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LineageOS, Current status : 16.0 Test Builds

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Alright it's officially official. Now we wait for the first build. I don't know what day that will be, but it will be within 7 days.   https://github.com/LineageOS/hudson/commit/0233cb5e039e

I am pleased to announce test builds for LineageOS 16.0.   Please note this thread is for test builds.  These builds are not necessarily stable or suitable for daily use.   You can

Hey all, it's been a while since I've been here so I wanted to pop in and give an update.   I live in Seattle, which has been under stay-at-home orders for over two weeks and will continue u

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46 minutes ago, tdm said:

Alright it's officially official. Now we wait for the first build. I don't know what day that will be, but it will be within 7 days.

7 days?! That's like nothing in terms of waiting for things around here 😅

Jokes aside; I am so happy to see this. Amazing work to everyone involved and many thanks! 👍

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1 hour ago, Hook said:

Sadly,  I just tried and Verizon is still not working here on Test 22 for me.  I assume being rooted isn't a problem (which would be a deal breaker that would keep me on AT&T anyway).  I really don't need Verizon anymore, but I'm puzzled and I still have a couple of weeks left on the SIM.  😉

It's really crazy how it seems to work.  If you reflashed to stock and did the one OTA update to the 20191111 it would probably work, at least for a little bit. I'm kind of scared to restart or power cycle my phone.  I miss root, for one thing I can't restore all my apps but I'm going to just rock it for a few days and see what happens.  The VoLTE did seem to fix outgoing calls.  Before only incoming worked, outgoing never worked.  It's just that it doesn't seem to last too long and I have no idea why.

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On 7/5/2020 at 2:41 PM, Wheeljack said:

Noticed that happening too with every test build I used so far. Still unsure how to reproduce this, if it's a specific app or if it's just me and bad timing opening the physical keyboard while the virtual pops up.

I probably know how to reproduce and fix that issue.

If I type FN + ALT (FN = yellow diagonal arrow key), the keyboard input is disabled (at least in text fields where sticky shift works). Typing the thing again keeps it disabled. The third time I type that combination, the keyboard works again. I think that the emoji keyboard (disabled on my phone) is the reason and we are switching through two emoji keyboards without seeing the. Given that you get ghost input every now and then, I could imagine that we trigger this key combination without noticing.

I haven´t tried it yet when the issue happened without my knowledge, but you might want to try it when it happens again.

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@tdm Should I use the kernel and device trees from Lineage repos now?  Want to test everything out again.

FYI, last build went to shit on me.  Could not keep a phone call working for more than 2 minutes before losing the network.  Rebooted and it never booted again.  With no logcat on boot, I don't even know what happened.  Reflashed same build, same problem.  Reverted local commits to June 11t, rebuilt, flashed and was back up...

Edited by JooJooBee666
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31 minutes ago, JooJooBee666 said:

@tdm Should I use the kernel and device trees from Lineage repos now?  Want to test everything out again.

FYI, last build went to shit on me.  Could not keep a phone call working for more than 2 minutes before losing the network.  Rebooted and it never booted again.  With no logcat on boot, I don't even know what happened.  Reflashed same build, same problem.  Reverted local commits to June 11t, rebuilt, flashed and was back up...

Did you wipe user data between flashes? In general there are no compatibility going backwards only forwards. So you should not expect a stable system if you do not wipe your user data stepping backwards.... It is just as when you switch between Stock and Lineage (in either direction). You must wipe the user data.

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2 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

Did you wipe user date between flashes? In general there are no compatibility going backwards only forwards. So you should not expect a stable system if you do not wipe your user data stepping backwards.... It is just as when you switch between Stock and Lineage (in either direction). You must wipe the user data.

LOL, no.  I'd never be able to use my phone if I wiped every time I flashed.  It takes me days to get everything set back up.  Anyhow, in this case it was the older build that got everything back up.

I've been doing Lineage for some time.  I find that going back to older builds generally works fine, unless a change was made to database storage for any of the critical system parts.  And even then, I can get a logcat of the problem as it's far enough along in the boot, delete the database and get back up and running.

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6 minutes ago, JooJooBee666 said:

LOL, no.  I'd never be able to use my phone if I wiped every time I flashed.  It takes me days to get everything set back up.  Anyhow, in this case it was the older build that got everything back up.

I've been doing Lineage for some time.  I find that going back to older builds generally works fine, unless a change was made to database storage for any of the critical system parts.  And even then, I can get a logcat of the problem as it's far enough along in the boot, delete the database and get back up and running.

Sometimes going back without wipe works. There was a similar issue when attempting going from 9 to 8 (if I recall correctly) but OFTEN it will work if changes were minor, but do not expect it in general unless they explicitly say so. And the changes 20 to 21 as well as 21 to 22 clearly was not minor. So stepping back without wipe is unlikely to work.

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1 minute ago, EskeRahn said:

Sometimes going back without wipe works. There was a similar issue when attempting going from 9 to 8 (if I recall correctly) but OFTEN it will work if changes were minor, but do not expect it in general unless they explicitly say so. And the changes 20 to 21 as well as 21 to 22 clearly was not minor. So stepping back without wipe is unlikely to work.

