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Everything posted by Craig

  1. To my knowledge, they've never really mentioned where orders outside Europe and North America will ship from. It would make logical sense to ship asia/pacific orders out of Hong Kong, no need to go thru US/UK....
  2. It could be checking the processes locally (against a list provided by server), not sending complete process list to the server to be checked. And it could be that it required an add-on or at least opt-in. But I dunno, hadn't looked into it, but you asked...
  3. Looks like there is a web-version of the riot app at https://riot.im/app for those that want to try it w/o install, and there's android/ios clients available too. I think I figured out how to create an invite link to the fxtec room, although since I made it public searching for fxtec finds it right away also. https://matrix.to/#/!iEBGYJcPyuidgsPkYN:matrix.org?via=matrix.org
  4. After using Riot a few days, seems its chat ux is very similar to telegram. Haven't found it lacking in features or anything, so I give it my seal of approval too :) The thing I like about discord over telegram/riot is the mutiple chatrooms under one heading. (or channels per server as discord calls it), but I like telegram/riot's way of quoting people in replies, which discord lacks. Re discord privacy, another thing I've noticed (that I've never bothered to look into) is that it sometimes shows people playing games in the users list. does that mean discord is monitoring my processes,
  5. rms approved it,so it's gotta be ligit And I'm not being sarcastic. The guy may have is issues (recently brought to light), but he's serious about open-sourceness and privacy stuff.
  6. Ah ok. I knew kernel worked that way, just assumed all of aosp did, but that makes sense, kernel is linux fork and linux is gpl, thus they have to provide kernel source, but not the rest.
  7. Although I wish I could figure out how to set a 'dark' mode...
  8. Just guessing, but I'd imagine they'd use something free as a base, like aosp launcher, then modify - not much sense reinventing the wheel. And if thats the case, they are required to provide source under gpl or whatever free license.
  9. I guess I'm one of those who used discord cuz I'm 'used to it'. Although I'd only ever used it on my linux-distro's support server before fxtec. I'm way more familiar with irc, 25+ years experience using ircii. I haven't bothered to figure out any modern clients and only use it occasionally these days, but now that I've tried discord/telegram I see some advantages or at least things different. For example both saving history even when not logged in (albiet different periods) & being able to post pictures. That being said, I just installed riot-web and created #fxtec:matrix.org. If
  10. Yes, it has open bootloader, so that means getting root is trivial. You will need to freely available android tools (adb/fastboot) to install custom recovery, then flash supersu or magisk from your custom recovery. The LOS devs have TWRP (custom recovery) working to the point it can flash stuff, but last I heard backup wasn't working, but that was a while ago. tdm (los developer) posted yesterday's he's waiting on kernel source for LOS implementation. My guess based on what limited knowledge I posses, is that kernel is usually customized for each device/android revision
  11. Anyone who has experience with fcc approvals, etc, know what this exactly means? For example assuming fxtec's ducks are all lined up, how long until FCC typically approves, can they ship them to US customers before approval, etc.
  12. This just seems silly, but I believe it's true. If they answered peoples questions in their official forum, then they'd get less repeat questions in email as others could benefit from the answer.
  13. Just curious, what are you basing this on? Regular orders have always been estimated to ship in October, your post is the first time I've heard mention of a delay to November. The pre-orders are delayed for a software licensing issue, but they've estimated to have that resolved in October too, so shouldn't delay regular orders into November...
  14. Interesting none the less. Makes me wonder how Telegram-desktop compares for privacy/security issues? It seems they only keep chat history for a couple weeks by default (unlike discord which seems like forever), and I believe their source is available.
  15. Not my idea, but one way to if you really need more than 128GB storage on pro1 may be to mount a microsd somewhere inside the phone and add wires over to the slot, similar to the way cornholio figured out how to add a sim slot to PQ, but instead of finding somewhere to an add an accessible sim slot, you could put the sdcard anywhere it fits and still have both sim slots. And of course you could hardwire one sim card the same way if you want a swappable sdcard slot, not permanent storage. Or maybe even real PQ simmod style where you add another sim slot - if you can find room. This assume
  16. I have a couple of those lines on my moto z2 force (with oem screen).
  17. Yeah I wasn't thinking testers would speed up their work, just that the beta test applicants are willing to take it with incomplete software, and can update to retail when its complete.
  18. I tried pinging tdm on twitter for a LOS update, so maybe he'll respond. I'm not sure if Chen has asked them to remain quiet or not tho, seems the SFOS developers are communicating openly now, so hopefully LOS developers feel free to communicate too :)
  19. I have an idea. If there really is a delay, and it's really only software... how bout ship everyone who applied to beta test.....
  20. A month ago there was a LineageOS screenshot https://twitter.com/chenliangchen/status/1148357734204616704/photo/1. SailfishOS seems to be coming along but still issues... https://github.com/sailfish-on-fxtecpro1/droid-config-t5/issues
  21. I like that idea for pro2. Besides the normal battery it comes with, and an ultra-long-lasting thick battery for the OP, their could be an ultra-slim battery for those of us who want a thinner phone and don't use a lot of battery. And most people would probably all end up buying another battery besides the one it comes with, especially if they're "hot-swappable" as you guys describe, so extra $. I dont necesarilly see why it has to make the phone thicker. Just some type of removable (slide-off?) back cover that is itself the battery (and possibly whatever goes on the other side of batt
  22. Sorry, this is an Android Phone that supports and unlockable bootloader allowing you to install whatever OS you like. So I guess you're probably not interested :( There is work on SailfishOS but it's community run. You are more than welcome to port Ubuntu, but don't think anybody's trying that yet, and not super simple. There's a maemo-leste effort tho, that's vaguely close as both have debian roots. But I doubt either one will be as polished as Android if you expect that. If not, install SfOS and enjoy :)
  23. That's what I had imagined before, a separate app that handled the keyboard shortcuts etc. That would allow using any launcher...
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