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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Wish I'd heard of that sprint promo; is it still valid? I'll bring Pro1 there...
  2. Yeah, it was mainly written in response to the less than expected sales of Photon Q, the last landscape slider. So before Priv - you'll note galaxy s4 and iphone 5 are new models when that was written. I think the verge brought it back to the front in 2016 cuz of blackberry release tho.
  3. Ah ok. My only sprint phone is Photon Q, and it's sim is internal. But I am seriously considering activating Pro1 on a sprint MVNO (tello) as they have the best deal I can find ($6/month for 100mins voice and 1GB LTE, unlimited 2G). I just ordered a freedompop gsm sim card for it, I plan to try dual SIM, will use the AT&T data when no Sprint/Verizon coverage, etc. I already use google voice as my primary number so don't care about provider assigned voice #s. So if you find out this information, please be sure to share, as I'll probably need it if I decide to order that Tello SIM
  4. Normal sign. Lottsa charges show pending when they're pre-authorized then later that day or the next are completed.
  5. You mean what size sim card? It's nanoSIM. Or do you mean something else?
  6. My payment went thru yesterday, but I did get a call from my bank this morning verifying the charge wasn't fraud. As others have noted, since it's a large overseas charge outside typical spending pattern, the banks appear to being cautious, so if your charge doesn't go thru, contact the bank that issued the card to tell them.
  7. Easy solution. Allow only indiegogo people to pay for the first week. After that another week where any pre-order can pay. After that, open up all ordering. Then ship in the order payment is received, assigning new order numbers.
  8. @fxtec - is it safe to say if we haven't heard anything by now we were not selected? Or still working on it?
  9. It is not intended to replace a forum, but compliment it, it's just a chat room. As netman mentioned, its more for socializing than a forum, especially now when we dont even have the phone yet, not meant to be an official source of updates. That being said, I believe I successfully linked the twitter feed there tho (will know the next time theres a tweet), and with fxtec help could also link the facebook/instragram, so it does allow all the social media (excluding forum) to be aggregated.
  10. If you click the little bird icon on the top right of your screen right now, that's their twitter feed; it has one photo from Dusseldorf.
  11. I set up an FxTec Discord Server. I can give control to someone with FxTec if they ever want to manage it, or they could let it be community run. https://discord.gg/BFGzMw7
  12. I think, especially when this device is released, it could be useful/fun to have a chat-room in addition to forum. I voted discord & irc, cuz those are what I already have installed, but of course anything works. I like that the voting system allows you to vote for multiple choices. I joined #Pro1 on Freenode.
  13. Yes, I got that after I posted. Sounds like quite a few people interested. The time it shows is not the time I actually posted, probably due to the moderation delay.
  14. Any update? Have testers been selected yet? Notified yet? Devices shipped yet?
  15. It really slows things down. I logged on earlier this afternoon, and absolutely nothing has changed since then, probably becuz it's all awaiting moderation. I never even noticed the spam posts this was meant to stop, it never bothered me.
  16. What I don't like is not being able to edit my own posts. I have a habit of posting then thinking of something I want to add or change immediately thereafter. The way it is now, I can't even see what I posted. And yeah it does slow things down. At least white-list people who have been forum members for a while (over a month?) until a real solution is in place. I don't think something based on thanks would work too well, cuz wouldn't scammers just make multiple accounts and thank themselves or something.
  17. Can anyone translate the t-shirt? From the google translate, it sounds like only 5 people went to the Tokyo event. We've still got a couple months til the end of the summer, I bet they'll get the first device shipped by then :) Waxberry, the main guy from fxtec, posts and replies periodically.
  18. I'm disappointed too, as I also have one Android app I don't want to give up. If there's a way to dual boot, I'll probably try sailfish for fun, but will never be my primary w/o Android support. (In my case, the app is google's hangouts. I use google voice as my primary mobile number and it needs hangouts to ring and hangouts dialer to dial; I don't even know the actual direct numbers to my phones (off the top of my head) as I dont ever use them for anything and this allows me to use multiple phones/devices all on the same number/etc, with data plans only, and take advantage of free wifi
  19. (And for those unfamiliar with lineageOS or it's predecessor cyanogenmod, their ROMs do not include any google apps because google doesn't allow it. Many people install a "GApps" package with at least play store capability immediately after installing a custom rom, but some choose to continue google-free. Most other custom roms are lineage/cm based, and even those that are not, follow the same model to allow user more flexibility.)
  20. I think it makes more sense for FxTec to work with a Lineage maintainer than to make their own "custom rom". And I believe that's what's happening already, or at least what's supposed to happen based on previous comments.
  21. I asked a vaguely similar question I'm hoping for an answer to in this thread: https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/does-pre-order-sent-to-china-peoples-republic-of/ For me, if it's cheaper/possible to pickup in HK, SZ, or Chengdu, I want to know, the sooner the better!
  22. For some reason I thought Sailfish was more desktop linux-like than android, basically linux for portable devices. Not sure where I got that idea. And I'm still not clear if SailfishOS on Pro1 will support Android apps or not.
  23. Thanks for the info! I don't use twitter either, and assumed that button was to post a tweet, not a link to the twitter info. I'm pleased to know about that now.
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