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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2020 in all areas

  1. test15 is up. Changes: * Fix QWERTZ apostrophe (really!) * Back out noise rejection bits from DT2W patch * Add su-hide patch Please test. Particularly those that have had issues with the screen failing to turn on after sleep. I would like to know if this fixes the issue or not. If it does not, I'll need to play with the noise rejection stuff and see if I can fix the issue without the visual artifacts on my device.
    4 points
  2. Yes. I actually wrote the kernel patch to do that, about ... 3 or 4 years ago. I'll apply that for next build. The patch works by watching for the su daemon process. When it is running, everything is normal. When it is not running, the kernel hides the existence of the su binary -- it cannot be detected with "ls" or "stat" etc. except by root. So you just disable root before running one of those (annoying and broken) apps.
    4 points
  3. test14 is up. Changes: * Fix QWERTZ apostrophe. * Disable double tap to wake. Also updated github repos.
    4 points
  4. The Lineage version is 16.0 and the device is arm64. So you want "addonsu-16.0-arm64-signed.zip".
    3 points
  5. I updated to test 14. Everything went smoothly. Not seeing any horizontal lines, flickering or otherwise, but will let you know if that changes.
    3 points
  6. I just got my Pro1 today (after a really long period of waiting) :-) I am struggling to root it now
    3 points
  7. Beautiful, so far. Manually sideloaded Test 15, MindTheGapps and the su addon, changed theroot setting to apps and adb and gave permission to Root Explorer and Titanium Backup and away I go. I'll let you know if I get any more phone turning off, but tbh, that hasn't happened in a few days anyway. Lol. I think it's time to buy @tdm another 6-pack. 🍻
    2 points
  8. No, I am talking about the Official(tm) LineageOS superuser add-on from here. I do not use or endorse any other su package, and I absolutely don't touch magisk at all.
    2 points
  9. Yes, official Lineage behaves the exact same way for root access, etc.
    2 points
  10. The setting is "root access" in developer options. And note developer options is not visible by default, you need to enable it by tapping on the build number 7 times.
    2 points
  11. No, it is not opt-in/opt-out. But it does not break anything either. It works like this: If root access is enabled for apps in settings, the patch does nothing -- su works normally. If root access is disabled for apps in settings, the su binary (/system/xbin/su) disappears. You cannot see it with "ls" or "stat", it cannot be run, etc. It simply does not exist. Note that root access for adb still works in both cases, as it does not use the su binary.
    2 points
  12. Okay let's assume for now it only affects pre-production devices. I'll still look into it though because it is quite annoying. And yes, perhaps not the best description. But if you see it, you'll know...
    2 points
  13. There's not much correlation between order number and delivery time. Look up what we assume to be the sorting algorithm for order delivery.
    2 points
  14. Updated the previously posted script for somewhat automated updates with the above root patch as an option. Assuming you have downloaded the @tdm images mentioned here and for root also the addonsu-16.0-arm64-signed.zip image linked to here Use as either LineageFLASH 15 or LineageFLASH 15 ROOT (assuming you called hte file LineageFLASH .BAT obviously) The paths are hardcoded, you might want to change those if you are storing the images in a different subdir to the ADB and batch @ECHO off if %1.==. goto :EOF ECHO * Wait for boot to bootloader to finish (or do manu
    1 point
  15. Thanks, I never knew that existed. I'll have to give it a try. I'm not a big fan of Magisk, but the only instructions on this forum were for Magisk. Is the right one Arm64 or Arm?
    1 point
  16. But then test11 is even more older, but installs and boots successfully 😉
    1 point
  17. For completeness sake it needs to be said that recent devices like mine (yours as well, acrux?) seem to have been shipped with a pre-release of an upcoming stock update. Unfortunately I do not recall the exact build number and date. So if it was possible that the update had updated some firmware of components in a backwards-incompatible way, that could be the cause for just flashing the provided older stock images over it doesn't put us in the same state as it'd be for previously shipped phones. Maybe @Waxberry can clarify what's the current status of firmware updates and shipped sto
    1 point
  18. I'm confused by this, probably because I know less than I should and tend to just follow instructions like recipes. I don't know of enabling SU for apps in settings. I just Flash Lineage, flash Gaaps and flash Magisk in recovery (rebooting recovery between each) and it just works. What settings are you referring to here? Is this new in the new build? Or can I just keep doing what I have been doing? Or (most likely), am I misunderstanding everything. 😄
    1 point
  19. Thanks for the recovery log, but unfortunately that is not really helpful -- it only says that the Lineage install succeeded. I need a logcat of Lineage (trying to) boot in order to figure out what's going on. This will require some tweaks to enable logcat at startup. If you are comfortable hacking on your phone with adb, we can try to do that. Alternatively, perhaps you can tell me exactly which version of stock you were running and maybe I can reproduce that here.
