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Everything posted by Hook

  1. I was thinking more Terminator or Cylon...๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. Since I consider phones to be PDAs, I'll start with those: Palm T2--> Palm TX--> Nokia 5800--> Nexus One (HTC)--> Samsung Galaxy Player (non-phone)--> Nexus 4 (Given to Son--> Nexus 5--> Nexus 6p (Died in May)--> Moto G6 (interim meh phone)--> Pro 1 PS: I did not include countless T9 cell phones, the only interesting one being the Moto Razor (not sure which one).
  3. @EskeRahn I think it would be good if we could keep this thread focused on reporting bugs and not testing features. The latter should go in THIS thread. Just my 2 cents, FWIW.
  4. I'd be curious to hear from anyone with experience with Nova Launcher what would be lost with switching launchers? Are the keyboard shortcuts, for instance, part of the launcher or in settings. What exactly is optimized for Landscape? Nova handles landscape for the launcher just fine, but can't enforce it on apps. What are the advantages of Fx Tec's stock launcher? No hurry, I don't have my Pro 1 yet (which is why I'm asking you folks ๐Ÿ˜‰).
  5. Also, batches may be in terms of shipping lots, not manufacturing. They peeled off a small shipping batch to make sure the logistics could be worked out, but the factory might be producing a a fairly steady pace. Again, I don't know anything for sure, but there is a lot of room for interpretation here.
  6. They didn't. Although they didn't meet their deadline, it was made clear in the request for payment that it would be about 6 weeks (mid-September) for delivery.
  7. Yes, received by all U.S. first batchers. Hopefully to be resolved this week. Again, disappointing for us, but I'm sure far more frustrating for the F(x) folks. I continue to wait patiently. This phone will be worth it. ๐Ÿ˜€
  8. Lol. We might need to break out a dog pic thread and let this thred get back to cases. ๐Ÿ˜„
  9. She literally used my first Nexus 6p as a chew toy-- luckily, she just missed the battery. The moral of the story was not getting a case but rather insuring the phone was never where she could get it. ๐Ÿ˜‚ (And, yes, I kept her).
  10. Stock assigned, IGG Coupon, US, [mod, copied from comment:] November 4th, first batch.
  11. @Waxberry Just curious if there is any news on US hub? I'm fine if that will take longer, but I just noticed that it wasn't mentioned. Thanks.
  12. Also, it was clear in the email of July 31st telling us that it was time to pay that the above was no longer in force. "We are beginning the manufacturing in the next few weeks with estimated first shipping to pre-order customers during the 2nd week of September." Thus, before you paid you were told it would be at least 6 weeks and that was only an estimate.
  13. This is actually a well-reasoned analysis. I would add the possibility of one other factor-- that the second and future batches might go faster simply because many logistics procedures and problems were worked through with the first batch. So, having seen the product already, customs might be smoother, the logistics in shipping to warehouses has been ironed out, etc. Like most things, guesses on my part. I don't know that that is true and I don't have enough experience in logistics to know for sure. Just a thought.
  14. You conveniently left off, from the same message: " *Should happen but not definitely, if not then Thursday" It's noon Wed where I am. Let's wait and see. Sheesh. ๐Ÿ™„
  15. To be honest, when I was talking about that, I wasn't referring to you specifically (and I'll admit that wasn't clear) but to the thread in general, though I'm not sure it isn't beginning to apply to you now. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  16. No one said they shouldn't be criticized. But the same people repeating the same criticisms over and over begins to border on Troll behavior. We got it the first time. ๐Ÿ™„ I'm still here. I'm still excited about my Pro 1. I don't feel betrayed, lied to, or even misled. I trust Chen to come through in the end. The communication is bad, but it isn't going to get fixed right now. And, oh, by the way, I find nothing weird or misleading about it taking a little over 2 weeks to get from shipping from a Chinese factory to getting a tracking number from a logistics hub since the tracking
  17. I think the point is, yes they are not (a properly set up manufacturing process) and yes, they did (underestimate what was involved in manufacturing). I think this is a small group of engineers with corporate titles who overestimated how smoothly things would go with third parties for whom they are low priority. I bet they are way more frustrated than we are. But they are also, thankfully, dedicated to seeing it through.
  18. The best information we have is that the first batch (a small batch) was sent from the factory last week and was going through customs in the US/EU (not sure bout HK) and that we should expect tracking numbers (those of us who received emails confirming we were in the first batch) this week. The second batch (much larger) is being manufactured and is expected to ship from the factory probably the week of the Nov 18th (that is a guess, not based on firm data). Presumably, emails will go out to the folks the second batch goes to. The first batch covers some but not all former IGG Backe
  19. Actually, I believe that tweet was for comments being made elsewhereโ€”Telegram, IIRC, but I could be wrong. He does post here, as Waxberry I believe. I doubt he has a lot of time to spend here these days. If he does read here, hopefully he remains aware of the rule of forums. People tend to post most when they have complaints but there are probably a lot more people who are disappointed by delays, but are happy to keep going and give them their support. Yes, their communication sucks. But their phone won't. The communication won't get fixed right now. I still trust them. B
  20. I drink coffee black and put no cases on my phones (my front left pants pocket is the "case)." Life is so much simpler. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  21. Am I missing something? If I simply type a message into the editor and then change my mind about posting, easy peasy, I can just backspace destruct everything and go back to the forum index and everything is gone. However, if I quote someone, that quote is treated by the editor as a graphic (why?) and I have found no way to get rid of it. I have to go back to the forum index, then return to a reply box (it can b in any thread) and click on it and *then* it will finally offer me a link to clear the editor. I'd really like a clear draft/clear editor button or link always available in the
  22. Lol. It's the same information tweeted on Nov 6th except he has added the word "confirmed." It's still progress. In what they are managing right now, with so much in the control of third parties, confirmation is key (along with function ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). I predicted we wouldn't see tracking numbers before next Monday. Fingers crossed the "early" part is right.
  23. What Erik said was: " there aren't enough units in the first batch for all of the backers. The coming second batch will cover all IGG backers + most normal pre-orders " That was, I believe, the last update he gave. Don't know what "most" means but he said they intend to start sending orders (not pre-orders) in December. (Found the neat trick of finding Erik's updates, in order, without navigating through this thread by clicking on the link to Erik's profile. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  24. I suspect if you did 5 year intervals out to 70, you'd end up with a classic positively skewed frequency distribution with most being in the 25-30 interval and the frequency dropping off slowly with older and older people. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  25. I don't believe every number in the sequence is used. They are sequential, not random, but I think there are large jumps in the numbering. I don't know how many of the 30,000 numbers aren't used, but I would find it easy to believe only 1 in 10 numbers are used.
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