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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Oh dear this thread is exploding into a mess of individual devices hardware issues and general issues.... Sigh.... hope another mod has the time to clean it up...
  2. Well nothing is going to happen before the end of CNY, and the virus thing is also likely to cause delays. But once started I would guess they would need a couple of weeks to do the remaining. So unless they are short on some components for new orders, and just extend the current remainder, I think that your estimate sounds fair.
  3. Well ebay is the easy choice "Self adhesive felt" But for a physical store I would ask somewhere they sell either a DIY-stuff, silverware, jewels or furnitures, as it is often used in drawers for cutlery or jewel boxes. (though here often in red or green)
  4. It already 'lands' on some rubber bumpers, I would suggest to open it with your index finger on (or catching) the back edge when you push with your thumb. OR use gravity(!). See this
  5. Another more silent way is to pick it up holding the screen, pushing the bottom down with the middle finger. This can be combined with pushing at the fingerprint scanner unlocking it. (it is dampened by gravity, and stopped by the thumb) YouCut_20200129_120706253.mp4
  6. Ah! that was what I was trying to show in the first slo-mo video. But not very good I'm afraid. 😥
  7. Never be tricked on 100% on a phone. If you want to measure start from e.g. 99%. It is a long story to the why, but 100% covers a range of remaining capacity And anyway the percentage is always an ESTIMATE, not an absolute measurement like the voltage. See my blah blah on that here (about half way in) with this:
  8. It is several versions ago Android stopped using contacts on the sim as the main storage. There are several reasons for that, but sure it has both pros and cons.
  9. I'm not sure, but I would expect that these are things they have not tampered with, but just left like stock android. Do we have anyone with with Pie on an Android ONE or Google phone that can check this?
  10. Interesting. Could you please explain further, I don't understand.
  11. Yes, this is odd: The default is deselecting ALL tick-boxes! (It would have been nice with a tick box for Stock US) If you got FinQWERTY installed you can select his "None" layout, that offers the stock with no alterations (hence the "none")
  12. No no no. I'm just saying that an accent is just a short 'scratch' on a black key, But the "@" and "Q" are much larger symbols, and thus obviously more visible. Compare to making a hole in your curtain with a needle and a long cut with a knife, the second obviously will let in more light. See also my reply just above your comment....
  13. Too bad, but at the least it is now narrowed down, to be very unlike being related to something special you are doing. Hope support can help you quickly.
  14. Yes as it makes things almost impossible to find, so the same questions are asked over and over, and someone usually have the heart to give the answers again cluttering the forum further. Sure the forum could be structured better, but spamming it does not help. And we already got this almost brand new thread derailed from the help @Elysia tried to provide for new users. And please do not take this personal, it is a general trend in here to post before seeking. And when people make posts or whole threads with multiple questions/issues, it even makes it impossible for us as modera
  15. Going minimal, I would suggest looking at a silicone shell for e.g. a Huawei P20 Pro. That gives a good grip, and some protection of the lower part. A little simple modifications are needed though.
  16. Yes these two key-pairs seems to be electrically in parallel (like the two ends of the Space bar).
  17. Oh me neither, but seldom do oversea buys in this price range. But sure my wild guesses are not better than yours, We lack the knowledge, and can not deduce what is going on with high likelihood.
  18. Well though a simpler theory it does not seem to hold. Then we should have been able to see it reflected in the order numbers serviced. But we have people with low order numbers reporting they are not in.
  19. Unless some paperwork get messed up between the banks. But a month sounds like a very long time even for bank bureaucracy. 🤐
  20. I agree this would be a very good idea. Can not imagine a scenario where it made sense that it is active while closed.
  21. EskeRahn


    Thanks, then repeat is just a bug....
  22. I can not crack the 'why' on that one, as I assume all are qwertY (As they said qwertZ are Europe only). My wild guess -that could be totally wrong/irrelevant- would be that a buy could have a significant delay (for what ever reasons) between the buyer initiating it and F(x)tec actually getting the money.
  23. Yes a case practically eliminates the "too many..." problem.
  24. No, that is meant for the people holding the device in the right hand without a case, as it is currently a little too easy to have the base of the thumb triggering the fingerprint reader, ending with "two many attempts...." I wont do that, as I always hold it in the left, either for thumb usage, or usage by right hand. Almost ambidextrous, with a slight overweight using right And I have no problems with the book opening Nippon style in portrait. I would find it more odd if it opened downwards in landscape. *LOL*
  25. That could be seen as both a plus and a minus If you insert it the other way round, the camera gets better protected. One can EITHER detach the inner part and glue it back rotated OR one can cut a whole in the inner part for the camera. Either way, remember to make a hole all the way out for the secondary mic close to the camera lenses. Try to have a look at this with some of my experiments, to see possible solutions.
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