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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Just to make sure I understand right. If we want to use keyboard shortcuts to launch apps, that will require using a launcher that FxTec is developing in house? Meaning it wont work if we change to nova/pixel/google now/trebuchet/etc other launcher? (unless also written into that launcher of course) If so, any more info on this FxTec launcher? Will it be open source? Will apk be on on play store? Does it have a name? Does anyone know which android launchers already support keyboard shortcuts to apps? I've never used this feature, but now that I'm aware of it, I think it sounds u
  2. Out of curiosity, why would anyone want to disable sticky modifiers, if given a choice. It doesn't stop you from pressing both keys at once, just makes it so you don't have to if you dont want to...
  3. How about we also include all additional costs, i.e. tax for those who were charged it? From my understanding those paying USD outside USA don't get taxed, so I'm curious if that's true for all. (I've heard that about Canada and Australia). California (USA): $10.73 Shipping $47.78 CA State Tax
  4. Don't forget shift. For those of used to hardware keyboards already, we expect a sticky shift and that's obviously the most commonly used modifier, at least in English. I'm surprised this is even complicated since most (all?) other keyboard devices already do this.
  5. Netman put together a summary of Q&A from a few attendees: http://matland.be/fxqa/
  6. You're definitely missed. Even the posts that did get approved haven't been bumped in your absence. (Of course, software would be more effective in your absence if it was set up a little better, as you've pointed out).
  7. Discord for one. https://discord.gg/BFGzMw7
  8. According to recent tweets, Toronto is being planned... and maybe even something west coast too. Hopefully San Jose or San Francisco area.
  9. If you order from aliexpress today, you can consider it a race between the protector and phone to see which gets to you first! I just received mine, estimated 30 days when I ordered, took 3 weeks (to California).
  10. Come to think of it, Pro1 is 2:1 Ratio. My screenshot was on Moto Z2 Force, with 16:9 (1.87:1) ratio. So Pro1 is wider, so probably fits that other stuff on the right on that bbc webpage, thus maybe it could be done with Pro1 exactly. (Also if you want, with root/xposed you can change dpi or control an apps perceived resolution and make stuff smaller - I do this myself when I'm mirroring my PQ onto bigger screen). I did use two different browsers, didnt' bother to check if I could open two tabs in one browser splitscreen or something, but that might be a way to decrease the gap if a brow
  11. I can do that on my oreo phone, almost the same. Not sure how to get that action menu tho, often long press on the screen is right-click equivilent. Tapping or dragging is regular click. (I've used android with a mouse on pq w/lapdock). I suspect it's his browser or browser setup. For example I know you can get the desktop looking version of firefox - with tabs and full action bar with back/forward/refresh, etc - by using xposed modules. Max filesize 512kb so I didn't wanna attach, just left it same as my Moto Z2 Force screenshot took it, other than some scribbles to protect my ide
  12. I don't see the font issue either on my pc, a snippit is attached(1920x1080 screen resolution, 120% scale in firefox). But just like the colors that are driving me crazy, some stuff depends on your local theme and system font and stuff too. Maybe my issue is low quality laptop screen, I have to move my head at a very odd angle to see the difference between this white textbox and the light grey background, at any normal viewing angle it's just all white.
  13. Man... again trying to figure where to type in this sea of white. Just a comment... the hotspot question is semi-valid. Although it's a standard android feature, its one that is sometimes disabled due to carrier restrictions, The carriers often make changes to AOSP so they can monitor if you're tethering and charge you extra, etc. This is in fact one reason some people root or run custom roms, to enable tethering to make it look like regular mobile data. But that is usually only on carrier provided phones, etc, not retail versions direct from mfg like Pro1, so I would think 99.9%
  14. Something has changed with the colors. I'm sure it has to do with my own theme and laptop screen and all that, but I can *barely* see outlines around text boxes and such, I have to move my head up and down to try find and angle that can see the outlines in this sea of bright white. If it stays this way much longer I'm going to need a neck brace. https://i.imgur.com/GqeB6br.jpg
  15. I was only checking out of curiosity to see if it was still orderable and if any price changes yet, etc. I can only afford the one device unfortunately. Anyways I'll stay out of this and let you guys sort it out. Maybe it's regional differences too, dunno.
  16. Your wish, my command. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/604767677193519104/613436865936228390/unknown.png
  17. You cannot pre-order w/o paying now, although you can still order at the pre-order price if you're ready to buy another now. I think if you want to change a paid order back to a pre-order, you should contact fxtec directly, I doubt they'll put a mechanism in place for you do it yourself, and cancelling your paid order now could cause even more complciations.... you've still got time to sort this out before they ship...
  18. Bummer, still moderation delay and no post previews or edits. Although I realize order processing is way way way more important than the forum, I'd kinda hoped in the bank of my mind this downtime might be forum related.
  19. FAQ - Reserved for later with assumption we can edit Q: Can I use a microphone and speech to text? A: Sure. Go ahead and try. If you can do that faster than a keyboard accurately, then there is no need for another keyboard phone.
  20. Current Champion: Noir 61 wpm Device: Photon Q Date: 2019-Aug-21
  21. I wondered about the HDMI. I bet something like this will help with that: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NNLZNT5/ref=psdc_3015395011_t2_B07P2WW7B3 Note I know nothiing about this model, just picked it quickly as an example.
  22. I think some of us hoped FxTec was a little different than 'any major phone manufacturer' and WOULD openly sell service parts to the general public.
  23. Post scores from typeracer.com, or similar, also be sure to let us know your phone model and if it's hardware or virtual keyboard. When we get the pro1, the goal will to beat the best score compared to all these old devices, virtual or hardware. To be "officially" considered the best score, you must provide two screenshots of different times getting the same score. (similar to drag racing). But unofficially post whatever you want. It's not like there's a prize or anything. I know you type-racers are out there... Photon Q... N900... Droid4... N950.. Blackberr
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