I think you misread.  I already did go back.  I was on a custom build of 21 when everything went to shit. Rolling back to a custom 20 got things back up. 😎

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2 hours ago, JooJooBee666 said:

@tdm Should I use the kernel and device trees from Lineage repos now?  Want to test everything out again.

FYI, last build went to shit on me.  Could not keep a phone call working for more than 2 minutes before losing the network.  Rebooted and it never booted again.  With no logcat on boot, I don't even know what happened.  Reflashed same build, same problem.  Reverted local commits to June 11t, rebuilt, flashed and was back up...


Yes, I build test22 with exactly what is in official Lineage repos right now.


I can't imagine what could be wrong with the recent code.  It works for me, and I haven't heard anyone else complain about this sort of issue.  Perhaps you should do a clean rebuild using the Lineage and muppets stuff?  And in any case, can you get a logcat?

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1 hour ago, EskeRahn said:

Sometimes going back without wipe works. There was a similar issue when attempting going from 9 to 8 (if I recall correctly) but OFTEN it will work if changes were minor, but do not expect it in general unless they explicitly say so. And the changes 20 to 21 as well as 21 to 22 clearly was not minor. So stepping back without wipe is unlikely to work.


Generally speaking it should be the opposite.  You should never need to wipe data when you upgrade to a newer build of the same OS unless something is messed up.  The only time you should need to wipe is when switching OS (eg. stock to lineage).


I did initially install test22 without wiping and it worked fine except for an issue with adb starting late.  However, I did wipe shortly after (for the first time in months!) so that I could test the WiFi during setup wizard.


EDIT: Sorry, I misread.  Yes, you are correct.  Going backward to an older build is not supported and may require a wipe.  But given the stable state of Lineage 16.0, the types of changes which break moving between builds are very rare.

Edited by tdm
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19 minutes ago, tdm said:

You should never need to wipe data when you upgrade to a newer build of the same OS unless something is messed up.  The only time you should need to wipe is when switching OS (eg. stock to lineage).

Yes I never had wiped moving forwards between your test versions. Only when I tried to move backwards. 🙂

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A bit more explanation on my web server:


I was looking at setting up a Lineage OTA server yesterday because this whole download a zip, sideload lineage, reboot to switch slots, sideload gapps thing is a pain.  Nolen pointed me to the official lineage updater project on github and I was trying to get it working.  It uses a bunch of fancy modern stuff (eg. redis) which I don't particularly like.  Then I observed that the API for the OTA server is extremely simple and I could write my own easily enough.  So I did just that.  Took about 2 hours.


After doing all that I removed the packages which I had installed for the official lineage updater.  And somehow it also removed my letsencrypt package along with all my TLS certs.  But I did not notice.  When the nightly TLS renewal job triggered, it stopped the web server and failed to update the (now missing) certs.  And the web server failed to restart because the certs were missing.  I have restored from a backup and all is well again.


Long story short, I made a mistake.  But future test builds will have OTA capability.


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1 minute ago, Wheeljack said:

Are you going to write a little tutorial for how to switch from test to official without wiping?

There is only one thing which might be necessary.  There is a system file in /data that may need to be deleted.  And I am not sure even that is required.  But I will let you know.


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2 hours ago, tdm said:

There is only one thing which might be necessary.  There is a system file in /data that may need to be deleted.  And I am not sure even that is required.  But I will let you know.


So is the official ready to install (without wiping) or should we wait until you know which file is supposed to get deleted?

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2 minutes ago, SchattengestaIt said:

So is the official ready to install (without wiping) or should we wait until you know which file is supposed to get deleted?

When the official build appears, you may download it and attempt to install.  If it fails, it will likely be due to a signature check.  You can avoid this by deleting /data/system/packages.xml.  There should not be any other issues with installing the official Lineage build.


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6 hours ago, tdm said:


Yes, I build test22 with exactly what is in official Lineage repos right now.


I can't imagine what could be wrong with the recent code.  It works for me, and I haven't heard anyone else complain about this sort of issue.  Perhaps you should do a clean rebuild using the Lineage and muppets stuff?  And in any case, can you get a logcat?

No logcat from that issue earlier.  I tried but it just sat there waiting for device.  The odd thing was it ran fine for 4 days.  Rebooted and that was it; I was down until a new build done with rolling back recent changes.

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This is kind of off topic, but something to think about for future testing of 17.1, perhaps.


I got my OTA server running and tested it with a full (not incremental) update.  Took roughly 45 minutes from the time the download completed.  Google intentionally makes this process low priority because you are expected to be able to continue using your phone normally while the update installs.  But there is an updater option to increase performance which helps some.


It would be much faster, both for download and install, to do incremental updates.  But incremental updates require a pristine, unmodified device.  So no adding in gapps, su, etc.  The only thing I could do to satisfy everyone would be to make two (or four!) builds.  And I'm not going to do that.


So... from now on I'll be providing my builds with OTA capabilities.  You can feel free to use the OTA or download and install manually like you always have.  Your choice.


To kick off the OTA builds, here is a v1 and v2 for anyone that cares (I know you're all probably waiting for the official build to install).  You can install v1 and watch it update to v2.  Or just install v2 and wait for my next build.





Note: my builds have the default check interval set to one day.  But if you have ever opened the updater, it probably is already set to the official Lineage default of one week.  So I recommend checking that.  One week is a long time for build updates.


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