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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Yeah stock fixed that in the March update. It's not has comfortable as a controller, especially when you have to hold a button down the whole game (like gas in racing games) and when you have more than one other button to press it's awkward. For example in stk sometimes I wanna push nitro sometimes I wanna push my weapon, all while holding the gas pedal (and steering with my other thumb). Yesterday I finally won a Bronze Cup in rvgl. Completed all levels in Supertux a while ago (wish someone would build 0.61 for android). Few days ago I played some online SuperTuxKart and got l
  2. You said "those settings" when quoting a screenshot of the swiftkey phyiscal keyboard settings. But yeah Swiftkey doesn't support longpress accents at all, can't turn it on (as far as I know). edit: ok my bad, they do work.... and updated my table. Not sure how I missed that, thought I tested before.
  3. I like that feature too. But I have had it fire accidentally, but that's a bug, that's not supposed to happen, I don't recall it ever happening on Photon Q for example. I hope its software issue can be resolved.
  4. They most certainly do. If I enable Auto capitalize, it turns it on. If I leave it off, it stays off. The behavior changes as soon as I switch the toggle. edit: I hadn't tried the other features as I dont use them, but they all seem to work exactly as described. Quick prediction insert is pretty cool actually. I may just leave this on... even the punctuation. This is interesting, it makes typing long words faster cuz as soon as it shows as middle prediction I can hit space or period. I now have everything turned on except autocaps.
  5. You can root stock... and you can use SwiftKey with lineage for example if you don't want longpress symbols, and has physical keyboard settings. But then you lose other features, and have to switch to other keyboard for games. There's probably other keyboards out there that work better; for me aosp would be fine if we had the physical keyboard settings to disable automatic caps, which I hope will at least come to lineage, if not stock, at a future date.
  6. Hmmm yeah. I just picked two apps to try that are apps I use the keyboard with most. The next most used app for me is hangouts (as I use that for sms thru google voice) and so I just tested sticky shift with those three keyboards... gboard-no aosp-yes swiftkey-yes gunna add that to my little table too. So yeah it seems gmail is perhaps an outlier - but again, it works with swiftkey.
  7. @Hook Yeah sorry sticky shift with aosp does half work. I used two apps to test typing, discord and compsing an email in gmail. AOSP sticky shift works in discord but not gmail. Whereis swiftkey works in both. Updated my table.
  8. I decided to compare the three keyboards I've tried, which none are perfect for my use case. I noted features I use and whether they work with the hardware keyboard for the AOSP Keyboard, Google's Gboard, and Microsoft's Swiftkey. [Note, I am using Lineage, so there are two fixes that make this comparison less applicable to stock - stock hasn't assigned sym key as right-alt and hasn't set keyboard to thumb keyboard.] So I probably woulda just stuck with AOSP keyboard, other than that auto-capitalize that drives me crazy in discord. And this is because both stock and lineage have
  9. On telegram, he suggested editing /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community.ini, change from http://repo.merproject.org/obs/nemo:/devel:/hw:/fxtec:/t5/sailfish_latest_%(arch)/ to http://repo.merproject.org/obs/nemo:/testing:/hw:/fxtec:/t5/sailfishos_%(release)/ TheKit shared a way to do it with sed, if you prefer to blindly cut/paste/execute: sed -i -e 's#^adaptation-community.*$#adaptation-community = http://repo.merproject.org/obs/nemo:/testing:/hw:/fxtec:/t5/sailfishos_%(release)/#' /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community.ini sed -i -e 's#^adaptation-community-common.*
  10. I also use Nova. But what I'd want ideally is a launcher that doesn't rearrange things when going from landscape to portrait. Just keep the icons where they are and rotate them in place. And dont rotate the wallpaper (if present).
  11. If safetynet is required, the ONLY solution is unrooted stock. This is the new normal. For the past few years this could be worked around with magisk, for both root and custom rom, but no longer with latest google updates. https://twitter.com/topjohnwu/status/1251712525843918853 So this is even more reason for us to want stock to fix problems/issues. I mean the community buglist of issues https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15uE12Yv5nMvIF42U33cY5FQoF6M66QIn00cC876uf7Y hasn't changed since last year, other than the March multiple-keypress fix which was a very important and w
  12. No. But stock could at least pull in all the lineage fixes/etc fairly easily.
  13. I think your first idea is good. Make it an Anniversary gift. It should make it in time... Although I think Independence Day is more likely than Memorial Day.
  14. You are only able lock if you unlocked it. The first couple batches shipped with it unlocked. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2521-notice-regarding-getting-google-safetynet-certified-software/
  15. Looks like you found your way to the factory restore tool, hope that works. Cuz otherwise sounds like a conundrum. With bootloader locked, can't use fastboot to flash anything. And if you can't boot, you can't allow unlock (if it thinks its not allowed).
  16. Yes, correct, only way to fix it now. An update is coming shortly (or was it next week?)...
  17. To the best of my knowledge w/o checking the magisk thread, I think no (not that we dont know how, but nobody had yet captured the latest boot.img). I think you have to root at earlier version, then take OTA, following correct procedure to keep rooted.
  18. What I find most interesting is the very first one, the light game. The redmi seems to handle it fairly well (excluding one glitch, probably some other process or something), whereas our phone is jumping all over the place and can't hold the line. I'm super curious if lineage does this jumping up and down too. I looked at the app you used, seems you install a magisk module then the 1.5 apk from github, is that what you did? Havent looked for subway surfers yet, but imagine that's easy to find?
  19. Yeah that was fixed in 20191203 but you also have to lock bootloader. (Also note if you installed 20200304 a mistake was made, and the only way to fix is to restore and start over).
  20. One thing I've found is my hand does get cramped playing retro console games for sure. Especially when I have to hold in a key pretty much the whole game, like the gas pedal on supertuxkart. I've tried to figure out the most comfortable place to hold but it doesnt seem to matter. Plus, on games with 4 way controls, it isn't comfortable. I typically use QW3A as my left/right/up/down and it just isn't right. For side scroller games with occasional up/down its okay, but when I regularly have to up-down like 3-d mario it's annoying. I really want gamegripper @Hyrum
  21. weird. I had to try it in chrome to confirm, and it won't even start in chrome for me. Just sits there doing nothing. sanity checked, firefox and fulguris still load it. edit - I was just impatient, took forever, finally loaded in chrome, and yeah sound bad here too. weird. I don't particularly care about this web game, just reported it cuz I thought it might actually be a real issue that affects more than this game when I tried it after somebody shared a link. If I wanted to play SMB64 for real on Pro¹ I'd use emulator like retroarch or mupen and play offline anyway, not a
  22. I ran into what may be an issue. https://froggi.es/mario It takes a minute to load. Once the game loads, the sound is messed up, has a weird crackle. And if sent to the background sounds like a fan/motor running or something. Seems to work ok in firefox tho.
  23. Actually, I think if we want it resolved in lineage, someone will have to send @tdm a verizon SIM (that had been activated on another device already). Hook recently tested Verizon LTE only under lineage and had issues too, so unfortunately it's not currently a solution.
  24. I dunno if its easy or hard to implement, and probably requires google services so you may not want it if you're writing this to not use those (havent paid attention).... but I'd love one of those microphone icons in the search field (like firefox/chrome). Even tho I love my hardware keyboard, I still often use voice-to-text (and then correct mistakes with hardware keyboard which is easier than virtual keyboard, especially thanks to arrow keys as i can never get the cursor exactly where I want it by finger!). I do realize there is a way to pull up the virtual keyboard and use mic
  25. I think we're getting ahead of ourselves. Shouldn't there be a July prediction next, before September/mid-September?
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