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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2020 in all areas

  1. Secure Boot is a Qualcomm-specific mechanism that enforces the phone must run signed (trusted) code from power-on to the bootloader. This setting cannot be changed by the user, it is a very low level setting that can only be enabled at the factory (and, once enabled, can never be disabled -- it's a hardware fuse). The "device state" (locked or unlocked) is a bootloader setting that may be toggled by the user with the fastboot tool. As far as I know, the Secure Boot flag is not visible to Android in any way at all. I don't do corporate stuff on my personal device, so I can't say
    4 points
  2. I'd recommend just peeling it off first thing anyway, IMEI isn't really something you should flaunt about. Just stick it in the box or something in case it is needed, but apparently it's not.
    4 points
  3. Hey, Do any of you know of a good (and free) platform to host a community wiki for the Pro1? The issue being that the forums are good for discussions, but not for providing information and guides (especially considering there is a time limit for editing posts). For example, if you were to discover this phone today, you'd have a hard time finding out which OSes are available for it and where the guide for each of them is. Basically, if you know to search for it, the forums will provide you the info you need, but there is no index, nor much separation between conversation and guides (n
    3 points
  4. They were talking about 2-3 weeks, so the update may come soon. It's kind of sad, I'm at the point where I don't really care anymore at all. I hope they get it together. I'm waiting for over 10 months now. Canceling now seems to be the worse option.
    3 points
  5. Does it pass the Safetynet test? A few devices were sent out with a not yet certified software version, And those will not pass the safetynet test, if that is the case, you should contact support. You can also check your software version under Settings, System, Advanced, System updates, that has a long name including dates in the version name.
    2 points
  6. Here is a teardown made by a forum member here. Also, if you contact F(x)tec, then they can provide a service document to do this replacement.
    2 points
  7. It may happen the screen has quality problems but it may most likely reveal in a few weeks or a few months. However, I hope it is only a minority and it is most likely not happen later on. Anyway, my phone is almost seven months old so I really hope its display will remain working... Also, if it would be a common issue, this forum would be full of this problem - I hope replacing the screen will resolve this issue permanently.
    2 points
  8. Sounds same as me, installed an app called Partial Screen to block effected parts of the screen. But not really trusting third party screen overlay so not entering anything sensitive on the touch screen with it on. But it made the phone useable while waiting for replacement screen from fxtec.
    2 points
  9. Try turning on "Show taps" in the developer options (accessible from Settings/System after clicking the build number in About a few times). If it is static build up you should see random activations I think, if problem with the touch screen like some other (me included) hass experienced, it will probably only be along a few rows/columns of the screen.
    2 points
  10. Somehow I managed to break the glass surface of the screen. The touchscreen itself works just fine. But what do I do now?
    1 point
  11. I am reluctantly selling my Pro1 with QWERTY keyboard layout. Mint condition, only used for a few hours, never took it outdoors. Original packaging, all accessories included. Price is 650 euros and I'll pay shipping. I have a neurological disorder that often makes it difficult to use a touchscreen. I thought a physical keyboard might help, but the Pro1's touchscreen is problematic and despite the advice posted here, it remains very difficult for me to operate the slider. Thanks! -- Mark Addendum: I live in Paris.
    1 point
  12. Hi Brand New device out the box with only following changes applied below. i am currently trying to enrol a QX1000 into our corporate environment and it will not join due to it being unlocked. I made a few changes and still get the same error. After reading some posts i made a few changes above. Locked device, locked critical, and enabled the charging screen when off. I am now wondering does this have something to do with the secure boot set to disabled? And if so how do I enable secure boot to try this theory?
    1 point
  13. Thank you TDM for a most succinct and insightful answer. It looks like it's going back in the box.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. I am really sad it was not a successful story for you but I think you will sell it easily. Maybe it would help if you provide your country or approximate place of the globe near you (continent, etc). Anyway, for me, it is easy to operate the slider even without noise, but I don't know exactly what disorder you have. It is also true for your touch screen problem - if it is the edge touching, you can make it better using a software. If it is too sensitive for you (causing problem to touch something when your finger is close to the display but not touching it yet) that is another quest
    1 point
  16. When I opened form his link it opened on the wish-list tab I'd never noticed before. So note there is a bugs tab too.
    1 point
  17. It is rather common in my experience. For example, ZTE also does this. It is probably not a huge deal to have the sticker showing, as your identity is attached to your SIM card not your phone. But no reason to take any chances that someone could do something nefarious.
    1 point
  18. I'm in the same boat... As far as I know you can only move forward without clearing. But have a bit more patience, I do believe a certified version is not that far out in the future.
    1 point
  19. https://unofficialtwrp.com/twrp-3-3-1-root-fxtec-pro-1/ Anyone know anything about that?
