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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Does it pass the Safetynet test? A few devices were sent out with a not yet certified software version, And those will not pass the safetynet test, if that is the case, you should contact support. You can also check your software version under Settings, System, Advanced, System updates, that has a long name including dates in the version name.
  2. If I do not remember wrong there are ways to require a larger touch area to activate, so you will need to press the finger 'flat' and not just have 'point'-contact. I'm pretty sure I have seen that somewhere, when looking for apps that could mask the edges off... ADD: This article may be relevant: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jbigham/pubs/pdfs/2015/steadytapping.pdf
  3. This may sound like a silly advice, but for the slider part you could put a piece of gaffer-tape or the like on the underside of the display sticking out a bit, and folded back. That should give you a snip to grab so you could lift up the rear edge. Here I tried to make a sketch of the profile seen from the USB-end, with the tape in orange
  4. I'm in the same boat... As far as I know you can only move forward without clearing. But have a bit more patience, I do believe a certified version is not that far out in the future.
  5. If I remember correctly @tdm swapped them in LineageOS, so if that is it, it should be fixed there - i have not tested that.
  6. When I use a headset calls are just fine. And recording a small video, also records the sound fine, so not hardware issues. I too have the problem, especially as a speaker phone. IF I talk a bit loud and clear (like to a meeting) it works, but if I talk at a normal voice, people have problem hearing. It is described in other threads, and my guess is that it is the noise-cancellation that is a bit too aggressive regarding my normal voice as just background noise. There also seems to be a problem speaking immediately after picking up a call, that somehow seems to (often?) be lost too.
  7. Yes that is beacause you have chosen German, that swaps Y/Z. I was talking the shifted and non shifted
  8. Hardware-wise the models are 100% identical internally, it is only the print on top of the keys that are different. So the software need to be able to handle the back-shift from the shifted qwerty to normal qwertz. (And you have to somehow tell the system what keyboard-print you got)
  9. I think the error message is inaccurate. I get the same on a LineageOS 16.0 Test15 that has NOT got the root addon installed. Maybe it is trying to say that the device is not certified or that it does not pass the SafetyNet test. ADD: Checked that It opens without this on Certified Stock even with an OTA not passing SafetyNet. (So the important part of the message is the next that it expects an "official Android")
  10. Updated the previously posted script for somewhat automated updates with the above root patch as an option. Assuming you have downloaded the @tdm images mentioned here and for root also the addonsu-16.0-arm64-signed.zip image linked to here Use as either LineageFLASH 15 or LineageFLASH 15 ROOT (assuming you called hte file LineageFLASH .BAT obviously) The paths are hardcoded, you might want to change those if you are storing the images in a different subdir to the ADB and batch @ECHO off if %1.==. goto :EOF ECHO * Wait for boot to bootloader to finish (or do manu
  11. To my knowledge there are no available firmware layer deeper than what we flash, so it should not matter if you update on stock before going to lineage, it will be wiped. And the process uses both the A & B partition. Flashing the recovery to A, and this then flashes the main image to B (and sets B active) AFAIK the only problem in stepping backwards is that you USUALLY will have to wipe the user data (some updates are so small that you can step back without wiping though). As I read it there are very few differences between 12, 13 and 14, so here i think stepping backwards will
  12. Same here. BTW @tdm "Horizontal" is perhaps not the most clear term, for a phone being used in both directions. 😉
  13. It usually reads my fingers a few mm above. Have you got a screen-protector on? (I see the hoovering-read with and saw it without before). But could be a matter of the material of the protector how bad it is?
  14. That one is new to me 😥 What are the other defaults you need to reset?
  15. We have had other reports that people have better luck connecting to a 2.0 than a 3.0 port.
  16. Did you check if Caps still goes on/off?. I mean if it does not we know that it is frozen. (If it works we are not any wiser, unless someone can tell us at what level the LED is handled)
  17. Me too, I bet the Corona has at the least part of the blame. 😥
  18. Well in theory they could offer the uncertified software, but I bet a lot of users would be quite angry if Fxtec deliberately prevented people from using their banking app and the like requiring the certification.
  19. Spam filter/folder? Also remember that when they get a follow-up mail, the case is moved to the back of the queue, so If someone send say daily mails, that can delay them ever getting to the original mail. But let me mention @Erik here so he can have a look.
  20. Well if that was their reasoning they would just love people rooting, as they could use that as an excuse for refusing support and repair under warranty, and thus save money....
  21. Tried this flip case for Nova 5T and Honor 20 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/352897154905?var=622151625395 The shell fits fine, but the flip is too tight to close around the Pro1. 😥
  22. Yes, this is a nice example of the dillema a manufacturer has here. A user complaining about a product being 'faulty' is bad PR even if the fault is actually in the (mis)use and not the product - the last part seldom reaches all those that heard there was a problem... So I do understand that many manufacturers keep things locked being scared of this. I'm glad that F(x)tec give us the options. 🙂
  23. I would say that "encourage" is pushing it a bit. I would rather say that they in no way are opposed to it, And openly tell people of the options, But I doubt that they will encourage the 'ordinary' users to do so, as it might limit them from running apps they would want, and increases the security risk, especially for the 'ordinary' users.
  24. In short: No. It is a bit like saying that a car manufacturer limits your freedom by offering seat belts. If a govermental agency requires you to use the seat belts to drive on public roads, they are the ones doing the limiting, not the car manufacturer.
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