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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. The first has 4000 votes, the second, 3000, the third 2500, As far as i can see we are currently fifth with 1216.... So a long way to beat the 4000....
  2. I got an e-mail shortly after the phone, where they told they would be sending he earphones shortly after (I replied they should save the money, as I most likely would never use them, no matter how cool they look)
  3. Ah, you mean the airport? πŸ˜‡πŸ€£
  4. Uh that sounds bad... Is it formatting 'only', or not accepting larger formatted cards?
  5. Interesting, looks like a generic holder with a label added. Could be interesting to know the dimensions the unbranded can hold.
  6. Well I used the BB Priv for quite a while sort of with similar feelings. Far from perfect for me with the keyboard in the wrong direction, but it was definitely the least bad option available. The Pro1 is MUCH closer to what I want. And most of the things I have to complain about could be fixed with firmware. e.g. I have since spring suggested them to offer the users an OPTION that 'simply' made a user selectable logical display. Call it software-bezels, This would allow some users to use the full edge screen, and others to have a flat square slightly lesser display area. People with
  7. What I meant is that it is hard to imagine any bumper/casing for the top part of the Pro1 due to the edge-type screen that leaves a very thin strip at the sides below the display area. Your idea of adding some self adhesive protection of the ends of the top half seems like a very good compromise. I do not know the dragon grips. But optimally we would have something adhesive that could be shaped (with some heating?) and had some 'substance' (foamy?) that could help absorb impacts. Similar to the bumpers on the case you found for the bottom half. I have searched a bit not finding anythin
  8. Though you of course technically are right that a more complex process is more expensive. The strange thing is that curved displays have become so widespread that they actually sell cheaper. I guess simply due to being produced in larger quanta.
  9. As I read it the qwertZ are what is expected for Czech. But a third variant with qwertY for the qwertY hardware could be argued to match the print. But a Czech qwertY for the qwertZ print I doubt anyone would use.
  10. Well not rigged, but not representative either πŸ˜‰ It is great if the Pro1 can wind in a larger audience, than us that used keyboard phones a decade ago. Maybe we should try changing the "Why are you still using a hardware keyboard?" to "Why do you let do with a surrogate keyboard?" Or the silly aPple sheep strawman version "You are using a slab because you can not afford a keyboard phone". On a serious note, it is all about what we use our devices for. Those of us that enter a lot of text (for whatever reason) can benefit from a real keyboard. But for those where entering te
  11. Tried the second, not the first. And others too. Though they to a large extent works most of the time, there always are some apps where they do not. My GUESS is that the Android api offers info on both physical and logical display sizes, and if an app incorrectly rely on the physical size, things does not act as you would expect. The least bad I've seen affected the touch zone only. But that will prevent scroll-bars like in the Settings, Apps list to work properly.
  12. It is MUCH more important NOT to use quick/fast charging in daily usage. Use an old say 0.5A charger, or a USB output from a pc or radio. It will be able to charge the Pro1 while we sleep, but does it slowly, and thus with marginally heating, and that really matters for the overall battery life. Use the quick/fast charging when in need only. It is like eating junk food. Occasional usage is not an issue - but don't do it every day. I have a lot on charging on my blog, e.g. start here
  13. But remember that most of us dinosaurs will not be using a forum like this. At the most read it for info, not posting (or joining a poll) so the poll at best reflects the age distribution of the active forum users, not the distribution of the pre-order costumers or target audience in general. But sure a good thing that is is not limited to dinosaurs only, as you and others might spread the word better to the non-dinosaurs than we can.
  14. Yup, also see the above posts, this is a number published all the way back mid August (Perhaps even earlier elsewhere?), So not measured on an actual a retail unit. And could be a loose 8Β½ oz (240.97g) interpreted as an exact number.
  15. Let me put it this way. The round ones I had bought, I gave away to someone not using a Pro1....
  16. In an earlier version of the firmware you could actually factory reset the device by a suitable combination of holding/pressing the physical buttons. Not extremely likely, But I actually accidentally did it once on the Pre-prod unit. One should NEVER rely on storing data on a phone/phablet alone.
  17. Maybe we should try influence our peers by indicating that fumbling with a touch-keyboard on a slab for a grown up is about as embarrassing as when one our age try to talk street-smart with the kids, or text in pure emojis to feel less old... πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡ ...Or use the aPple sheep argumentation: You are using a slab because you can not afford a phone with a real keyboard!
  18. You simply have to stop closing it, to avoid wearing the cable... πŸ˜‹
  19. Remember that you still would need the slanted edge, it is there on e.g. E7 and N97 for a reason... So we would get a lot of bezels like in the old days. Making it practically impossible to sell to any but us dinosaurs....
  20. Yeah, e.g. the Sony takes a 62000 times larger memory card.. πŸ˜‚
  21. I wonder how often the engine at GSMA gets to compare these two....😁
  22. Used that myself. I got used to it, but ended holding it rather high up to get a balanced hold.
  23. Or like the Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium, with a slightly smaller display, see e.g. here
  24. Well yes, it would certainly be annoying with a tendency to tip in any direction from what feels natural to hold, and more so than the weight by it self.πŸ˜‰
  25. Ah I see. I naΓ―vely thought the certification stuff was mainly related to the antennas and the circuitry driving those. And of course you are right, there are no guarantee that the same display will be easily available in a couple of years, other than as service parts. And anyway in a couple of years I guess in screen fingerprint will be a standard they would hate to omit. But that a different display should fit the same shell is pretty unlikely, and if the size is just slightly different, the whole thing has to be redesigned accordingly...
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