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Everything posted by Hook

  1. You're being disingenuous. You know Erik is referring to the current shipping of consecutive batches to the shipping hubs in time to start shipping by 29 October. No. No you don't. ;-)
  2. Hey, how do we know you aren't paid by TCL? :-D
  3. Just a few disagreements. First, I interpret "shipping to you" to mean October 29th is when orders beginning shipping from the distribution centers. "Rampimg up" is defined as "increasing volume" whereas you seem to be taking it as a synonym for "preparing." We, of course , don't know what the throughput rate will be, but assuming (and this is purely a guess from inferences I readily admit) they air using air cargo to get from factory to hubs, they should be able to get a pretty steady stream even if the phones are manufactured in batches. If they hit the October 29th date to start ship
  4. Well, I'm happy. This is the first time they have ever given a firm shipping date. The questions some people have are all quite fair enough, such as why, if everything hasn't been resolved, do they have enough confidence to put out a firm date, but for now it's enough for me that they are that confident. Of course something could still go wrong, but I think they have calculated that it would be something unusual if it did given the date the selected. I really want my phone and every time the possible date (this is the first firm date they have ever provided) gets pushed further out I am
  5. Nothing much to add here, but thank you so much @doktor.oswaldo for putting things in perspective and giving us positives to focus on so that we remember to be excited rather than anxious. And to reminding the F(X) team we are 100% behind them at a time when they are under tremendous pressure. We are so going to love this phone.
  6. I'm personally not sure why learning that we will have a new slider keyboard phone in another month doesn't warrant a happy face. ;) It sure makes me happy.
  7. There is no firm way to know for sure in advance. You can find authoritative listings of carriers and their bands, some listed in this thread, and compare those to the listed bands for the Pro 1. I doubt whether comprehensive tests have been run with the Pro 1 of North American Carriers. The carriers themselves are unlikely to confirm anything without the device to test. I use Verizon and I'm pretty sure it will do fine on Verizon or, if not, on AT&T which are the two carriers I prefer (both Pay as you GO or Prepaid), but ultimately I can't be 100% sure until I get the phone. That's
  8. Good information. By the way, as I have noted elsewhere, the "promise" of not asking for money until 2-3 weeks before shipping was clearly stated as being changed in the email newsletter that told us it was time to pay for our pre-orders (we were asked to pay starting 01 AUG for delivery in Mid-September).
  9. A little perspective on delays of which, so far, by my calculations, there have only been two if you ignore the rumors. Initially, last winter, they set a target of July 2019. Did anyone actually think a target picked that far out had anything but a very slim chance of being accurate? In june they changed that to the much more reasonable "Summer 2019" which gave them a range rather than a point date. Anything up until 20 SEP would be on time. I do not consider that a delay but a projection based on more accurate data than the ridiculously early projection. Before we get to the first de
  10. I'm puzzled a bit at the level of outrage over delays. Yes, it's frustrating. And the outrage is fed somewhat by the lack of communication. But we weren't buying a phone sitting in a warehouse. We paid for a reservation for a new technology product prior to manufacture. The difference between this and crowdfunding is, in part, timescale, but mostly that, when I paid my money, while I knew delivery date was a gamble, I was convinced I had sufficient evidence that the actual production of the device was not a gamble. For even the best planned , best funded project, there will be inevitable u
  11. Thanks, Erik. It seems odd to me that folks would have to dig through a thread called "Cancelling order" to see this information. Maybe a pinned thread could be created with this as the first post and maybe Erik could add updates periodically, even just a sentence or two, and folks would have one thread to go and look for updates.
  12. Yes, of course, but if they have nice customizations for landscape use built into theirs (do they?), it would be nice if those features could be easily picked up by other devs and incorporated into those other browsers. Nova isn't bad in landscape, but certainly isn't optimized for it. ;)
  13. I would suggest the only difference between a pre-order for a new company with a new product and backing a crowdfunding project is time scale. I've watched an indegogo project I chose not to back and now, a year later that still don't have a prototype, have not firmed sources and are still investigating possible factories. For a pre-order, they had a prototype, engineering models, sourced materials and a factory before they collected money. However, for a small company doing this for the first time there are still many small but significant obstacles that can and probably will be encounte
  14. I'd be curious to know where you have seen anyone who is actually from the F(X) team talk about November for pre-orders to start shipping? Please provide the source as I have seen not seen this. I believe they are still on track for October, but I suspect they won't announce it until it is 100% ready to go. Not trying to talk you out of your decision, but just want to get the facts straight. And I can assure you most of us are just people who are willing to wait a little longer for a good keyboard phone-- we don't work for F(X) Tec.
