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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. ....And here another slow motion opening both the Pro1 and a flip case in one go by the lift front method. YouCut_20200123_155044091.mp4
  2. And here one where I on the contrary LIFTS the front, by rolling in the finger YouCut_20191223_192100210.mp4 And as a third method you can of course just lift the back edge up. Or you can also do a combo lifting the back while pushing the front. I most often lift with the right index after triggering the fingerprint scanner, while pushing with the left thumb.
  3. I tried to make some four times slo-motion videos a while ago. of two different ways to open by pushing They are far from perfect, but perhaps you can see what is going on better slowed down. First the classic push slightly down, where the back lifts as you push a bit downwards (that is what you see above in full speed) Note the important detail that my thumb is NOT continuously pushing in the same direction, but follow the screen edge down and then up. YouCut_20191223_174454298.mp4
  4. Ah I see. And in the mail recieved ithe sender looks like an mms and not a normal mail? (Please note reply FROM mail TO MMS seldom works) You could experiment to find the limit the carrier accepts as incoming. The next is what their limit is for outgoing to various recipient networks....
  5. Nice! How is it typing in the hands? Have you tried inserting it 'up side down'?
  6. (I meant try to send it as a MMS from your preferred sms/mms app to an e-mail address)
  7. Yes primarily one thumb it is difficult to do. You should try to get used to doing left letter shift with the right shift key and vice versa.
  8. My guess is the size. It is not uncommon with a limit of 300KB or even lower. So try sending small images. Some message apps like e.g. Textra allows you to control the limit, and compress if needed. This might render the result useless as details gets lost, but at the least it gets through. And different carriers have different limits. And at the least in theory could use different limits to other users in their own net and forwarding them to other nets. You might try to experiment sending MMS to a mail-address also
  9. I have played with Nova (and discarded it) but did not see that issue.
  10. Congrats. Should follow for the early pre-orders in a separate parcel, unless you specifically tell them you do not need it. (I did when the sent a mail maybe a week after the device arrived)
  11. I think they got the right trend, but it is vote based with only around a 100 votes, so take it with a pinch of salt.
  12. If I will ever be in need of changing the display, I would experiment with some diffuser 🙂
  13. Yes! You MIGHT have noticed that the @ on the Q seems slightly dimmer than the ^ on the W on our qwertZ. For the letter shifted qwertY, the problem is that where we see a relative large Q and @ they got two tiny accents, and not much light gets through that. So it is an unfortunate coincidence that two of the smallest prints on this layout is where the light is dimmest.... And it is exactly the accents and other not primarily letters, that we are most likely to be in need of looking for, until we are used to the layout. So really an unfortunate coincidence. I mean almost nobody would miss
  14. The lower edge of the screen lands on two rubber bumpers, yes. On the Final sample I got these two pieces in the grooves. On the Retail unit only the one in the groove for the support arm. For the early pre-production unit I got he two in the grooves, and six at the corners and roughly mid-sides.
  15. It was controllable early on, but they changed that, as the placement of the individual RGB had the effect that in some angles one were more or less blocked, giving a wrong resulting colour. So what is best/worst is hard to say. But as so many details, it COULD be an option people could choose. ADD: If is still controllable here, though the simple app that previously worked for me no longer does, the one linked in the above two posts does work.
  16. The LEDs are not totally even distributed with one for each key, so for the qwertY model the almost black key (with very little print) left of Q and A gets little light through them. For the qwertZ this is not an issue, as the print on these are large, and thus lets through more of the light.
  17. I really disagree. It sits PERFECT for using in landscape with right index, and also for right handed people holding it in the left operating with the right. Or for one handed usage with the left BUT it is not good for holding in the right hand, and neither operating with left hand or right thumb. Actually for using held in the right hand, it is better to hold it speaker down(!) but unfortunately stock android does not support that rotation, though there are apps that handles this. I Hope F(x)tec will handle this, to make it easier to hold in the right, to the benefit of primarily le
  18. Several Nokias... N97mini, N97, N95 9300, 6800, 6820, 6890, 6810, 6822, E72, 5730, 9300i, 9500, E75, X5/01, C6, Asha 303, E90,,,, EDIT Here is what GSMArena got registered: https://www.gsmarena.com/results.php3?sMakers=1&idQwerty=1&sFormFactors=2,3,4,6,10 And more if you include fixed keyboaards https://www.gsmarena.com/results.php3?sMakers=1&idQwerty=1
  19. The worst issue for me is that without a case it requires some getting used to NOT to pick it triggering the sensor, and then get the "Too many...". F(x)tec have been suggested to add an OPTION so the scanner is only active when the screen is on. If selected this would mean we would have to press power first, but should eliminate the "too many...". I do not know if they will add that, but I hope and believe so. With a shell or flip-case the issue is practically gone, as you don't get to it accidentally, as you feel the edges of the case around it, before reaching the scanner.
  20. On some languages FinQwerty actually moves the Del function for the letter-shifted qwertY physical layout (to get room or national key)
  21. For those with it still stuck in China, remember that they shut down public transportation. See this Maybe Taiwan has done the same?
  22. See replies by many the last few weeks in this thread.... The 70% cut can be at a VERY different dates in different countries. Even if we ignore the qwertY/qwertZ differences (as we can not). This can give wild fluctuations for countries with few orders. Extreme scenario 1) A country got only one order, it is fulfilled as 70% is closer to 1 than 0. Even if the order is very new. Extreme scenario 2) All in a country paid on or before August 1. Well then the cut must be that early too, to only serve 70%! And if that "all" is just 3, it is not that unlikely. Say 2 paid July 31 and
  23. Oh you are right, we can actually see the fingers also holding a mobile. Would never have imagined they did not use a real camera 🤣
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