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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. The issue is that this strictly ISN'T a "slider". The screen flies like a Dolphin out of the water more than a boat sailing on the surface. And it is so incredible contra-intuitive that we shall NOT just push in a straight line along the keyboard. I remember people had exactly the same problems when Nokia had e.g. the N97. And the crazy thing is that once the fingers 'learnt it', you can not imagine how it was ever complicated. Like riding a bike.
  2. Here is a new one, they mentioned on twitter https://www.zdnet.com/article/fxtec-pro1-changes-the-landscape-of-smartphone-keyboards/
  3. The image shows then ordered by the number in he first line, could be serial could be variant number. The second looks like there is something slightly thicker in the lower left quarter. And If they changed to that and back, I guess there might be other differences too. The first and third I can not spot either, except the way the foil folds around the components - but the last could be specimen variation, and mean nothing EDIT: I was wrong. Reflection of a phone used for images
  4. On outgoing MMS, make sure to test with something very simple like emoji, or a very reduced image. Some have a low limit on image size, and do NOT offer to compress the image, but expects that you or your mms app handles that.
  5. Unfortunately we do not know if those bugs are relate to defective display OR they require some special caution when installing a display that just MIGHT not have been known to the one replacing the display. Of course optimally neither of those happened, but just saying that we d not know (yet?) I also saw in a aliexpress listing that the display exists with the same primary number in (at the least) three versions that looks slightly different at the back. EDIT: Reflection of a phone used for images
  6. Slot 2 is the dual slot so it matters if you are going to use an SD-card. I do not know if a single card usage works better if in slot 1 than 2. I have tried both some time ago, and did not notice any difference - but there could be.
  7. It works fine on mine, have you tried another router? Would be interesting to know if it a matter of your unit not able to do 5GHz WiFi at all, or the Pro1 in general has a protocol issue with a specific router type/brand.
  8. Ah, sorry. Misunderstood. Had than on preproduction, and another strategically placed piece of adhesive felt fixed that.... Just dipping its end in the groove (only this long to be easier to handle) Seen from near the magnetic USB-plug, looking up under the partly opened display:
  9. Only partly pure stock, the icon uglification is a fairly new google 'feature'. Hold anywhere in the background on hte desktop, Home Settings, Change Icon shape. Some launchers allow you to get real icons back. Overruling Google.
  10. If you got haptic feedback active for touch typing, the vibrator is enough to have the small support arm rattling a bit, a simple piece of self adhesive felt is all it takes.
  11. 1 - carrier dependent 2 - known bug 3 - in system, gestures turn OFF Swipe up on home
  12. Installing FinQWERTY handles that (also) - can only recommend it.
  13. The only crashes I have had for many months was the bug they fixed with some programs accessing the motion sensor (e.g CPU-Z). I think they fixed that early December, If i remember right. Could be interesting to know if it also happens if you make a factory reset and first without anything, and then trying to add some apps. I would guess that it (as you suggested) is either faulty RAM, OR some app you got that triggers a bug in a driver (similar to the motion sensor thing)
  14. If the 12 is not something locked by android but within your control, it would be SUPER elegant, if you rather than twelve had one for each of the letter&symbol-keys so we pressing the Sym had a staggered keyboard map pop up, and then pressing say the M got what ever symbol we put there. (Optimally with the HW-printed letter&symbols in faint small print, and the symbols in clear print in this helper display) If Sym was used as a modifier with the M, we could have the symbol directly without the helper screen popping up. And this system could be expanded to allow Sym+modifier
  15. ...Or it was the Hybris that led to the Nemesis... 😇🤪
  16. I will let the staff decide how they want things done. As a voluntary moderator I'm more of a janitor in here. I will await what @Erik, @Waxberry or @Elysia will do...
  17. Too bad. Hope you find a solution, so you can start 'clacking' quickly again.
  18. Will report. But I fear the 1mm is too thick, unless it is very soft. (I ordered it for experimenting with self adhesive bumpers)
  19. I think what you are describe is what I thought was originally meant with the small support arm. Try and close it on a thin piece of paper, touching the support arm. if that changes the sound, you nailed the culprit.
  20. Yes could have been handy, I only got a delete button, but I think that would be overkill. Despite some of the accusations could be seen as slander I leave some slack for rants, unless the staff feels otherwise.
  21. Sigh.... This thread that was supposed to be a thread on known bugs, has drifted into a discussion thread with possible bugs and comments on them, making it impossible for new users to easily find if a bug is already known, reported and verified.... I guess we will have to swing the split and merge axe again... 😥
  22. Yes. these wild conspiracy theories are getting a bit tiresome. You really have to have a Donald brain to think that they would produce and send well over a thousand extra units if they planned to run. I guess the next wave of posts we will see from these guys are that F(x)tec is behind the Corona virus, as an excuse for not delivering 🤪😱
  23. Too me that looks like he has added the supplied screen protector.
  24. The self adhesive felt is about 0.50mm (EXCLUDING the wax-paper it delivered on)
  25. Only that I do not know where to get it just as thin/soft. 🙂 But sure should technically be expected to be more durable, and easier to keep clean. ADD: I already ordered some 1mm neoprene adhesive, but it has not arrived yet, so do not how good/bad it would work. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/223689641795
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