    1 point
  20. Wooo, this should allow to run most of the banking apps without any problem.
    1 point
  21. Mine was sent in march but for unknown reasons never reached me. Then was the virus and everything was delayed. It was successfully sent for the second time a week ago
    1 point
  22. Same here. BTW @tdm "Horizontal" is perhaps not the most clear term, for a phone being used in both directions. 😉
    1 point
  23. That would be my guess too. It was evolving over a few days, at first cleaning up the screen was helping until it got so bad it didn't help anymore. It was like the screen was reading my fingers even though they were 1cm from it.
    1 point
  24. oh wow, i just checked your previous posts and found this from february 2020: "#12xxx IGG EU QWERTY". my order # is 34xxx, not even close. if they are shipping 12xxx now i guess i better cancel. and hope they have money to refund.
    1 point
  25. Okay, did the update and think I fixed most of the issues. The Corona App did work after I manually updated the Google Play Services using the latest APK from apkmirror. No idea, why it didn't work before though, probably a bug in the Play Services version I was using. Additionally, I reinstalled supersu - which made the AudioDAC Booster work again. I do remember that I installed this as someone suggested that this can fix some audio issues - so this probably was what fixed the WhatsApp issue I had (I need to check and confirm this though). If that's the case, then there's a bug
    1 point
  26. After leaving my Pro1 turned off for a few hours the problem seems to be gone, thankfully.
    1 point
  27. I haven't had this issue for a while, but IIRC the Caps led didn't work.
    1 point
  28. No there's is a difference ... Normal orders are delivered before than pre-orders... Courtesy ...FX Tec
    1 point
  29. COVID has really screwed with things regarding shipping, I've done a lot of orders in the last few days (Including a Pro1, Order #55xxx) and yeah, some places you simply can't ship to/from at the moment for a reasonable cost. (eg. I've got some used PC parts coming, PhysX PPU from Texas? No problem. Radeon x1950Pro from England? Not an issue. A second x1950Pro from Germany? Fifty Euros to ship to Australia because we have to pay for premium shipping to get DHL to ship here.) I wouldn't be surprised if some of the skipped over orders had something along those lines going on. It really s
    1 point
  30. I think there is a time limit on edits on this forum, so I'll post updates on this page instead. Here's a guide on how to get Gentoo Prefix running under SailfishOS. I've made it for the Pro1, but you might be able to use it for another device. If you know what Gentoo Prefix is, do not expect it to be the smooth ride I'm sure it usually is. If you know what Gentoo is, but not what Gentoo Prefix is: the short of it is that this basically lets you install Gentoo as a normal user in the directory of your choice, minus the kernel (since one is already running). You cannot mess up your
    1 point
  31. Your sacrifice is greatly appreciated, dare I hope it was a QWERTZ? 😁
    1 point
  32. I'll probably be the one to do that. I got close to a functional decrypt before covid hit, but haven't been able to work on it since. I'm focused on getting Lineage finished and official and TWRP should come after that.
    1 point
  33. When I tapped the third one down in the list, nothing happened. Then 20 minutes later someone banged on my door. When I opened it there was a guy standing there with a take-away demanding £15. 😯
    1 point
  34. Here a (collage) version with my descriptions (and colouring) added.
    1 point
  35. ...For those that want a short-cut, it is available as an activity also, that can be launched by some launchers directly, or by tools creating a short-cut for 'any' launcher.
    1 point
  36. I have a really, really frustrating issue that I've just managed to pin down. When I reboot the phone, it loses some defaults and some app settings, but some are OK. The two main ones that really p*** me off - because I use them literally all of the time are the double press for camera app choice is reset (even if you click always - I use opencamera because snapdragon camera isn't stable) along with other file dialog app choices where you have selected 'always' for the app to open, and on every reboot you have tell onedrive to restart camera photo syncing. Anyone else have this issue
    0 points
  37. Yes, simple restart or quick shutdown did not help. I'm a bit concerned it will come back, so far so good though, let's see how the day goes.
    0 points
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