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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Capslock behaviour is different tho. Under capslock, all letters are capitlozed until you turn it off, and it doesnt affect characters with a shift function, still have to shift to get them even under capslock. A sticky modifer just acts like it stuck until the next SINGLE keypress, and affects everything, not just capitols. I assume the reason sticky shift isnt working for number symbols on pro1 is cuz regular shift isnt working either, nothing related to sticky.
  2. I was under the impression even regular (simultaneous) shift isnt working for number symbols.
  3. Getting conflicting reports... mosen reported yesterday works, and I just asked again, he confirmed again. Even the LED lights up after pressing shift until you press another key.
  4. Even if you can disable it, you can just ignore it, it won't affect you - unless you accidentally push a modifier key unexpectedly. or something..
  5. The only modifier that sticks is the left shift? The other shift and ctrl keys don't stick? What about the funky arrow one has to use with numbers instead of shift (by design for some reason), does that stick?
  6. I personally want to remap the right diagarrow to /? and then use shift for everything, no need for that arrow modifier then. I'd want to map the left diagarrow as AltGr so I can use use us int'l, so for example I can type San José correctly...
  7. There is already a dedicated subforum for it, that's the point, it's already here. https://community.fxtec.com/?forumId=48
  8. as opposed to one thread to discuss every possible issue? I imagine that would end up pages and pages long and confusing with no idea what anyones talking about. The point was one thread per issue to make it EASY to navigate, and save time so you don't have to read about issues you're not interested in, or get mixed up which replies are applicable to which issue, etc.
  9. Suggestion. There are some sub forums already. For people reporting phone bugs, they should just start a new thread in the bugs sub-forume. Chen's existing thread could just be a list of known bugs, with links to their discussion threads...
  10. What results do you get from safetynet test? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.scottyab.safetynet.sample
  11. There is a twrp build for Pro1 by Sean MccReary. The info is currently in the SailfishOS thread, but for better visibility I think it deserves it's own thread. TWRP 3.3.1 for Pro1: Download here
  12. Gotta start somewhere 🙂 - and I'm glad it was with this device, nobody else with more experience is making it, so if it takes them a little time to get it right and figure out logistics at the beginning, I'll deal with that.
  13. Technically, there is some "mention" of it on xda... https://forum.xda-developers.com/pro1/development/custom-roms-lineage-t3981821
  14. Well thanks @furukawa! Here's the closest thing to the first hands-on review of a production unit I can find. Thru google translate to english, but you can change it or select original language from there (avoids the international restrictions too). https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ja&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fegg.5ch.net%2Ftest%2Fread.cgi%2Fsmartphone%2F1567738851%2F508-509 Android is close to Pure and there are no extra apps. The protective sheet on the screen was affixed like a PET material. The screen looks like a pen tile and I'm worried about dots.
  15. I'm lazy. When I posted the memes I didn't have to resize as they were under 2mb already. With these, they were over, so I just did screenshot (the one built into firefox) then pasted.
  16. Looks like the first delivery may have been 15 November - at least in my time zone.
  17. Not mine, from Taketyon on twitter https://twitter.com/JH174941/status/1196247918908297216 Note there are additional details (Japanese) and other pics on the twitter channel.
  18. I still have three working Photon Qs, but my simmod one has worn out keyboard, so the two left are US Sprint only. And it was my first smart phone. (I did have keyboard featurephone prior, samsung flight 2 they gave me at work until I bought my own PQ). Problems with using PQ in 2019 include when using sim-mod, no LTE (as there's only sprints bands), and 2G/3G not being added anymore and slowly going away. Lineage stopped updates earlier this year at version 14.1 (Nougat). With only 1GB ram LOS slow, and with 8GB storage, using lollipop or newer you have very little free space left,
  19. No idea if that's correct, but if you're referring to our fearless leader, he's more likely PhD than MD, both of which make him Doctor Chen; and if he doesn't have phd, I grant him honorary doctorate from Craig Academy (which I can also offer to anyone for half the price of the diplomas offered on the previous forum; PM for details; pro1 accepted for payment) edit: to be clear, pro1 itself is accepted as payment; pro1 cannot be used to make payment by other means, sorry for confusion. If one wants doctorate from Craig U, one must provide Pro1.
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