  15. Cases and pouches are being discussed in this thread: https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/leather-bookcase/ Might want to post there.
  16. Your best answer to these kind of questions is going to come by contact F(x) Tec directly, either via the support form or [email protected]. At least for now, while they are caught up in getting ready for shipping and aren't responding here a lot. From most of us here, you will get guesses. Some may be very good ones, but guesses nonetheless. :-)
  17. I never got around to answering this question. I have always wanted a keyboard phone, but haven't had any except my work issued Blackberries (and nothing recent even there). One reason was timing-- I always seemed to have a good phone that I couldn't justify replacing when a keyboard phone was available. The other reason was that, although I loved the concept, they were mostly too small for my hands to use easily. I am looking forward to having a phone I can actually type on. I am a writer (not of any note, I just like to write) and I look forward to not just being able to read notes and
  18. Always interesting to see the variety of people's personal preferences. I'm always amazed at people who love the BB keyboards when I find them nearly unusable-- too cramped for comfortable typing-- which makes me worried about the talk of licensing actual BB keyboard. I'm actually not sure it would require a license, by the way. To me, a portrait keyboard would be a hard sell unless it was redesigned so that the keys had many of the characteristics of the slider keyboard, though obviously fewer keys. So I'm happy to have F(X) Tec tackle portrait keyboards if enough folks would buy them,
  19. That's not exactly what I remember, although I don't know where to go dig up the info. I thought they had it in the FAQs but I don't see it there. My recollection is that they promised Android Q but not when and that they committed to providing security patches within 90 days. I would be surprised if the team has been able to work much with Android 10 since it came out in late August. If their implementation of Android 9 is mostly vanilla except for the launcher, porting to 10 should be straightforward, but still not sure of the time scale on that. I assume it doesn't start until the P
  20. This is a fragment of another post I made in the Pro 2 speculation thread, but I think this statement belongs here as well: "Although my personal reason for wishing F(x) Tec success is to get myself a keyboard slider with modern specs, my greater overall reason for wanting F(x) Tec to succeed is to show the industry there are rewards for [offering more choices in phones]." We are indeed rooting for you folks, F(x) Tec. Thank you for all you have struggled through to make this happen and for not settling for good enough. May it result in many people in the tech industry scratching their h
  21. Funny, but how appropriate, that a thread intended to speculate about a future phone turns into a journey into the past. As the song lyric goes, "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got til its gone." Except we knew what we had. Here's hoping we can get more of it back, but also open the door to exciting new ideas. Most importantly, user centered design. Although my personal reason for wishing F(x) Tec success is to get myself a keyboard slider with modern specs, my greater overall reason for wanting F(x) Tec to succeed is to show the industry there are rewards for
  22. I would seriously consider a clamshell the same size as the Pro1, although it might have to be a small fraction thicker to not have screen mash into keyboard. I don't know, not an engineer. I love clamshells, but the Gemini is just too big for the phone aspects. Love all these old phone designs. Man, those Nokia designers of old were amazing.
  23. I probably won't be in the market for a Pro 2 unless I want a second phone (or it takes 10 years to come out ;-) ), but here is what I would want. I personally would not want a smaller screen or keyboard, but would like to see a smaller model for those that want it. I will never buy a phone with a less than 5.7" screen again, prefer 6.0+" I would like a removable battery and a means of externally charging the batteries (cord or cradle). I would assume a more recent Snapdragon, but really don't care if it's up to date. I want a phone like this because I write stuff, not play games. ;
  24. Here's a previous discussion of the Verizon question. https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/fxtec-on-verizon/ I'll be taking it to Verizon too but have nothing to add to the previous discussion. It should be fine, but won't have a firm answer until we get them and try. :)
  25. As has been pointed out elsewhere, they have not yet passed their target. There may be a delay, but until there is one officially announced, why get excited. They have until September 21st to miss the "Summer" projection and until September 20th to miss the "mid-September" projection (10th-20th). Those were "begin shipping" projections. The might actually not yet know if they will hit those targets or not and hope springs eternal. I don't mind if at the last minute they finally say, we tried very hard, but looks like it will be a couple of more weeks due to unforseen circumstances (that
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