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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Don't forgot the Livermorium Moto-Mod keyboard. Only a few actually made it to customers before project cancelled.
  2. I do agree the 6" size is good for sales, even if me and a few dinosaurs prefer smaller, and I understand and agree with FXtec's reason for that. Still not sure about the curved screen tho.... but I like the no bezels, make maximal use of that area.
  3. Silly question. If I was someone who'd cancelled, it means I want the phone, I'm just crazy paranoid. Doesn't mean I dont wanna see if I'm wrong, or how it works out for ppl, and buy later once I'm not worried.
  4. You're awesome at clarifying specifics.
  5. It might make an interesting poll, to see who would prefer smaller, same, or bigger. Early on, most everyone wanted smaller, that guy above is the first who' has mentioned wanting bigger, and my guess is he hasn't used a keyboard phone before. I personally think pro1 is going to be a little too big, that's why the layout is "shifted" s try to deal with it being too big to be perfectly comfortable. I'd imagine 5.25 screen is around ideal size. But, maybe when I get pro1, I will get used to it and not mind how big it is, I haven't had my hands on it yet. In my experience, Photon Q keybo
  6. CM11 (Kitkat) defiantly didn't include gapps which is when I started using it.... what version are you using that included gapps? Must be old version. I think way way way back they included gapps but at some point google said no, so they removed em. opengapps.org shows the various options for installing gapps, there are minimal versions with just enough for play store, if that's what you want.
  7. I've tried this riot thing for a couple months, 3 people. I'm one of them Discord, over a hundred. I dunno. Seems ppl prefer discord. https://discord.gg/BFGzMw7
  8. It's something to do with emoji. For me shift didnt fix it tho, had to press ESC.
  9. Feature-phones are a lot more than dumb phones. Feaurephones have internet access, dumb phones don't. I assumed that's what he meant, as very few went straight from dumb-phone to smart-phone. All analog phones were dumbphones.
  10. Seems like most of the active forum users have voted. I declare those over 40 winners! If this poll is ever repeated, could break down the old folks a bit more, and make equal sized groups... to see the real winner... i.e. 18-24, 25-31, 32-38, 39-45, 46-51, 52-58, 59+
  11. If you want to see the kind of apps available for sfos, check out openrepos.net. I believe it has been reported that there was a way to use a xperia license to enable Android Dalvik on pro1 with some minor hack on pro1 to identify itself as sony or something. But that's obviously not officially supported by Jolla. At one point in a sfos update q&a, it was stated that it should be possible to get anbox working on community port, but dunno if that has happened...
  12. Photon Q was best spec'd landscape qwerty ever. Better than F3Q. https://www.gsmarena.com/compare.php3?idPhone1=5998&idPhone2=4885
  13. Pretty sure you've always been able to turn them off notifications completely. What seemed to change in later Android was the ability to control notifcations per app, not only disable per app, but set to notify quietly, etc. So you can still have email in your notification list, but not beep at you every time an email comes thru, etc.
  14. Android has changed in that more (most) apps do notifications, but you have more control of what happens for those notifications... ideally, you can specify that you only want sms/voicemail (for example) to flash the LED.
  15. Yeah, but... Chen hasn't posted here recently. The communications/PR department apparently ignore the forums, where they could answer one persons question and save them re-answering the question 10+ more times in email (and answer it for another 10+ who wouldn't bother to write). If I was a techie in the company, I'd wanna share as much as I was allowed too, cuz I'm excited about the project and want to be part of the community, etc, and share whatever I can. The thing that's annoying is the spin that Eske already called them out on. Erik keeps saying they're on schedule. We al
  16. So who is order number 4729? As I feel like they may have been the very first to pre-order. Regardless, my understanding is that after IGG backers, priority is payment date, which isn't directly related to your order number, other than they notified people to pay in batches based on their original order number. This is an assumption that it was batches; maybe they just started sending them out sequentially with some minimal delay (minute or two) between. We could try to figure out who paid first, based on time of email receipt from fx, to figure out who should get theirs first aft
  17. Mouseover their username and wait; ignore is an option in the box that comes up, bottom center.
  18. Some of them. But not all. Even from the ones linked, we've had some that do and some that don't. For example the any-directional one was only usb 2 2.4amp - I liked that one but was disappointed no quick charge. But theoretically if you want your battery to last longer you don't quick charge, so maybe for some people that's preferred.
  19. It seems ignoring someone has very little affect on new posts. I ignored this guy cuz when I check unread posts, it was full of Korean nonsense, yet unread posts is still showing his stuff, albeit with a note that says it's ignored. I'd rather just not see it at all than have it noted, what's the point of ignoring his posts if I still see his posts just saying they're ignored, the reason I ignored them was so I could see if there was anything else I not from him.
  20. True for those of us in Europe and North America, but they also said some from this first batch would be going out direct from Hong Kong to Asia/Oceania, presumably the IGG backers and perhaps early payers. So one might have expected by now to hear something from someone in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Japan, India, etc....
  21. That must be donanobispacem777's door...
  22. Hyrum, where in usa do you live? If, for example, you happen to live in SF Bay Area, I could let you examine mine if it would help, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was someone in another area that would do the same... There may be more people buying these in Europe than America, but doesn't mean there's none!
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