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  1. Most likely not. I don't know if there will even be an official stock 10. And if there is, I'll probably make a package to update the firmware without going back to stock.
    3 points
  2. Digging this up again with an old new discovery. Well, something I noticed back in February on my old unit but only now bugged me again which made me remember. If you've used HDMI before, it might've triggered some bug that causes periodical stutter every few seconds. It feels a bit like there are vsync misses, so depending on how apps are coded, they may slow down or skip frames or even run faster for a brief moment. Though it can also be just observed when scrolling menus if you pay attention. At first I thought only rebooting fixes it, but as the bug appears to be random, just plugging
    3 points
  3. I am able to reproduce the performance issue everytime I connect the phone to TV via HDMI. The lagging starts after I unplug the HDMI cable, lock the phone and then unlock. To fix the issue you need to reboot the phone. (I was not able to fix it by plugging and unplugging HDMI cable several times). I can take logs when I have time.
    2 points
  4. The community list we made last year is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15uE12Yv5nMvIF42U33cY5FQoF6M66QIn00cC876uf7Y/edit?usp=sharing Pretty sure most of the stuff you're mentioning is covered. We've been waiting for stock fixes for a very very very long time.
    2 points
  5. Yes and yes! I summarized most of the keyboard stuffon reddit:
    2 points
  6. I've had the same issue with fingerprints disappearing after reboot and removing the contents of /persist/data/fingerprint/ solved this.
    2 points
  7. As for GPS, yesterday I tried to get a cold fix while traveling in a car and it took about 20 minutes, even though there were roughly 12 satellites visible all the time. It was in Poland. Today it was much better and it the fix was almost instant. Looks like under some circumstances the GPS fix is terribly slow.
    2 points
  8. @elvissteinjr Interesting found! I did a clean flash some time ago and I have not plugged my device to HDMI after that. So today, I performed the FPS test again and faced no issues πŸ’ͺ. I will test later on if plugging to HDMI triggers the issue again. Edit: I can confirm, plugging the phone to HDMI triggers the issue. Performance was OK when device was plugged but after I removed the cable the issue was there. See from below.
    2 points
  9. I wasn't able to fix it by unplugging the HDMI cable back in February either, but it's something I encountered yesterday. I'd assume fixing it like that is pretty unlikely, but it did happen at least once for me. I'm not sure what plays into this, so I'll call it random for now. I'm glad I didn't have to reboot since setting up ADB Wifi each time is a pain and I've been racking up some uptime too, even if it doesn't really matter.
    1 point
  10. There's this bug where the directory /persist/data/fingerprint keeps it's data and can't be overwritten:
    1 point
  11. is there a way to toggle on and off the kbd backlight in lineage? is there a place where i can see all the kbd shortcut commands for lineage?
    1 point
  12. I personally hope it will be good, i could see it not being that bad. More important than being easy to open is if it will be steady when standing open, which i think they could pull off. Although it really does look like quite a difficult design to get right.
    1 point
  13. Well I hope you are right, but if you look at their own video, he has troubles opening it. A normal slider requires the press to be somewhat precise at the middle or with two thumbs evenly on both sides. This mechanism seems to be even more picky here. But of course they might find a solution with a rod synchronising the two sides. ADD: To quote my self from here
    1 point
  14. ...yess...information about this new planet smartphone is approx 3 months old. For me it looks on pics really good BUT i have two or maybe three problems with it. 1...size...it will be larger than FX...and fx is for me large 2...mediatek...as on all planet phones 3...all planet phones looks cheap...it is like really (really) good madded keyboard glued together with cheap phone like from lenovo 😞 ...soo all good on planet is keyboard....psion keyboard :)...but maybe this new phone will be better i dont know EDIT....this new sliding mechanism will be really good...y
    1 point
  15. The device is rather busy for a couple minutes after boot. So the issue is probably load related (as I think we have all suspected for some time). I'm currently out of town, but I'll try to get you a debug kernel next week that shows what keys are being pressed and released. You can correlate that to your typing to see if the issue is in the kernel or in Android.
    1 point
  16. I am definitely looking forward to that with baited breath. I'm loving my Key2 (although I do miss the display of the Priv) so it will be interesting to see what they come up with. I would certainly buy a 5G capable Priv2 in a heartbeat.
    1 point
  17. Regarding sailfish, the port is certainly still in development and has not stalled. I use it as my daily driver with few issues. The latest releases are available from the continuous integration build server at https://gitlab.com/sailfishos-porters-ci/t5-ci/-/jobs Regular users are advised to install the "testing" releases, as the other releases are from the devel branch. I try my hardest to not break the testing repository, but breakage may happen in the devel repository, and I wont give you sympathy if you are running that version πŸ˜‰ The current releases of the devel ver
    1 point
  18. πŸ€” So I formatted my SD and everything was fine and dandy all day and then the Pro 1 told me the card was not compatible and had to be reformatted. Did so, then the card would no longer be recognized. My Mac can't read it either. Is it the card? Is it the card socket? Did the phone bust the card? Not really happy to try again with known working cards, will likely order a cheap one to experiment with. Oh, and that card tray? That needs a push-pin redesign, I'm running out of fingernails here…
    1 point
  19. My guess is that it was formatted for exFAT in the S7. exFAT doesn't work in the Pro1. If that is the case, you'll have to copy off any data you want to save, and then let the Pro1 format it as FAT32 and then copy the data back (if you want the data in the Pro1). If you need to put it back in the S7, it should still work after the Pro1 formats it. The only limitation would be if you have files larger than 4GB on it now. FAT32, what the Pro1 will format it as, has a file limit of 4GB. Congratulations on the new phone. It is interesting that you just got it now.
    1 point
  20. Check what format they have? Currently pro1 cannot read exFat
    1 point
  21. I've been working on an app to restore the backlight functionality on LineageOS builds (It will NOT work on stock). It's called KB Backlight Manager. It runs as a foreground service to monitor the system for the slider events and turns the backlight on or off depending on it's state. It also includes a QuickSettings tile so you can easily turn it on or off from there and an option to disable the backlight completely as well as an option to enable/disable the QuickSetting tile. You can get the latest builds over on the Github page for it here: https://github.com/JooJooBee666/KB_Backlight
    1 point
  22. basically, what i found out, is that you should push from the middle. or as close to the middle for easy opening.
    0 points
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