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Everything posted by Craig

  1. You can get an idea of SailfishOS Community Port status by checking out their known issues bug tracker... https://github.com/sailfish-on-fxtecpro1/droid-config-t5/issues
  2. I know the email tells us to have a week, but what I really think we should all do is give them a week! Then let's see where we are.
  3. There is an pro1 area on xda, but nothing there yet. https://forum.xda-developers.com/pro1 LineageOS developers twitter: https://twitter.com/tdmcode
  4. Another user from Russia reported on the discord he cannot access the new community either. He tried that butterfly site and no problem, so seems not a wide block...
  5. I assume it's referring to the phone battery, it will be charged at a later date. Couldn't charge it when you ordered as it wasn't ready.
  6. I'm ok with the 30 day username change to avoid people being silly (that wasnt an accident like I assume hidden50), but this 5 minute edit kinda lame. Please set that for unlimited unless there's a reason not to.
  7. It's right at the top of page 9 in this thread (if you're set like me). I auoted below. But nah, not foolish, just hopeful! Like me. I think we all hope that.
  8. Seems like there is a paid version magic dosbox too I hadn't noticed when I searched earlier, so who knows, other than those who try. If something has been working great for four years, why mess with it and only find new problems.
  9. Automated tests, like mechanic stuff like dropping and g-forces and emi etc are tested on production samples. You don't personally want a unit that was dropped 10,000 times to make sure it didn't fail, but you want a design that can do that. But like basic functionality, that's usually tested by automated processes automatically. There's something called yield. You start with lotsa units, and hope to yield a certain percentage. In R&D, we were hoping for 10% on some things! They gotta pass lotsa tests along the way, most of them before fully assembled... Based on my own expe
  10. I'm curious, why not Magic Dosbox free? I haven't used either, but wondering why a four year old paid version might be better than currently supported free version?
  11. Yes indeed, you're about to reach a great milestone, the first production unit shipped to a paying customer. Congratulations and keep em coming!
  12. That's some serious optimism. To me it meant the first batch left factory, sitting at PRC export customs... HK on the other side, from there some will go direct to customers, some to US, some to UK (where they could have import customs delays).
  13. The only reason for that in my opinion would be for an off-topic area, as those kind of results don't need to come up in google, etc, or be visible to people browsing for info w/o logging in. (I'm not suggesting we need an off-topic area, just saying that in my opinion would be an area worth restricting to logged in users, if it existed.) On another topic, I noticed we don't have a 'post preview' or anything like that, just submit. I've found that a useful feature when I remember to use it. Also I couldn't find any way to hide online status, am I missing it?
  14. If you exclude Netman's one that fell off, I estimate based on package dimensions of 20x13x8 cm, you could fit 32,343 per container, and I count 1432 containers, so that means 4,534,575 pro ones. I do like the keyboard layout tho... <spoiler>I know it may seem like I have lots of time to waste, and I actually considered doing that for real, but in reality, I just made up all those numbers</spoiler>
  15. Ya, I'd like unlimited edit too. I assumed we couldn't edit pre-migration posts due to something related to migration, not due to their being a limited edit window. As someone said, mega posts that get pages and pages long, its nice to be able to update the first post with relevant details... like when people release roms or utils or apps etc for our phone... I'm active on a few forums and never had one where I couldn't edit forever...
  16. Instant Posts (No more moderation delay) that's the big one for me. Ability to edit is nice. And private messages. And I can actually see the box to type, it in fact its pretty obvious. Noice.
  17. I see some people's usernames have changed, that was probably unintentional. I like that posts now appear immediately and we can edit them. Is there any chance of being able to edit old posts that were migrated over?
  18. I can think of a couple reasons. The game gripper is cheap and rugged, don't have to be careful with it in your backpack or jacket pocket, it doesn't need batteries or charging, etc. Also, when you're playing in mobile environment, you can still hold onto your phone, dont have to find somewhere to put it so you can hold a bluetooth controller.
  19. Reading that thread you linked, seems on by default when plugged into 16:9 via usb-c then it does indeed just mirror and appear letterboxed. Sounds like Samsung included a video player that allowed 16:9 videos to play full screen (that doesn't support all formats) and VLC can do it too. So yep no worries, sounds good enuff.
  20. So supposedly we can use HDMI out from USB-c thru a dongle or hub. And our screen resolution is 2:1. So I'm wondering what happens when I plug this into my 1080p 16:9 TV... Assuming it's some type of mirror mode, do I get a letterboxed view on my TV? Or alternatively, does my phone suddenly pillarbox itself to 16:9 and rearrange my desktop or I dunno what? Or say I play a 16:9 video. On the phone itself I expect pillarbox. But say I'm HDMI to my 16:9 TV, it'd would be annoying to have a 16:9 pillarbox inside a letterbox and have to figure out how to zoom with my tv... Or may
  21. Cuz I'm receiving mine before then.... duh! It can't be allowed to be impossible; I expect mine on my birthday, and although it's close to Halloween, it's before 10/29.
  22. I don't think there are many orders anyway. Look at the number of views on Adrian's video and imagine from there.
  23. True history. But for thumb typing, isnt it more ideal anyway? When you're pressing on one key, the top/bottom of your thumb are overlapping between keys, not on them...
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