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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/29/2020 in all areas

  1. test8 is up, you know the drill by now. * a2dp should be working. * Added touchscreen margin/deadzone. * Added settings UI for keyboard and touchscreen (Settings -> System -> Advanced). NOTE: if you use a custom keymap (looking at you @Craig) note the keymap file has moved. The reason is that /persist should only be used for things specific to the device that are invariant, eg. physical properties. So it is now read from "/data/system/keyboard/keymap". The file contents are the same, just "mv" the file over to the new location (creating the directory first,
    7 points
  2. I believe I've found the issues with both the WiFi signal strength indicator and the notification lights. Both are broken because there are some Lineage specific changes that need to be applied to the kernel. So I'll try to get those working early next week. Details: The 1+5/5t (which is what I copied to start the pro1) has the WiFi driver built into the kernel and a couple other minor surrounding changes. The pro1 has the WiFi driver as a module (as the BSP does). The wlan sysfs node is in a different place for built-in vs. module, which is why the signal strength is broken.
    5 points
  3. Really glad to report back that after just couple of minutes under clear sky, it found some satellites and from there on it was quite smooth sailing as you would expect. For anyone interested what exact steps I took: went outside to make sure that nothing was between phone and sky (while staying connected to my home WiFi) used GPS toolbox (or is it GPS Status?) to reset my data and download new A-GPS data -- at this point I still was not able to find anything went for a walk to see if anything changes and after 1-2 minutes (or leaving my WiFi network coverage?) my phone
    5 points
  4. Parity....if you don't include those things LOS does that stock doesn't do. 😉
    5 points
  5. I took some time today to organize the issue list, add labels, and such. Things are looking pretty decent. For example, here is what remains for parity with stock: https://github.com/tdm/android_device_fxtec_pro1/issues?utf8=✓&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Abug+-label%3Astale
    4 points
  6. I am abslutely agree with you. He alone made a lot of progress for Pro1 to also have a perfect software. He is also active on this forum so we can see what happening and also can check his work - while we don't even have information about progress of stock firmware (if there is any progress at all currently). So, @tdm, thank you your work.
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. Glad I could help. First GPS fix after moving to the other side of the planet can be tricky.
    3 points
  9. Looks like we have quite a few lurkers... https://stats.lineageos.org/ 😀
    3 points
  10. BTW it would be great if the two edge margins were handled independent. The Keyboard-edge can take a lot more margin than the opposite without affecting functionality. And it is the side that is most prone to accidental touches both opening by pushing, and for entering numbers.
    2 points
  11. The keyboard driver only polls when at least one key is pressed. When no keys are pressed, it uses interrupts. So there should be little concern for the CPU usage. I could even get rid of the option and always use 20ms. I just preferred the longer delay because I could not detect any keyboard lag at all with 40ms. Also note that there is still one more optimization that I would like to make for the keyboard, which is a hybrid interrupt/poll mode. In this mode, the driver would only poll on the rows that have keys pressed (it is currently all-or-nothing). This would reduce the work
    2 points
  12. Maybe it does not like that window. Ideally go outside with a clear view of the sky and stay put until you get a fix.
    2 points
  13. I looked at the fingerprint stuff briefly today. Unfortunately most of it is closed source (even in the BSP -- the OEM tossed binaries into the device tree). So I need to come at it from either the kernel side or somehow override/shim the frameworks side.
    2 points
  14. That is Pie. There are no warning that you forgot to turn off Bluetooth. Same on a galaxy S8-
    2 points
  15. For whatever reason it only appears when it is actively paired - not in standby. Is that the same for everyone?
    1 point
  16. Kinda meta, using a hwkb phone with a BT keyboard but I digress: I'm using a Trust bluetooth keyboard with my Pro1 but i'm having massive input lag issues, to the point my inputs are basically ignored because i'm that much of a fast typer.
    1 point
  17. Stupid Pie. Is that something that was fixed with Quinoa?
    1 point
  18. I think it is much a user-dependant thing. When opened I'm yet to experience accidental touches clicking the numbers. But it requires more care opening. Personally I ONLY have problems with the edges when it is closed. Not when opened. Others have huge problems clicking the numbers. I would say the thumb-width is what matters. So I would prefer a setting. But when you got one slider, would it be much work to copy and paste to four? Giving the user complete control of the two edges, opened and closed. You MIGHT even add a tick-box (default set) "Same margin", that links
    1 point
  19. Actually I think increasing the left margin when the slider is out might be a better solution. I'm just wondering if it should be a multiple of the user margin setting (1.5x? 2.0x?) or a fixed number.
    1 point
  20. Sad to hear you don't like it. 😥 But glad to hear you are not in it for the profit. 👍
    1 point
  21. When doing images comparing the toning of either white or black, I strongly suggest doing it at a real white background, as the white balance of the camera can easily get confused and show things either better or worse than they actually are. I often use a bright red table for background of device photos, for the nice effect of it. But the downside is that it can come out in the digital images as anything from pink to burgundy, and even orange some times. Sorry to hear, hope you come back at a later time. 🙂
    1 point
  22. I have a very early prototype that has reduced edge sensitivity... a built-in margin. 🙂 It also has zeros for IMEIs which makes it unsuitable for testing radio things. So I was provided a near-production prototype that has valid IMEIs and also better edge sensitivity. I use the earlier one for stock and the later one for lineage.