    1 point
  20. I have always assumed (but I might be wrong) that the factroy reset in settings simply wipes userdata and reflashes whatever version is currently exits. I've never done a factory reset from settings to know if any of this is true. If I'm right, you would have the same version you have now with all updates. If you "factory reset" using the 2019 factory images Chen provided, then, yes, you will have to take all the factory updates to get to the latest version. The good news is, you won't be stuck on the broken update anymore if you took that one before. 🙂
    1 point
  21. I must say I haven't experienced any random shutdowns/reboots for some time now. But having said that I haven't been anywhere but in hospital or at home due to lockdown. But I did find out that the shutdowns & reboots I had last year were caused by network maintenance.
    1 point
  22. Liking this browser so far. No problems, except having to set it up after each update, but it's no big deal. Any possibility of importing bookmarks from other browsers?
    1 point
  23. I know... It's just as official, though. All the other posts there since the end of January came from users and had been moved there from this thread by @EskeRahn. I suppose he just happened to overlook this last one... I guess you should have got it by e-mail, too, though, if you're an orderer or pre-orderer; or didn't you?
    1 point
  24. That would be nice, some simple things that are a bit annoying with the Partial Screen app but it was the only one I could find.
    1 point
  25. I dont recall ever having problems installing extensions on firefox mobile... currently I have uBlock Origin working just fine.... just click the three dots for menu then select Add-ons.
    1 point
  26. I would imagine the qwertz keyboard map that was developed for sailfishos could be used/ported with ubu touch.... But the way fxtec did the hardware/driver qwertz keyboard doesnt actually send the keycodes equivilent to print as Eske explained.
    1 point
  27. I wonder what happens if you hook it up to a touch-screen capable monitor... does touch work like on the phone? I have no such monitor to test with...
    1 point
  28. Would be nice if they can formally open up a semi-public beta program for end-users to test updates, maybe provide OTA packages there. Just don't do it like BlackBerry who pretty much allows anyone who can fill a form in, at least vet the participants for technical background who can actually help with bugs and quality feedback. I'd gladly help, with my former full-time background as Software QA.
    1 point
  29. Yes, great idea, but please LineageOS first 😉
    1 point
  30. https://github.com/ubports-on-fxtec-pro1 is correct. Rootfs currently has manual tweaks for configs, as I didn't plan for the image to be released publicly and it more served as demonstration, but if there are enough interested parties, we could properly integrate the device on UBPorts CI for OTA updates and support in installer.
    1 point
  31. I think there is a time limit on edits on this forum, so I'll post updates on this page instead. Here's a guide on how to get Gentoo Prefix running under SailfishOS. I've made it for the Pro1, but you might be able to use it for another device. If you know what Gentoo Prefix is, do not expect it to be the smooth ride I'm sure it usually is. If you know what Gentoo is, but not what Gentoo Prefix is: the short of it is that this basically lets you install Gentoo as a normal user in the directory of your choice, minus the kernel (since one is already running). You cannot mess up your
    1 point
  32. I'll probably be the one to do that. I got close to a functional decrypt before covid hit, but haven't been able to work on it since. I'm focused on getting Lineage finished and official and TWRP should come after that.
    1 point
  33. Looking at how your update is named "userdebug 9", I think you got a unit with a pre-production flag enabled of some sort, so yours came shipped with an unreleased firmware. Maybe you can help test to see if the extensive list of bugs are fixed...
    1 point
  34. I'm from Germany with order #36xxx for a QWERTZ device, though mine wasn't in this batch yet. But I got this new message: Hello! We hope you are well and keeping safe. With the factory returning to normal production speeds, we are making steady progress working through remaining orders. The factory has confirmed a small batch of Pro1’s is ready to leave the factory, and those that have been allocated stock should now have received a shipping update. We are currently negotiating shipment releases on a 2-3 week basis with the factory, and will be in touch when the next shipment is ready.
    1 point
  35. I am now very concerned...
    1 point
  36. This is what the screen looks like... but everything still works.
    1 point
  37. I took one off for science a while back. PH0 driver fits. [edit] And my plastic prying tool damaged the circle sticker a bit but it reattached quite nicely. I'm looking into having custom small circle stickers made with a more interesting print than just black 🙂.
    1 point
  38. You should probably contact support and ask them directly, often more fruitful than the forums I think. However we do know it's the same screen as Elephone U and U Pro, so these in theory should fit: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32952316407.html
    1 point
  39. Looks like is mostly on one row. Just turned it back on and it's still acting up. Totally unusable, could not even reach the debug settings.
    0 points
  40. The problem did come back last night. Pro1 is switched off. I still need to contact support.
    0 points
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