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  1. So why not switch to 3G based on location. I'm sure there's an app for that πŸ™‚ . Used in my previous house, bad reception on 4G (any phone).
    3 points
  2. Sounds like you could be right. Looks like an odd scam. The account created a few days ago using a "spamdecoy" mail-address. It all have an ooze of fake... But I could be wrong of course.
    2 points
  3. Seems an awful waste since a) I have no idea why you think you are entitled to a refund for a smashed phone and b) unsmashed, you probably could have sold it. But if the therapy was worth $700+, glad it was cathartic. By the way, very little of the above has been my experience.
    2 points
  4. > at work in thick concrete or steel buildings, where signal is weak and while my coworkers phones are still connected @Raafu1, could you check what the raw dBm figures are when this occurs? For 4G/LTE poor field is -111 .. 119 dBm and the dead zone is -120 dBm or below. One would expect there to be some difference in raw dBm reading between Pro1 and the connected phones.
    1 point
  5. Just published release v0.9.3.
    1 point
  6. My apologies for the late response πŸ™„. Still waiting for my replacement screen. And I see you've figured out that it is a hardware issue. Keep us updated please. I'm curious to find out what it was and if/how it's been resolved.
    1 point
  7. If you don't throw it against the wall it should not explode into pieces.
    1 point
  8. I used Nokia E7 for around 8 years and i used it extensively. But i dont miss E7 at all because it was very frustrating to use E7 primarily because of its obsolete symbian os and battle to find or use most of the apps, its poor camera and under performing hardware. Pro1 solved all these problems and life is now so easy with Pro1. The only worry i have is that i have only one Pro1. And hearing from so many of this forum about their Pro1 breaking, i am worried about the safety of my Pro1
    1 point
  9. I loved my N97mini, except that it was useless outdoors in the summer. So I actually carried a secondary phone (Samsung S8500 Wave) for outdoor usage...
    1 point
  10. I used an E7 for a couple of weeks (thanks to old Nokia's very generous trial program for "bloggers" back in the day...). I thought I would love it but at the time it felt too heavy and the camera kinda sucked (and yet look at me with the Pro1 now...) I almost said the Nokia N97! Despite being criminally underspecced I loved mine, especially starting the camera by sliding the cover and just popping it open with one hand to type messages on it. Clearly I am quite comfortable nursing along hobbled devices...
    1 point
  11. The Phone I doubt I will ever miss is the HTC Diamond. Not because of the hardware, but the extremely unstable Windows software. I would be lucky to have a day without a reboot, and I needed to do a factory reset at the least every fortnight! I actually ended up making a MORT_SCRIPT that could perform a full factory restore, and install my apps, and set the needed settings!!! Ran it about every second week, or when the device had messed it self up too much- Often when the phone rang you would be unable to pick it up.... With Vista being a competitor, I think this is the worst software M
    1 point
  12. As I have reported before, my device has been having random reboots once a while. It has been almost daily. Typically, when I wake up, I come to kitchen from upstairs and start to make breakfast. Looks like I have better network upstairs, because these reboots almost always happen in the kitchen, usually at morning when having breakfast. Also I have those reboots sometimes when I travel to places with weaker network coverage. But what is strange, is that I don't have these reboots anymore. Like, at all. Let's say no reboots in 7 days at least. Nothing have changed in my phone lately, and I hav
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. I'm no longer missing my n900, and definitely not the dumb slab phones I used after it :)
    1 point
  15. TeZtdevice, your advice was greatly appreciated - i replaced the original screen of my Pro1 and the new screen works flawlessly, or let's say, the upper 1/6 part of the screen started to be responsive again ! that's fantastic because apps like SONOS or FOTOS cannot be rotated and do not allow landscape mode. now i am able to reach reach again the apps' settings buttons. of course i also very much appreciate Fxtec's support service that sent me this replacement part for free !
    1 point
  16. i first wrote to Fxtec 2020-02-15, got a first answer 4 days later, was asked 2020-02-24 if i preferred a new screen to install myself or a repair service with Fxtec, and was confirmed 2020-02-26 to receive a new screen in the coming weeks - which arrived indeed yesterday, after all this covid hassle. so i am perfectly happy with their service. now i only need the video HOWTO to replace the Pro1 screen... ADDON : issue of switching screens solved : see here
    1 point
  17. A smaller batch is being allocated today. The assigned people will be emailed by the end of today.
    1 point
  18. NON ROOT - "External Keyboard Helper" Use "External Keyboard Helper" to adjust or disable key delays, I have not used any mapping functions but it definitely has got rid of my repeating key presses issue. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apedroid.hwkeyboardhelper&hl=en_AU I have downloaded this app and changed only the following settings, no root required. 1. >Choose keyboard layout >SELECTED [No remapping] (F(x)tec keyboard seems to function correctly with Fn keys) 2. >Advanced Settings >Key repeating >Key repeat delay > SELECTED
    1 point
  19. The real challenge is to open it silently i.e. in bed room while your partner sleeps ☺️
    1 point
  20. Today was the best moment I've had with the pro1. I bent it with my hands, threw it across the room into a wall, I retrieved it and the thing was still on even though the screen was cracked, and the keyboard dislodged from the body! I pulled my sim and sdcard from the phone so I could finish the job. I took it out to my workbench and smashed it to pieces with a hammer. It was truly the most satisfying moment I had with the pro1. The spontaneous reboots for days on end and then stability for a couple weeks, only to start rebooting again. The ability of the camera to take one
    0 points
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