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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Ah I see in the other thread that you are using it with a case. Yes then it will almost certainly work, as this adds a few millimetres.
  2. Yeah the card slot gives an extra layer, but also makes it harder to close nicely, as the Pro1 obviously being thicker I doubt you will get a good fit of the protector, but could be a good quick-fix. It should be fairly easy to find matching protectors. just search for "Elephone U Pro", that is using the exact same BOE display.
  3. I have looked at that type as well, but I fear it will be so thick/wide you can not place it flat on a table.... I know this is an issue with the round connectors... ADD: Unless you use it in a case, that lifts it a few millimetres.
  4. But what about the inactive touch screen bug. When have you last seen that? And has it had an OTA update after that?
  5. Interesting that you still see the inactive touch screen bug. That was fixed on mine with an OTA update. Are yours up to date? QX100_EEA_20191210...... There is also a new as of today, I have not yet installed (it is doing it now)
  6. The one in the picture looks quite wide, this MIGHT be an issue, as the plug is off centre by half an inch (to give a better grip opened and plugged). Also note that the Pro1 curves off towards the sides to give the pebble-like feeling, so it is important that the plate is flexible and not stiff.
  7. If someone will make an 'app' that can allow an ordinary user to 'upload' the layout-files on a non-rootet device, then I will gladly make a PC program for entering the layouts. (As I understand @Anssi Hannula this is not as trivial as it may sound) I already started the PC part back in February... I also have an idea of sharing layouts not only fully but PARTLY in sheets. E.g. If one with a Hungarian layout had made a smart Math-character set on Shift+Ctrl+Fn-combos, then to extract that so someone else could import it in say Swedish, And perhaps place it on Alt+Fn if that suited t
  8. I haven't been looking at the files, but please note that he has even put it up openly as open source on github. See the links here
  9. ....Googled a bit and they all seem to have this odd swap. There is a VARIANT, the canadian CSA where the super 1 is not shifted https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QWERTY#/media/File:ACNOR_keyboard.jpg http://marin.jb.free.fr/qwerty-fr/
  10. Could make good sense if the superscript one was lower, like the 2 and 3, so could merely be a bug in wiki.... @Anssi Hannula (just mentioning to make sure he sees this)
  11. How odd, it is not dead here. If I use it combined with Fn it is dead though
  12. I think he tried to get as close as possible to the one in wiki, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QWERTY#US-International https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QWERTY#/media/File:KB_US-International.svg
  13. Apostrophe is next to L (matching the print on the key)....
  14. Well the Pro version does offer the transform part, but landscape only, and no re-samplings it seems, what I lack are these quick ones (shown in portrait to have all the options without scrolling):
  15. Well the Pro version does offer the transform part, but landscape only, and no re-samplings it seems, what I lack are these quick ones (shown in portrait to have all the options without scrolling): (The last menu looks practically identical for Crop and for Resize, when starting with a 4:3 image)
  16. Well the Pro version does offer the transform part, but landscape only, and no re-samplings it seems, what I lack are these quick ones (shown in portrait to have all the options without scrolling): (The last menu looks practically identical for Crop and for Resize, when starting with a 4:3 image)
  17. Well the Pro version does offer the transform part, but landscape only, and no re-samplings it seems, what I lack are these quick ones (shown in portrait to have all the options without scrolling): (The last menu looks practically identical for Crop and for Resize, when starting with a 4:3 image)
  18. Ah I see. It cost a whole US dollar. I will do the investment in the experiment.... 🤣
  19. Hmm I do not even see 3:2 It does not look at all like what you got... Maybe one of the many settings... Will have a look again. You are sure it is not another editor you launch from within the "Simple Gallery"? Your image look like one of the others I tried.... This is what the "Simple Mobile Tools" Gallery's editor looks like here:
  20. Yeah, and that gives me a dialogue box to enter the wanted resolution manually. Versatile but not fast. But don't get me wrong, many are MUCH worse out there, concetrating on silly 'effects' rather than usability. So absolutely one of the better I have seen. (And the quick aspect ratio selection defaults to landscape, even for a originals in portrait, so to use you would need to rotate, crop and rotate back, possible but overcomplicated)
  21. ...Just tried it and i really like the QuickPic way you can reduce quickly to a standard number in one direction, without having to enter it. And also the both coarse and fine rotate. Most often I take a picture to be used for a mail or MMS, go to edit, crop it, and choose a suitable reduction size (What the original would have been without crop), and save. And most often kill the original. I have found a few others that can do this, but none as simple. (or they had other issues)
  22. Oh spyware requires network access to be effective, and I do not give it access. But of course Netguard could be spying too.
  23. The key apps I would recommend anyone are 3C All-in-one Toolbox Pro (Especially if you with adb give it android.permission.BATTERY_STATS ) GSAM Battery Monitor Pro (Especially if you with adb give it android.permission.BATTERY_STATS ) Greenify - to help automatically clean up, the bloat that you have chosen not to disable due to occasional usage. Android Assistant - To help manually clean up Netguard - a non-root VPN 'firewall'. Textra - a nice SMS/MMS app, that works great with a real keyboard NOT giving a small window of a few lines for entering the text..
  24. I can absolutely follow you, BUT it much depends on whether you can feel reasonably certain that you can buy another in a couple of years or not. I mean the approach makes a lot of sense for a device like the Pro1 where we do not know if/when there will be another. Had it come in several 'flavours' I would for sure have bought the one with top specs. But If I was in the market for an ordinary slab, I would most likely be looking at say yesteryears flagship, As I would feel certain that I would have upgraded to something different before it even got close to it's theoretical end of life, S
  25. My concern here is if the adhesive is too good. I would not like a permanent solution, or something that pulled of the paint when removed. ADD: Ordered some, and will experiment with it on other stuff first.
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