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Everything posted by Hook

  1. This will be the first hardware keyboard phone I have ever owned. I always wanted one but the timing never worked out, But looking at the older keyboard phones now... Those screens were just so tiny (and, thus, the keyboard too). I will never again use a phone with less than a 5.2" screen and it would really depend on what the diagonal angle was. 5.7" to 6.0" is my sweet spot. I loved my Nexus 6P. If it had a sliding keyboard... unfortunately, it died. Not a well made phone. Lots of problems with the hardware. This is why I am sooo happy the Pro1 came along. This is going to b
  2. I realize that I may be disqualified now from doing any more "Calm down and lets root for the team" posts 🙄, but I truly hope and expect that they will keep their promise that the second batch will follow on in short order and that batches will keep rolling. We don't know what size any batch is, but I sincerely hope all pre-orders will be handled in November. If only because my wife may want it when she sees mine and I don't want to have too wait to long for a new order once she takes mine. 😨 😂 Good luck to everyone.
  3. Nope. Still the same as it has been. I suspect that won't change until it is actually shipped to me.
  4. Got my email. IGG coupon and QWERTY. US.
  5. I think some people here don't appreciate how dependent F(x) Tec are on other people at this phase, how quickly things can change and, until you are an established company, you are low priority with all of them. They are not being dishonest. All they can give us is hopeful dates because a lot is not in their control. I guarantee you, they, especially Chen are even more frustrated than we are. What I see is a small group of people who have created a great product and are doing everything to get it to us as soon as possible. And I believe that will be soon. They can fix the communication
  6. I understand the frustration, but I don't understand the anger nor the calls (not you) for others to cancel their orders. Yes, their communication has been horrible, but they are knee deep in getting the phones out so it's not going to change. It is what it is and Erik tries with what he has to work with. Later, when all the pre-orders have been delivered and all the warehouses are stacked with phones that can be bought and immediately shipped, they must sit down and figure out how to fix it. I suspect their big problem is they are incorporated, but they are really just a room full of
  7. Nice to occasionally take a break in this thread. I'm definitely still rooting for you folks.
  8. I doubt you will need to ask when it happens. 😉
  9. The Garas works great (and I prefer the length). It only has a small button protrusion, like Kashif's. Has a small blue led to show it is getting power. Charges from either computer port or wall wort, but only rapid charges from wall, of course. One thing is that the magnet is pretty strong. On my Moto G6, if I pull the cord straight back it pulls out the tip with it, but I got it because the grip of the USB-C prt on this cheap ass phone had already started to loosen even for a standard plug (I occasionally find it disconnected when I leave it to charge. I don't expect that with the Pro 1.
  10. That had actually been my intention when I made the suggestion to create this thread in the first place-- I wanted a thread where, if we were wondering what F(X) Tec had said in an update, we could quickly look it up. 🙂
  11. I doubt I would have used the case and probably won't use the sleeve. My front left jeans pocket is my sleeve (is that a Pro 1 in your pocket or are you just happy to see me 😉). Going back to my Palm PDAs, I have never used screen protectors and only used cases when a phone was crazy slick. That was my Nexus 6p, where I used a bumper only until it's battery got sketchy and then I used a battery case, and my interim phone, a Moto G6, has a thin TPU case as it can barely be held without one. I hate cases and I don't think the Pro 1 will be slick. I think a bumper that wraps the base but doesn
  12. They appear to be Australian. Amazon.au has them, but not Amazon.com as far as I can see https://www.altronics.com.au/dynalink/av-cables-adaptors/?connection_2=hdmi I'm ordering one on Amazon made by Garas, but just picked one out of a hat to try. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Q3F33H5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  13. As a 60+, I find it interesting that you had 5 year intervals and then 40+ 😂
  14. He said " Liangchen has been preparing a video update from the factory for you, but I haven't yet been told when it will be sent. It could be out any minute. " As "has been preparing" implies, this wasn't just someone at the factory whipping out their iPhone and making a quick video. The video is quite professional in it's execution. This stuff takes time and probably has to have the final cut approved before release. However, I was being a bit tongue in cheek in my post. 😉
  15. The other ambiguity is we don't know exactly when this video was made. Given post-production and approval cycles (I'm assuming the videos are made by a professional third party), it could have been last week. So did he say "this week" last week and did he say it intending to refer to the week the video would be released rather than the week it was made. Lol
  16. I really don't get this whole "mid-range" phone stuff. Phones have hit the same technology innovation plateau that computers hit in 2005, such that Flagships up the gimmicks more than they up the innovation. In 2019, a mid-range phone is fine, except most mid-range phones have 6xx Snapdragons rather than an 835 and underwhelming screens and minimum internal memory. My wife's Pixel 2XL with the same SOC handles everything just fine. And for the kinds of productivity which presumably would make a slider keyboard attractive, the specs on this baby are serious overkill. This is a phone that mi
  17. Frankly, get a used phone. Always good to have a backup. I've been using a Moto G6 since June. I hate it, but it was cheap ($99 from Google Fi, which service I immeditely cancelled) and it works. It will become my backup for the next time something happens.
  18. Well, I'm on a comfortable pillow, but I'm on the edge of my seat. 😉
  19. I unpacked Erik's message a little differently (doesn't mean I'm right): First he said: " we are on track to begin shipping tomorrow, on the 29th. Some of you will receive their dispatch notice tomorrow, with everyone from the first batch following by the end of this week. " That to me means all who would have qualified for the first batch, which we've never known, but I assume the minimum to be IGG coupon holders, but possibly pre-orders beyond that Then he said: " We are currently waiting on stock to arrive at our warehouse in Hong Kong, which will dispatch orders directly to
  20. Not on my mobile using FireFox. Works as labeled.
  21. Oh, sheesh, never mind. I hadn't noticed that the top threads were pinned. The forum does sort by latest response time. 🙄 However, this does raise another issue. Apparently the edit button is a limited time deal. I guess, again, to prevent deletion, I personally prefer forums where I can edit any time. I only use it to fix bonehead mistakes. However,I understand if you time it out to prevent deletions.
  22. Ah, okay. So VAT isn't country dependent? Or is that part of what the EU did-- normalize VAT. Just curious. Oh well. Thanks.
  23. In many forums, if there is a new response to a thread, that thread pops to the top of the list. So, I guess it's some kind of automatic sort based on last post date. I like that feature. Can that happen here?
  24. When checking the price of the Pro1, make sure you are logged out. That will show you the price of the Pro1 without the tax and VAT stuff that varies. Yes of course you have to pay the Tax/Vat stuff, but it will show you how much exactly F(x) Tec has raised the price. For the US, it went from $649 USD to $699 USD. That doesn't seem so bad. Of course. my State tax, when logged in, brings that to $734 USD, but that's my state's fault and the laws that require internet merchants to collect taxes for internet sales. I assume if they succeed in getting the Pro 1 on Amazon, Amazon will onl
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