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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. (lineage-18.1-20210614-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on May 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-11.0.0-arm64-20210412_124247)
  2. You could try to flash the 20210531, with a little luck it will work stepping back 'one step' even without resetting.
  3. The IMEI number is an individual number for each specimen of a phone model. You could see it as a standardised serial number. See e.g. wiki
  4. PS I will suggest the opposite order. Install the functioning rom, and do a reset from that (you can do it from the recovery menu, so it is a clean boot on the newly flashed rom) (I have updated the original bug report with this new variant, so if we are very lucky and a developer is bored today, we might see a fix included in tomorrows update...)
  5. Nope, it is a test-device (the old pre-production unit without a few radios...) A factory reset does NOT fix it... Will try to flash a few weeks back and do a reset... Edit I. It still worked flashing 20210510 (and doing a factory reset) Edit II. It still worked flashing 20210517 (no reset) Edit III. It still worked flashing 20210524 (no reset) Edit IV. It still worked flashing 20210531 (no reset) SO the conclusion is that keyboard selection was broken with the 20210607, beyond what a factory reset can fix! (will not re-flash now, but optimistically try going from 0531 to 0614
  6. Oh you are right, sorry did not test, just asummed it still worked.... But yes It is destroyed on mine again(!) Ctrl+Space for changing languages is again ignored. Is it on yours two? (you have to have selected more than one first obviously) I will try to do a factory reset (yes tedious!!!) to see if this fixes it this time too.... (tried the two softer resets of network and then apps, and as expected that did NOT make any difference)
  7. You need to BOTH tell it whether it is the qwertZ or qwertY version (see above) and ALSO select the language you want to type on it. e.g. German on qwertZ.
  8. I'm not sure I quite understand your question. You can select the physical layout Inside Lineage settings ("languages and input", "physical keyboard", "Advanced settings", "physical layout"). If it is selecting the layout you wish, that does not seem to work, then see a few pages back, where I had odd problems with the layouts going to 18.1, that was fixed by a factory reset. We never really found out why the upgrade failed. For some the upgrade goes just fine, so some combo with other stuff...
  9. Many other factors could affect this (unfortunately), so no easy dead sure answer. Sometimes a different port (even on the same PC) can make a difference. And some have reported that using a hub might help, and others that not using a hub helped... The driver on the PC for the port also matters... so I would say the best to do is to experiment, including other cables and perhaps other pc's. It is not that it is hard to get it working, but when it isn't working, it can be hard to figure out the why. 😖 I have it working fine even with fairly cheap Chinese usb-cables on an ancient Lenovo th
  10. As far as I know there are no OIS in the setup, so it must be the focus mechanism you are 'poking', so if it for some reason got stuck or had some dirt preventing its movement it does make sense that poking it might help it move freely again.
  11. Never seen that. My guess would be that it is some app that does it.... Say some app that fails to do whatever it tries to and is signalling for you to fix it. e.g. a mail app failing to communicate with the mail-server When you say restart, is it just a Press power select Restart, or is it a hold power down for some 10 secs? The later does a deeper boot. (and is simple and non-destructive so try that first) If that does not fix it I would try to stop apps (Settings, Apps, See all apps, find and click app, click Force Stop) on any newly installed or newly updated app, to see see if t
  12. just to be sure, have you tried checking if the top part is 'clicked' together. Some have reported that it can get loose, and that we can simply snap it back with just a squeeze between two fingers. That MIGHT explain the random behaviour. See it described with images here.
  13. Great that it works for you. 🙂 Though I'm quite puzzled how it could fix it.
  14. (lineage-18.1-20210607-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on May 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-11.0.0-arm64-20210412_124247) Please note: On keyboard layout selection issues, see this thread.
  15. A functional question, I noticed a minor dent at the bottom of the upper camera cover, does it affect images? EDIt see answer below And a thumb up for that one. 😁
  16. Just a hint to potential buyers. It looks like all this wear will be within what will be covered if you use a shell (or flip case), grabbing the lower part. There are multiple alternatives, you could start in the newer end of this long thread or at my DIY experiments.
  17. It is, and there have been none since (to my knowledge).
  18. @Rob. S. How do you correct the item order as you did? The fourth icon is hard to get in portrait. And the one used most by me is Aeroplane mode that is fourth on mine.... PS I am aware that I can DISABLE others, but no matter the order i reenable them, i end with Aeroplane mode as the fourth, not lockdown
  19. (lineage-18.1-20210531-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on May 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-11.0.0-arm64-20210412_124247)
  20. Since just after a software upgrade, I would guess software issues first. But obviously it could be unrelated and be a hardware issue.... Had it been the front facing camera, it could have been accidentally pushed during the display replacement, but it could hardly have affected the rear camera.
  21. EskeRahn

    Disabling 4G+

    I'm not sure if it will work, but you could try to limit the bands it is allowed to use. In the dialer app, 'dial' *#*#4636#*#*, select phone 1 and select "Set preferred network type" gives something similar but not identical to what @netman suggests.
  22. I bet that was the hardest part, to leave that bottle untouched for 48 hours? 😂
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