apps in the Android Market were required to also provide a (paid) no-ads version. And they could then offer only those apps for rooted devices - this would remove that part of the reasoning. The problem here is a bit like adblockers for brow
  13. Or try polling using: Settings►System►Advanced►System Update 😉
  14. Will be interesting to hear from any with this if they are offered (or can fetch) the new 20200620 software just released for OTA.
  15. As @Slion mentioned most were on 0306 and did NOT have the issue. A few had 0304, and we did have problems. And a few had an early 0411 version of the April security update delivered with new phones. We are yet to hear if they automatically update correctly to the new 0620 version, or they would need to flash an older.
  16. Just checked it passes SafetyNet check now. 🙂
  17. You are one of those with the not yet certified software... 😥 EDIT: I have just been offered the new OTA update.... Just checked it passes SafetyNet check now. 🙂
  18. So you suggest them to flash their serial number into the phone's system, knowing that they already do that... 🤐
  19. But it could be somehow related that the touch is sensitive to the electric potential, and as other have suggested static charge. Try (for the test) to make sure you are grounded by holding e.g. a water pipe, and see if that effects anything. (It could be the fabric of the clothes we are wearing, and the humidity in the air that make the static charge we build up change)
  20. OH! Just a thought. I have often problems using the touch while charging, Could that explain what you see?
  21. Erhm, they DO have a flashed serial number [Settings ► About phone ► Model & Hardware] - the odd thing is that the eight hex digits does not relate to what is on the sticker (at the least not in a human readable way)
  22. Yes the 20200304 does NOT pass SafetyNet. The official version that does is 20200306, but hopefully a new certified OTA will available soon.
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