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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2020 in Posts

  1. That is something that can hardly be specified objectively. It depends on 1. how much someone cares for always getting the latest stuff (instead of asking which real-life advantages that latest stuff actually brings over the less recent stuff and how much or how little that objectively affects whatever they're doing with the respective gear) – and 2. how much someone cares for the keyboard. Me, when I ordered the phone half a year ago, I looked at RAM and flash memory (just to make sure they exceeded my minimum requirements as they did and as I already expected) and whether there's a
    5 points
  2. Bumping this thread. I finally jumped to Lineage and it is wonderful-- a far more finished OS than stock. And, lol, if I can install it, anyone can, but the folks on Discord, particularly @Craig are very helpful. Rooted too. Never going back. Sent more beers to tdm... great job, sir. Can't wait until you are back on it.
    3 points
  3. Some updates have already been released. Is Widevine DRM L1 now available? If not, will it still come?
    2 points
  4. To be fair, the last status we had is that they're waiting for certification from "the authority" (read: Google). Not having that was the very reason that update was botched (apparently this needs to be done for every security patch level). Don't ask me how this makes the system any more secure with all the vendor binaries that don't need this, though.
    2 points
  5. Camera PX There are no downsides to this app. It's idiot proof, great resolution, shutter sound... Even the selfie camera takes beautiful HDR+ images with built in stabilization. POint and click - no flash https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZBMapTnfqU1PGdbZ8 Selfie camera https://photos.app.goo.gl/5tVxEohyarddUzET8
    1 point
  6. Ha. I had no idea what that button Was - thanks! And yes it works.
    1 point
  7. netman, thanks very much for explaining the Pro1 hardware and refreshing my memory on the limitations without diodes, that makes perfect sense. I remember designing the hardware and firmware for a small keyboard for an invention of mine that included 2 encoders on the matrix, and I did have to include diodes on the 4 encoder outputs so they didn't short out the keys when the knobs were in certain positions. And I think you're right about not being able to conquer that hardware limitation with a creative driver. That third key does indeed short everything out and obscure the source. I was
    1 point
  8. And I hope they are still keeping busy with updating the software as well. The hardware is 3 generations behind and OS is 1 version behind. At the very least they can add value and show they are committed to providing updates, thus assuring us that there will be a good support lifespan despite the delay. Otherwise the premium for the keyboard is way too much.
    1 point
  9. Yes, I had a tracking number and also had to fill a form for Customs and tick "DDP parity" - it went through so I did not have to pay customs fee but F(x)tec payed it. It was in January, I don't know if something has changed since then, F(x)tec told me to do it this way. I think the current shipments go the same way. I had to fill several information on the paper but I also wrote there what amount of VAT was included in original purchase (in Euro). Also purchase info of F(x)tec website and payment receipt were attached (as requested). I have called Customs by phone and they tol
    1 point
  10. Interesting! Where do you get it? It doesn't show up in my Play Store, although Play Store search suggest several versions of it while typing.
    1 point
  11. In my case it's a bit weird, no tracking number yet but I got an "Your F(x)tec order is now complete" e-mail. Well we have no FedEx in Hungary so I have no idea which supplier will be used..hopefully GLS or FoxPost because the rest are not really good.
    1 point
  12. Order #14*** from May 2019 (QWERTZ), paid on August 2, 2019. Also received a tracking number today, delivery scheduled for the May 5.
    1 point
  13. Order #80**; March 6, 2019 (QWERTZ); payed on August 1, 2019; stock assigned on April 23, 2020 I also got the tracking number today.
    1 point
  14. Got my FedEx tracking number via mail and an extra notice via text. Also scheduled for a delivery next tuesday.
    1 point
  15. Got FedEx tracking number, 20 min ago via sms, scheduled for 5/5/2020
    1 point
  16. The diodes are the only thing missing, but your belief is not fully correct. The limitation with having no diodes is that if you press 3 keys that are in a rectangle on the matrix for example something like this: Where A B C are the rows and 1 2 3 are the columns of the matrix and the red dots are pressed buttons, where the row and column are connected together by the switch. Then C and 1 are also connected together because row C is connected to column 2 which is connected to row A which connects to row 1. From only having GPIOs connected to each row and column it's impossible to tel
    1 point
  17. You should include this on your lineage page too, had to search for it.
    1 point
  18. I use the Fn+Space for power, and it works fine. But what I've realized would be easier would be Fn+Ctrl, can do it with one finger. Right now I have to make this two finger kinda peace sign type shape. Anyways this is trivial nothing, just a thought I had.
    1 point
  19. MediaTek doesn't release any open source code. So custom roms like Lineage etc. are very difficult to make. So you are stuck with stock. And further, given that it's all closed source Chinese code, I'm not going to take any chance that it's spying on me.
    1 point
  20. As I replied to the OP here: highly recommend this phone, but not to everyone... Sure this phone does not fit anyone. Show me a single thing that does, being electronic or anything else. Well except perhaps pure fresh water for drinking... And there is NO device out there (exist or announced planned) that come even close to being nearer what I would wish for. That is not to say that it is perfect. And I can easily find individual things that I would prefer from other devices. The main issue for me was the placement of the fingerprint reader, but when put in a flip case, that disapp
    1 point
  21. To be fair, there are more than these things, that OP posted and that are annoying. I just don't have time to compile them all - clearly they are staying with Pro1. 0. Information on sticker with IMEI information very quickly went away. 1. Placement of power button - it would not be fair to call it power button, as Nokia N97(with the same hinges) had lock button, so it is power/lock button, but I would rather prefer lock/power button to be near audio jack. Placement of lock/power button is not great when using with pouch, that came with phone, as screen turns on, when inserting phone
    1 point
  22. I'm implementing the UI for device specific features. So a couple of questions... The keyboard map option should show a few common, sane, useful options. Like, say, making FN plus top row keys send F#. What other useful options do you think should be there? Currently the keyboard backlight stays on while the screen is on and the slider is out. Would it be useful to have an option to time out the keyboard back light after a period of inactivity? Any other interesting ideas?
    1 point
  23. Pro1 under LOS is great. Unfortunately just after I dealt with most issues (especially volume tweaking and forcing 24-bit headphones output), USB port broke I now I'm waiting for releasing lockdown in GB - support/repair center doesn't work until then.
    0 points
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