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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2019 in Posts

  1. As some of you wanted to see the Pro1 getting naked, me and my colleague shot the following unboxing video from F(x)tec HQ this morning :). And the initial boot-up with a keyboard slide:
    28 points
  2. I think it is very easy to put a conclusion such as "amateur" or "unprofessional" to anything doesn't meet expectations. From restaurant failed to cook a meal meets customers specific taste to train did not come in time. Anything can be unprofessional if it happens. But in reality we all know life doesn't always go as expected, there is no simple definition of professionalism but many many small factors. A simple conclusion like this can't take into account of every aspect but only show the original PoV over simplifies this world. But nonetheless I take the criticism. We probably in
    22 points
  3. The batch size will increase (quite rapidly) and we aim to deliver to everyone under batch 3. The reason of starting from smaller but gradually to much bigger production batch is purely on manufacturing perspective. As we are all aware of this product is much more complicated in production than almost any of the general smartphones nowadays. We have encountered about twice of the procedures than producing a normal phone. In general each production step/procedure has a successful rate. Before the production we could only estimate the rate and do the work carefully in order to mi
    15 points
  4. Yep, we'll soon make formal, well-illustrated docs in our new support page. Quick sneak peek of what we are working on:
    14 points
  5. In this thread, we'd like to invite everyone to share your experience with the apps you found useful, or particularly suitable for Fxtec Pro1. This could be (but not limit to) having extra functions by supporting physical keyboard; supporting landscape interface with a good way, etc. Please provide the reasons, and the source of app (if other than Google Play). Disclaimer: All the apps listed here are not affiliated with FX Technology with any aspect, unless stated. All point of view of team FX, or users are based on their personal views and experience with the app on Fxtec Pro1 and
    11 points
  6. 🤔 I have been shopping the wrong way all my life.
    11 points
  7. I will leave this to be answered by Developers from Lineage OS. I think it would be very likely, as our Lineage OS developers are very well known and experienced. They have been of great support so I would hope at a certain time while the device hits a wider user group it would be likely to happen!
    10 points
  8. Not mine, from Taketyon on twitter https://twitter.com/JH174941/status/1196247918908297216 Note there are additional details (Japanese) and other pics on the twitter channel.
    9 points
  9. Why do we need to repeat the same arguments over and over again? Yes, the early payment was a mistake and yes, the devices should have been shipped earlier or information should have been provided. But come on! First devices are delivering and more are to come. Also, Liangchen (Waxberry) is providing almost daily updates. Don't focus on the past when the future is that bright.
    9 points
  10. Well thanks @furukawa! Here's the closest thing to the first hands-on review of a production unit I can find. Thru google translate to english, but you can change it or select original language from there (avoids the international restrictions too). https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ja&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fegg.5ch.net%2Ftest%2Fread.cgi%2Fsmartphone%2F1567738851%2F508-509 Android is close to Pure and there are no extra apps. The protective sheet on the screen was affixed like a PET material. The screen looks like a pen tile and I'm worried about dots.
    9 points
  11. Gotta start somewhere 🙂 - and I'm glad it was with this device, nobody else with more experience is making it, so if it takes them a little time to get it right and figure out logistics at the beginning, I'll deal with that.
    8 points
  12. Numbers are not relevant, as some customers with the order range of 1XXXX have only paid for their pre-orders last month, while we have orders from the range of 3XXXX that have been paid for 3 months ago. What affects shipping is when the payment was received or whether an Indiegogo coupon was used, in which scenario the order would be prioritised.
    8 points
  13. Yes and no. Early-December is the time within which we expect all Pro1 pre-orders to have been shipped. As you might know, we want to be in general availability with a stock surplus at least 1 week before Christmas. From now, until all orders are complete by early-December, our customers will still receive their stock assigned and dispatch notices as soon as units are produced and are on their way to the logistics warehouses.
    8 points
  14. We will prepare formal technical docs very soon, with info on how to flash your device, etc.
    8 points
  15. Woow, looks really neat! Is that note by Adrian and Chen hand-signed? no wonder it took them so long! 😉
    8 points
  16. Disabling this app as one of the first thing after installing, I never experienced the bug....😇 ADD: When google search is disabled, It would be nice if short press jumped to the first shortcut starting with that letter
    6 points
  17. Have flashed and reset so many times with early software, I never realised that the initial start-up is just 1 minute if you skip all the wizardry. 😄
    6 points
  18. Yes, received by all U.S. first batchers. Hopefully to be resolved this week. Again, disappointing for us, but I'm sure far more frustrating for the F(x) folks. I continue to wait patiently. This phone will be worth it. 😀
    6 points
  19. @EskeRahn Do Not even get me started Mr!!!! you are getting yours by end of play tomorrow! I can not believe it! I bet this is all because all of the Xenophobic UK people who voted Brexit have ruined it for me! (I blame everything on that). I do expect pics and Videos though and step by step tutorials! Thank you! 🙂
