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Everything posted by Hook

  1. I'm just curious. What exactly did you ask them that this was the reply to. I just want to make sure you were asking about the first pre-order batch and not orders. (I'm grasping at straws :-D).
  2. The only thing we know about Lineage is that it is being "worked on" by Lineage devs, not in house by F(x) I don't believe. I would not expect it to be an option soon as I think they would need a final version of the phone to work with. I will jump on it as soon as it is ready, but I think it will be a ways down the road. However, don't mistake me for someone who actually knows the answer. Just my guess. :-)
  3. I've rooted every phone I've had since my HTC Nexus One. The only thing that changed over the years was how fast I took to do it. I waited 2 years to root my Nexus One (largely because I had to research everything and make sure I knew what I was doing with a lot of help from folks at XDA), it was one week for my Nexus 6p (because by that time we had Nexus root toolkit and I had a very stable reliable alternate ROM, Dirty Unicorns). I haven't rooted my current Moto G6 I picked up for $99 when my 6p died last April, but that's because it is an interim phone and because I don't have high confi
  4. Ahh, thanks. I see now. I don't use a fixed holder so I hadn't considered that. I have a cup holder that positions any large phone perfectly for GPS use. ;-)
  5. Sorry, I'm not sure what this means. How is the USB-C port not aligned, so that you can't charge it with a cable in the car. I'm not challenging. This is probably showing off my ignorance and probably that I missed something somewhere. Just looking for clarification. Thanks. :-)
  6. By the way, whether the pic being discussed here is real or not, this German video released yesterday, pretty much puts to bed that the split screen usage advertised is quite real! ;-) https://video.golem.de/handy/23425/fx-tec-pro-1-hands-on.html
  7. Yes, that includes taxes (state taxes if you are US). If you log out and look at the buy page you will see the price of the phone ($699 if US).
  8. Actually, I find it strange that Chen communicates on TMO but not here on his own forum (wonder if he would have to wait to be moderated, lol). Don't get me wrong, I understand that with limited time, TMO probably reaches a broader audience, although fixing this forum might change that. Still, an occasional pop-in on this Forom. maybe in a pinned thread, would be a nice gesture to the paying customers. ;-)
  9. I don't think any Android launcher has holding down a key as an action because, I assume, that's not really meaningful with a touch-screen keyboard. Nova uses an add-on called sesame shortcuts, which I haven't tried. It's more of a set of trainable search functions tied to shortcuts. You can assign pressing a couple of keys to an app, but I really like the idea of being hold a physical key to launch a program. Unfortunately, that means, unless the Pro 1 becomes popular, you'll be stuck with the F(x) Tec launcher for that ability.
  10. So, I'm just curious, are we talking about using the phone one-handed? I don't tend to use my devices one-handed, possibly a hangover from using my Palms with a stylus. Even my blackberries I typed on with two hands. So at first I was confused about why holding down Ctrl and typing c or v would be hard. Now I'm curious what using sticky keys would be like. While I've always wanted a keyboard slider, for various odd reasons, I've never had one. Blackberry keyboards were always so cramped for my big hands that I never wrote more than I had to on them, but that's what my work issued. I
  11. Also, hopefully it's an expanding market, at least internationally. If the Pro 1 does well, there may be a growing number of people who hesitated at buying the Pro 1 who might then decide to buy in on a Pro 2. F(X) will never have the market power of an Apple or Samsung, but there is still room for growth in a vertical market.
  12. Most spec sheets use "MicroSD" loosely. SDHD and SDXC distictions are related to capacity. The Pro1 spec sheet says it takes cards up to 2TB, which means that it must take SDHC and SDXC cards.
  13. I generally go caseless myself and carry my phone in my left front jeans pocket. Even my large Nexus 6p. Actually, the 6p was one of the few phones or PDAs I have had which I did get a case for, a massive battery case and it still went in my jeans pocket. I personally hate things hanging off my belt. And I just dislike cases. I prefer the feel of the phone unless it's too slick (which the 6p was). And yes, everyone knows I have a phone in my pocket (and that's it's not that I'm just happy to see them). :-D In 16 years of using phones and PDAs I've never had a serious drop occur. I probabl
  14. For what it's worth, here's an update from Liangchen, from 24 Aug: "> [attachment file=33868]
  15. This is more a thread for reporting apps that work well with landscape keyboards than a thread to make requests. I also use DejaOffice. Are you saying that on the photon the on-screen keyboard came up? I have used DJO in landscape on my Samsung Tablet witha BT keyboard and there is no on-screen keyboard. I would certainly expect that with the Pro1. Once I have the Pro1, if I see anything that would benefit from tweaking or some feature, I will take it to the developer who is pretty open.
  16. Very quiet in here-- guess we are all eagerly awaiting the second week in September. Be curious who is going to the New York event. Anyone planning on shooting any video like at the German event? Can't wait for the feedback, as I said before.
  17. It's clearly a graphic pasted over the render of the phone above it (under the heading "Best of Both Keyboards) which you can tell because it has the say weird gray lines poking out. I think the gray limes in the previous graphic were supposed to represent screen curvature, but they are too opaque and end up making the phone look like it has a gray border. They get it right in the later graphics as you scroll down. I'm convinced you can do great split screen on a landscape screen of this size and quality with no on-screen keyboard. I'm not convinced those screenshots are from a smartph
  18. I would give you multiple thanks if the forum let me. ;-)
  19. For some time I have wanted to give you, Eske, a shout-out because I knew you were doing a lot of uncalled for work to keep the discussions going, as badly broken as it is. However. lol, even I had no idea. Thank you, Eske. I won't blame you a bit if you decide to stop doing it, but thank you for all you have done.
  20. This thread is probably just a way of distracting myself while waiting for my Pro 1 to ship... ;-) I've noticed a few people talking about buying more than one Pro 1 and I'm sort of curious about that strategy. Sure, it's probably nice for them to get a few extra sales up front, but I'd rather wait and see if there is going to be a Pro2 (or whatever the next model ends up being called) before getting a second one. Of course, if I see the specs for the Pro 2 and I decide I like the Pro 1 better, then at that point I would quickly buy a second Pro 1 perhaps. For instance, if the Pro 2 went w
  21. Boy, I wish I were able to make it. Just slightly too long a trip (I'd have to stay overnight) and on the day I retire at work. Lol. Dang. If I had maybe a weeks more notice... or if it had been a week later. Can't wait to see the reports from those who do attend. :-)
  22. Noticed a different forum link is used in the FAQ about other operating systems. Whatever it points to asks for a username and password, but doesn't accept the ones from this forum. Don't know if that's the new forum being prepared or something altogether different. It does appear to be an F(x) Tec link and not something external.
  23. @Erik-FX We don’t currently have a definitive answer if the Scandinavian layout is coming, as our factory has a minimum requirement for the order quantity which we must meet. We will know more as we monitor the demand for this layout in the upcoming weeks. This isn't my issue—I'm in the US and am happy with the shifted QWERTY—but I am curious how or what you are monitoring to determine this demand? How do people insure their input provides a data point to what you are monitoring. I would think an email polling all pre-orders asking for their keyboard preferences might be in order.
  24. I will note here that I made a post in the Softmaker forums (I use Softmaker office on Windows, Android and Linux) telling them about the F(X) Pro 1. They are working on a new version of the Android apps (thought they have been doing so for a year now and it's not clear when they will be released). However, for the new version I asked them to consider adding a method by which, if you had a keyboard, you could jump to certain screen elements such as the button bar without touching the screen and then use the arrow keys to find a button, They said they would send the suggestion to the developme
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