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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. As I understand it, This is allowed for tablets & PCs, but not for phones&phablets. Yes I know, this does not make any sense! But neither does their lacking landscape support of the homepage grid on a phone&phablet. Must be some strange 'political' decision some crazed cheif UI architecht had made at some point, trying to force us to use our devices not like we prefer but as he in his dictatorial mind wishes.... Google's variant of aPple's "You are holding it wrong"...
  2. Please note that we (oddly) are (still?) allowed to do this through ADB. I use this to clean up a Samsung S8- somewhat, see this.
  3. Craig, you are TOTALLY wrong, he NEVER said he was willing to pay $3k, he said he was willing to pay OVER $3k.... 🤪
  4. Interesting idea, but in principle that would only be a further level or security, or a complication, as you previous method could be used twice. Of course that is a serious complication so would certainly make it more secure. But from an academic standpoint it is not. But talking academic it would most likely be easier to open the phone and insert something that logs every display and touch,
  5. Yes but we started in the last millenium, so then we would have ended in version 102.1 ...
  6. We had a similar system with some database-system once, bumping the major version every year. We got to version 19.1 in 2002 (still using that version, most likely the last user!)
  7. Please do not try to here repeat the extremely long thread on their communication of estimates that did not hold.
  8. Touché 😁 Glad I wrote "consider".
  9. There might be, but sort of would be sad if people that had that much money to waste did not use them for some better stuff like charity. (Splitting sticks 20 would be a digit behind, in front could be a 1 to 12)
  10. Well if people got a broken device, and the alternative is to buy an intermediate device, for use while waiting only, well then an overprice could make sense. But personally I would not even sell it for $2000. If one added a digit in front, I would consider it....
  11. Try adding more digits... 🤪🤣
  12. Please read the thread.... They can not use Paypal before they can guarantee to ship to consumer within 20 days. PayPal policy
  13. It is like saying you would want to buy an old painting slightly over the price it was sold for originally... As the price has gone up, people can not even get back in queue for a new one with a substantial profit, so realistically the only ones that would find your offer interesting would be any disliking the Pro1 and regretting having bought it. And sure it is likely that some will feel that way, but hardly among the most eager ones that are in the first batch....
  14. From older SonyEricsson Xperia's I remember one of the Staff suggesting a user to attach the device to a SLOW charging port, like e.g. an old 0.5A 5V charger or a PC, and leave it overnight. Could be worth a try, 🙂
  15. My guess above was wrong, this seems to be related to some automatic system that ensures a minimum mean brightness, that they forget to turn off, when not in Auto. Have a look at this overview of images taken with manual mode in the Qualcomm app The rows are Iso 100, 200, 400, 800 and columns are -2, 0, +2 EV And clearly the EV is ignored/overruled for ISO100 and -2EV looks all too equal. My guess is that something is boosting too dark images brighter. A functionality that can be quite handy in Auto, but should be turned off when the API get explicit parameters, and th
  16. But as I said before, what is suggested is REALLY close to what we can get using a black marker on a qwertZ: And then just use it with FinQWERTY, as I currently do.
  17. Your "more recent" is still 2½ YEARS old... Would be nice with something ... eh ... recent on the subject.
  18. I wondered about that too, and have forwarded it to the staff, and hope they can get that detail fixed.
  19. I know this is cursing here, but have you heard about a fruit company and their mAcos? 10.0, 10.1, ....10.15, see e.g. wiki
  20. Another guess could be other legal requirements. From in the benign end some emergency functionality, to the more dire ones like required backdoors for NSA and the like in various countries with agencies of that nature.
  21. Currently using version 5.26 (And no that is not "5.2.6"), so long AFTER 5.5. Their 5.5 is from late October 2016
  22. Yes, but it might take some time to for Google to handle this so it can be seen on the individual devices. But it IS on Google's public list as certified. See this
  23. We have seen images of the first batch, and assuming one layer only, it was 120. If more than one layer, well you do the calculus.... Some of those got caught in some US customs paper-hell, we do not know how many.
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