    5 points
  20. There will be Lineage OS as well, to run on Pro1 so there will be plenty choices for that. 😉
    5 points
  21. If I ever order an aPple device again, I think I would better write a psychiatrist... 🤕🤪
    5 points
  22. Looks great, Erik! -> Your shopping basket is full 😉 You have to order... NOW!!
    5 points
  23. 5 points
  24. As users will start receiving devices now, we want to give some update about the bugs and features we found / currently working. Shipping software version: QX1000_EEA_20191028191835 Known bugs: - Under a rare circumstance, touch of screen can be lost (touch function unresponsive) A reboot will fix. If that happens, hold power key to give the reboot menu, then open the slider and press tab key, and select restart, Press Enter. It will go back after booting. This happens on a very rare case, and team is working on a fix for the next version - We have heard from some users wit
    4 points
  25. As someone who has not much to do with Tech, I was not aware of the reason why you chose to produce and ship only a small batch first. Just wanted to say thank you for the detailed inside look. 😀
    4 points
  26. Great to see people are getting them now 😎
    4 points
  27. Would be nice to let us know what is your business and when you projected, built, producted and post your mobile device last time 🙂 Or any other product..
    4 points
  28. Kudos to Erik for taking video and Elysia for the demo. 🙂
    4 points
  29. Termux The best terminal emulator. Works very well in landscape mode with a hardware keyboard (I use it daily on Gemini PDA) . If the screen pin is on, it is like a Linux notebook 🙂
    4 points
  30. ...And I really like they went for the option with a common charger, and supplied plugs for three different systems.
    4 points
  31. Pictures in original resolution: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJc81rQVUAAZY9j?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJc81rSUUAE6W4f?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJc9QLAU4AAYF92?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJc9QLCUcAAA_FJ?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJc-_JTU4AA1LZ4?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJdCDdrU4AAdAvR?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJdCDdoUcAIaJAY?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJnoKi0UUAE74Z3?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twi
    4 points
  32. I LOVE it. I can not wait for mine! Hopefully soon. 😩🤞
    4 points
  33. The Kid counts the days to Christmas. You are luckier, you should have it before Christmas. LOL
    3 points
  34. In all fairness it should be said that when we made the pre-orders back in the spring, a text on the pre-order page said that payment would only be requested 2-3 weeks before shipping. BUT this was clearly changed BEFORE we were requested to pay, with the ETA of september. But of course in theory some might have paid remembering the original text only...
    3 points
  35. Technically, there is some "mention" of it on xda... https://forum.xda-developers.com/pro1/development/custom-roms-lineage-t3981821
    3 points
  36. I think this is the first time I've heard some noise from the Pro1 speakers. Are those in any way decent? I'm kind of used to any kind of smartphone in various price ranges to just have terrible audio quality once you go past a certain volume level, but there might be physical constraints with them being super flat, power, or whatever. I likely missed out on exceptions, but people in this house have Samsung, LG and OnePlus stuff... and they don't really shine there. How is it looking on the Pro1 end? The best phone speakers I've heard personally were the speaker moto mods... but those were
    3 points
  37. There is a know "bug": Under desktop, long press a key will launch app shortcut (quick launch apps) but short type will go to google search. However every time Google search is launched this way, the cursor will return to the left after user typed the first letter. This is the bug from Google Search app, unfortunately we have nothing to do with it. What we have considered is to have search for drawer when type under desktop, instead of launching Google Search.
    3 points
  38. I was talking about full desktop Windows 10 (on ARM). Not about Windows 10 Mobile.
    3 points
  39. This may be hard to understand, but there are some errors everybody new to these kind of stuff has to make. FxTec is a bunch of engineers and may not had this experience before. Imagine yourself in this situation: You have a delay, not much but maybe 4 weeks. Your career depends on your customers staying happy. So you contact all your delivery partner about the new situation and ask them when they will deliver. They tell you at latest in the middle of October. So you update your customers because you want to keep'em happy and that is where the trouble begins. Sales people of company's
    3 points
  40. They have obviously done a good effort to improve communications within what is possible for them at this time, and the second run will be smoother by learning from the first one. I'm pretty optimistic it'll come pretty soon.
    3 points
  41. I'm surprised to see the sleeve there, I thought they said they would have to send that later. 😎
    3 points
  42. Actually, Snapdragon 835 is able to run Windows 10 and it has been demostrated earlier: - https://www.pcworld.com/article/3323381/intel-vs-snapdragon-we-test-hps-envy-x2-with-both.html However, I have not seen any Win10 ports on smartphones that uses SD835. There are Win10 ports to Pixel 3 (SD845) and OnePlus 6T (SD845). - https://www.xda-developers.com/windows-10-arm-oneplus-6t/
    3 points
  43. I appreciate the transparency revealing the bugs before we have even received the phones. Hope you guys figure the issue too.
    3 points
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