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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Ah nice! I was looking forward to someone testing that 🙂
  2. i'm pretty sure this is expected behaviour, as the system tries to prolong the small time of battery stamina left, by reducing speed.
  3. I would try to (temporarilly) manually stop user-installed apps one by one, and see if one particular app triggers the odd behaviour on LineageOS. Have you rooted_ Could it be Magisk? (mine isn't rooted, plain Lineage and OpenGapps 11 Pico)
  4. Works fine here too. Either with a regular charger, a fast charger or a pc-usb port. (I usually charge it through the PC weekly before updating the OS - use it for test only, hence the whole week stamina)
  5. It seems like the best shot at it getting to work is if FxTec can do something similar to what @peter.s.fidelman described UniHertz did with AT&T to get the Pro1(X) whitelisted - I have no idea what it takes to do so (AFAIK it is not as easy to swap the IMEI on th Pro1, so most likely it would be to get existing IMEI-ranges whitelisted), but let us tag @Waxberry and @Erik and see if one of them can perform some magic here 🙂
  6. Contact fxtec and hear if they got it as a spare part.
  7. IT WORKS!!!! 😮😮 Here is what I did boot to bootloader fastboot flash boot_a lineage-17.1-20210222-recovery-pro1.img Roll down to "Recovery Mode" with VolDown, and press Power to select. Await recovery boot. Select "Apply update", "Apply from ADB" for main flash adb sideload lineage-17.1-20210222-nightly-pro1-signed.zip From main menu, select Advanced, "Reboot to recovery". Await recovery boot. Select "Apply update", "Apply from ADB" to add Gapps adb sideload open_gapps-arm64-10.0-pico-20210327.zip If prompted (shortly after 47%) tap
  8. No. We are not even allowed to downgrade from 18.1 20210809 to 20210726 ...Though there is a SLIM possibility that it might work it works, if you do not attempt to boot into 17.1, but stay at bootloader or recovery level
  9. Navmii works fine on both stock Android and AICP, so assume it works on Lineage too (The preproduction unit I use for Lineage lacks the GPS antenna)
  10. Thanks for the reply. I personally merely use Lineage for tests currently (so no big deal with resets). I'm just reporting so others can decide if they should upgrade or stay on the 20210726 for now. 🙂 If someone need an app that uses the accessibility keyboard hook and interferes, but does not use it frequently one can consider as another option to leave the accessibility off for the app, and only turn it on when needed temporarily. People should also note that it is not all apps using the accesibility hooks that interfere. (e.g. There are no issues with Greenify)
  11. (lineage-18.1-20210809-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on August 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and Open_Gapps-arm64-11-pico-20210712) ...But keyboard bug reintroduced is not yet fixed, see comment from @Sean McCreary above. Did not try to do a factory reset first... But did try to flash back to 0726, and that claimed the data to be corrupt, so was forced to reset... So made a third flash WITH a wipe... and that did not work with the 0809, so went back to 0726, with another wipe required. And things work again. I hope for better luck next week . 😇
  12. From what I can google VoLTE uses SIP, so if VoLTE is working with your carrier so is SIP. But obviously SIP might work even if VoLTE does not.
  13. Good news! Indeed thanks to @Sean McCreary again. 👍
  14. (lineage-18.1-20210726-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on July 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and Open_Gapps-arm64-11-pico-20210712)
  15. Indeed, a flip case is the least bad available, and I have used similar too for over two years. But it is not to everyone's liking. See this (long) thread for various options.
  16. In Denmark it is one year full warranty, and the second year you have to prove it was the manufacturers fault. (That is why planned obsolescence is not uncommon to kick in shortly after the second year)
  17. It is certainly not an easy road for a small company being swindled like they were. I'm amazed they got the stamina to push on, and did not just close their business. And indeed if they are so unlucky as to be flooded with warranty requests it might be very hard for them to fulfil what they legally are obliged to. So a big thumbs up from me for their will to fight, And fingers crossed on the road ahead being more smooth,
  18. (lineage-18.1-20210719-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on July 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and Open_Gapps-arm64-11-pico-20210712)
  19. Stick-splitting: slightly under, it was stamped 2020-08-25. 😇
  20. It would indeed be nice with some official info on what is going to happen with the original Pro1 - I am unaware of any info. Peronally I have given up hope on any updates. And should we get any after all, I will see it as a pleasant surprise. So I guess our best chance of a somewhat updated Android system is LineageOS 18, optionally with OpenGapps or MindTheGapps. But it will require som rooting trickery for some security demanding apps like banking apps to work... See the LineageOS 18 thread
  21. @tomthegeekand @SCΛRECROW. Maybe a silly question, but did you remove all residues of the old strip and put the new adhesive strips the same places? It could be hat you are supposed to cut it to fit?
  22. We have had a discussion on the oddities of carrier behaviour and VoLTE over here
  23. It is a bit more complex than a simple yes or know as it depends on the carrier. See e.g.
  24. I did notice that they in the May update mentioned these two, but did not reflect on stock Android not being mentioned. Add: The June update mentioned it though (my emphasising): So I assume I am just over-interpreting.....
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