    1 point
  23. Oddly only ONE of the two units had this ??? The "Final Sample". The old "Pre-Production" did NOT. And anyway it was only initially, so at most a very low priority thing. You got a Pre Production too for the testing, right? So it just MIGHT be that they changed something - or that it was merely a strange coincidence. Let us not dwell on it, we will see if any other see the same. 😊
    1 point
  24. @tdm fyi, the a2dp commit also fixed the crackling audio problem. Makes sense as one of the things I noted when the issues was occurring was an error stating "AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT" was an invalid format. Bad-ass.😎
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. You should see the options in the system section when you select "advanced".
    1 point
  27. Hi Just registered an account here since Fxtec support ([email protected]) seems to be ignoring me and I thought maybe community can give some tips here. I am having trouble getting any GPS lock on my Pro1 and am wondering if its a hardware issue. I've tried restarting the phone, switching the location on and off, switching airplane mode on and off, switching battery saver on and off. Today I downloaded GPS Toolbox and A-GPS data using it but it just says that it is searching for GPS location and does not find anything. I have run out of ideas what to do here. Am I missing som
    1 point
  28. Yes, Wifi was enabled and during those minutes I was walking outside of my home wifi network coverage and back in again. Also connected using 4G so phone itself had internet access at all times. Let me check, I'll walk for couple of minutes, see if the GPS Toolbox thing did something or not. I never had any GPS problems with other phones though 😕
    1 point
  29. Your internet connection is working right?
    1 point
  30. Thanks for the reply! I live in Estonia. Initially I was waiting couple of minutes before switching location back on. Later, when I was trying airplane more, I no longer had such patience and just launched Waze to see if it finds GPS or not. After downloading A-GPS data with GPS Toolkit, I left it on the window and it is still looking for location. Must be hours since I put it there.
    1 point
  31. Where do you live? How long did you wait for a fix? First fix can take up to 15 mn without AGPS.
    1 point
  32. A unique ID is generated at first boot after a wipe. When you opt-in to stats, it sends the ID and device model every 24 hours. I believe the page counts the last 90 days. So this is the count of active devices that are opt-in, with duplicates for each time you wipe.
    1 point
  33. So, does that mean 98 downloads or can it tell how many unique Pro1 devices are running it?
    1 point
  34. What happened to the idea of printing a 2 pieces case with a 3d printer? Seemed to be the best idea for a case? 2 times the same Idea, sorry didn't See this Post before
    1 point
  35. No rush. Just thought I'd ask, in case (no pun intended) I missed any info. :-)
    1 point
  36. It might not be so, it COULD be that the exact same issue would show it self on another specimen. What worries me here is the warming up. The SIM2 SIM1 sits deeper in than the SIM1 SIM2, so it will feel the heat first, and it just MIGHT put it outside its working limits. corrected, it is the other way round, so that is not the explanation. But one SIM might be more robust than the other? Reading for 40 minutes should not really make the PRO1 warm. I have not tried to use it for reading that long though...
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. For the BB Priv it works really well BUT that is because the Priv got two chrome strips above and below the display, that protect the protectors(!).
    1 point
  39. Just keep in mind that this app only works because SELinux is not enforcing. Normally apps wouldn't be allowed to do that (side note: why are the discretionary permissions even allowing this?). So when the build goes official, that app won't work anymore.
    1 point
  40. Incase tdm doesn't or until he does implement, JJB has written an app that does just that (add quicksettings toggle), specifically for lineage on our device. Of course I'd also prefer it as a built-in feature, but this does do the job nicely. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2721-kb-backlight-manager-for-lineageos-builds
    1 point
  41. I thought of one other. Some dos games use control or shift keys separately. So, an option to make the right slant arrow into right shift or right control could prove useful in some situations.
    1 point
  42. The BSP uses a feature called "split a2dp" and handles a2dp in the audio HAL. This is proprietary and does not work with the open source audio stack. So Lineage does not use it, a2dp is handled by the AOSP code. In order to make this work, the audio configuration needs to be updated. Because of the way audio works in pro1 vs. 1+5/5t, the audio configuration file is in a different place (/vendor/etc/audio vs. /vendor/etc). I neglected to update the correct file. As soon as I updated the correct file, it started working. There are a couple other related changes but that's the big one.
    1 point
  43. Hi! Yes, it is something we are looking to use in the near future - in fact I would be the one looking after it 🙂. It will be out as soon as we can allocate more workforce to post-launch support tools.
    1 point
  44. For bug reports, it's best to email [email protected]. We're a startup. Everyone does everything as necessary. The entire Fxtec team sees those emails at the minute. We have our specialities but we all put our noses in all aspects of the company. Keeps it eventful :).
    1 point
  45. Hi all, I have made a test with another USB cable and it worked. But I tried to go back to the previous cable and it also worked... This said, there was a different behavior on the device: I tried right away with the new cable with my head unit, and the phone asked to allow location while Android Auto was loading. Not sure why it wasn't asking this on my first tries the other day. Once this was done, using either cable loaded AA normally. I say "normally", but I also found out that the previous cable had an issue, at least one contact isn't perfect with the Pro1, but good enough
    1 point
  46. As a preorderer I would easily pay 100€ more for no accessories but the phone itself.
    1 point
  47. As a pre-orderer [sic] I would easily scrap the earphones for a proper case or discount towards a case.
    1 point
  48. Thanks to @Raksura for posting this in another thread, but let me put it here too, for more to see the progress.
    1 point
  49. Thanks for including the link to the dev page. Installing a "random" APK from a google drive that requires root doesn't seem safe. Not that I particularly trust it now that I have the dev page though, would've preferred to see the source code or something. But thanks.
    1 point
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