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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. The more successful the more money will come in, and that will allow them to scale up production. But on the other hand I doubt they will risk producing the full product to large amount of stock.
  2. Flashed and did NOT get it. Flashed one more time, and did still not get it,
  3. Restarting did NOT bring this back. I'll try a new flash and see if I get it again.
  4. Installed Test 18. During boot after install it says "app keeps stopping" on the "Trebuchet". But it started non the less. ADD: Arrows works again 🙂
  5. With both sim and WiFi active on LineageOs but without any real usage, it used about 50% the first four days of July (if you set it in Aeroplane mode much less)
  6. Simply pulling the apk and side-loading will not do the trick, it just keeps closing on launch, without any dialogue ever appearing. I guess it is dependent on something?
  7. Yeah, that seems pretty unlikely to be heavy. So most likely a different cause - unless something heavy is running in the background - but that is not very likely, as I guess it would have to be really intense to slow down keyboard reading. So the next step would be to backup your stuff and do a factory reset, without restoring any of your apps, to see if that fixes it. And if so then do a restore to see if it is still gone or restoring the apps brings back the bug.. If the bug returns, then some app somehow does not work well with the Pro1, and that can be a tedious puzzle to narrow down
  8. Oddly Up/Down arrows seem to be swapped with Right/Left And a strange long delay/response-time when cycling through languages with Ctrl+Space
  9. Odd. Both hardware and software keyboard works fine on Test17 here.
  10. It installed smoothly here on both.
  11. If it is app dependent to a heavy app as you indicate, it is most likely pending repeats tht the app is to slow to process, and thus really an app bug. Opbviously the phone could offer to slow the repetition rate down to a user choosen level, as a workaround for any ill behaving app - but i would certainly not put it on the top of their todo-list if I should prioritise.
  12. Interesting how different usage patterns are. I never used either of these functions (nor have I missed them on the phones that did not offer them). This make me wish for the dead ARA-project. It would make so much sense to have a common base, and then add what each individual preferred. It could serve a lot of different low volume user groups. e.g. we could have had a keyboard slider as a special frame, And used standard components on the screen and back sides.
  13. Yup that will work for Sweden&Finland. For Norway and Denmark we use different symbols for Ö and Ä (yes utterly silly!!!!), and for some strange reason some crazed Dane had the idea of swapping these two keys-also....
  14. When talking using MTP/PTP for backups I will point the attention to a nice bit of code by Christophe Geers, that I have modified slightly to offer incremental backups, and not just totals. Source and program available here
  15. Ah of course, silly me. Well the price is almost the same, and people in general do not know that quick charging is a dubious thing, so they expects it for the convenience of it. You could say that phones today really should not come with a charger at all, as most people got stacks of them already... But IF a charger is supplied, it would be great if it offered fast as well as slow, so the user can choose between battery life and convenience. The battery can be replaced on the Pro1 but it is certainly a lot more than a click of a backplate away, so not something every user can do the
  16. These goes worldwide. €12 including shipping. Though 3600 is way beyond what I in even my most pessismistic repair scenario will need - will report back if they are of decent quality and not too glossy....
  17. I added some 0.5mm pads at various places, so 0.8mm inserted over the screws sounds right. I like the idea. 👍
  18. How this should relate to Quality Control I do not get. But that apart, the so called poor stamina of the Priv is really a myth based on the usage - for me a single charge can last a week of light usage. Original battery. See e.g. this
  19. You have tried what I would. So this is a matter for support. I Added @Erik
  20. Hmm that is odd. I would suggest to try a restart first. It OUGHT to be able to update. Note though that I have experienced when the app can not see the net, that it sometimes just says that there are no new updates, when there actually is.
  21. We somewhere got confirmed that it does NOT support PD. And as @Muth said you should take care and only use high power charging when you really need it, as it shortens the overall life-span of the battery. It is quite like junk-food: Very convenient, single usages are not problematic, but general usage will reduce life-span. See other threads on the subject or e.g. this.
  22. As suggested earlier could it be that the number of keys you get match the time you held down the key, so what you are really seeing is unhandled pending keystrokes coming in late?
  23. Not to my knowledge, apart from a few 'promoted' to the locked status-thead like this post
  24. Is it for any input field or bound to one or a few specific apps? If specific apps, they just might not work well with a physical keyboard. On stock repetitions usually ends immediately as the key is released. BUT if an app (for whatever reason)) does not handle/show the keys as fast as the repetition sends them, This MIGHT build up a 'tail' of pending keystrokes to be handled after the physical key was actually released. In old DOS on PCs this queue/stack was 15 characters 'deep' - I have no idea how deep that it is on Android.
  25. I think you misunderstand the idea. My idea is that the site that gets revenue from showing ads would get exactly the same micro-payment from me for NOT showing the crap, as they would have gotten from the ad-broker for showing it..
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