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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2020 in all areas

  1. So I looked up that device and it has a SDM730 chip, which means that this issue apparently spans multiple qcom devices. But it did ship with Android 9, which we also use. I am guessing that her device has been upgraded to Android 10 and the issue is fixed there. So one thing to try, if you can, is upgrade to Lineage 17.1. Nolen has a build if you are interested. Or you can wait a few more days, he is just about ready to switch official builds.
    6 points
  2. Hello. Please can I have a free Pro 1 X? Yours, C. Hancer
    5 points
  3. Yes, she confirmed that she had Android 9 on her phone when she bought it. I am very interested in 17.1, but rather wait for a few days/weeks for a stable release. Without TWRP, experiments seem dangerous 😁 Wow, it is incredible to see how well you care for our beloved Pro1. Thank you (and Nolen)! 😊
    4 points
  4. At the bottom of this blank piece of paper please...
    4 points
  5. I can answer the AT&T question. Yes, it will operate fine on the AT&T network (I have used it on the Pro 1 with stock Android and Lineage).
    4 points
  6. Hello I am very impressed with the Pro 1x I would like to help advertise it and would love to test it, I also have some ideas with it regarding applications if you could let me know if I could test it regards to google alternative using linux based os, would this be usable in the us with At@t network? I hope you can let me know thank you, great job!
    3 points
  7. Are you willing to fly on your expense to UK to sign a testing contract?
    3 points
  8. ...E.g. see this IBM 3179 terminal keyboard with coloured and grey keys without print (BTW note the distinction between Carriage Return end Enter)
    2 points
  9. WaveUp is behaving strangely on the Pro1. On the Moto Z Play, "waving" is registered and the screen is switched on immediately. On the Pro1, the reaction depends on the distance to the sensor. Waving my finger 1-2 cm above the sensor, the screen switches on ... eventually. There is a delay of 1-3 seconds. However, when a wave my finger just 1 mm above the sensor, nothing happens. I replicated the experiment with a piece of paper, to exclude that the touchscreen is interfering. Again, when I wave the piece of paper too close to the sensor, the screen won't turn on.
    2 points
  10. Ah silly me, I just heard you said landscape did not really look at the images, should have spotted that you opened it. A guess could be lacking insulation so the HAL-sensor somehow can interfere with the digitizer. I tried it here, and was unable to provoke it, so (at the least) it is not a general issue, but a specimen specific bug.
    1 point
  11. It looks like it is right about the magnet & hal-detector pair. Does it do the same if you squeeze the top display part opened? If not what about the bottom part? My GUESS would be that the hall sensor somehow interferes with the display...
    1 point
  12. Yeah agreed on all that @matf. I updated OP yesterday to reflect all that before you even posted, and had removed reference to other possibilities to make the argument cleared and less confusing to focus on the one most accepted idea. I have a feeling won't change it again today, I'm pretty sure all things have been considered. I also did a poll on discord yesterday and not a single vote for either of the other two layouts. Probably boring to re-read again, but if you wanna check the first post and make sure you agree with the way I've re-summarized everything there, it would be appreciat
    1 point
  13. Interesting issue. I poked around a bit and these particular messages are from the camera hal, which we currently take as a prebuilt blob from the stock firmware. So there may be some incompatibility. I could try building the camera hal -- it is open source and does differ slightly from the stock version. What model is your sister's device and what exact software is she running (lineage or stock, what version, etc.)?
    1 point
  14. I would sign and email back to you! 😊👍
    1 point
  15. I am sorry for being the annoying guy with my strong feelings here, but in my opinion any layout (1) without a right Ctrl key, (2) without a bottom left Ctrl, or (3) with the arrows block splitting the usual punctuation symbols are absolute no-go. (1) No one answered my question about how are supposed to be used the Ctrl+Alpha combinations without a right Ctrl when most those combinations imply the whole left-hand alpha block (QWERTASDFGZXCVB), but I believe it is a huge thing to consider. Those keys serve in text editing, file management, tab management, window management, terminal work,
    1 point
  16. I had been holding off because after a maddening couple of weeks it died down. But now that I can reliably produce it, I'll get some video and send to them.
    1 point
  17. I think this problem is related to the active speaker during handsfree mode, sothe wrong one is muted. It should be solved in software, as I feel only this is the problem with call quality. (So the noise [the other party] comes near the signal [my own voice] mic which only has a few centimeters distance while the other speaker is at the opposite side but muted while in handsfree mode.)
    1 point
  18. One would hope so. They are even selling that Pro1 X perks bundled with a replacement screen. I'm thinking screen assembly are much easier to produce than the whole phone.
    1 point
  19. Did fx tec order sufficient stock of replacement screen to ensure a rapid replacement?
    1 point
  20. If we do not want to 'lock' specific functions to the keys @Craig labeled as Sym and ⬈ above we could have some 'neutral' geometric shapes (e.g. arrow, circle, square...) in different colours or shapes, and then let the OS+layout combination define the actual functions as most suitable. E.g. AltGr or Sym might be vital in some combinations, but a complete waste of key(s) in others. I have previously encountered keyboards with coloured squares.
    1 point
  21. Free Pro1 X? Where do I sign?
    1 point
  22. Back then it was a question. Nine months later it is a fact: call quality on Pro1 is far from satisfactory. So much so that when I'm home and need to video chat I make sure I use another device. It comes as no surprise though as call experience usually needs engineers and QA teams to work closely together to fine tune it and FxTec is unlikely to be able to afford it any time soon. On the plus side I'm confident most issues could be fixed or worked around in software so we can still hope that call quality will improve through firmware upgrade. Maybe Android 10 could help, who knows.
    1 point
  23. In the interest of fairness here a result on the other site:
    1 point
  24. So... I'm quite decent at typing at my PC: However, at my phone, my typing speed is abismal: But I was told that typing using swipe is faster! I didn't want to believe, so I tried again... And I got 14WPM (65 CPM) but 66% accurancy. Then I used the small separate clumsy BT keyboard I was given as a present last year, that from time to time disconnects at will (doesn't register a key press when disconnected). I had my PC desktop in front of me, so I had somewhere to place the phone while typing: Way better. Much more accurate. Somewhere in betwee
    1 point
  25. There's another thread about this I posted in before but since this is the first one i found... Here's where I got after practicing deliberately on the Pro1 for a bit, that took quite a few attempts though 😅 (with the test here https://typing-speed-test.aoeu.eu/?lang=en ) Note that the other page with the octopus n all calculates WPM differently so only the CPM value is really comparable. I can't cope well with the way it scrolls text.
    1 point
  26. This has been happening to me occasionally, but not so often yet that I'm ready to ask for a replacement. I went through a week where I got it every other day, but then it seemed to go away. However I just discovered (and I didn't read back through this whole thread to see if it had been discovered previously) that I can make it happen predictably. If I pinch down on the screen just above the camera button (portrait) or just to the left of the camera button (landscape) it fires off the row of phantom touches. It's very reliable and predictable. It is only that spot, and only that side
    1 point
  27. As a sort of tip: I set "Smallest width" to 550 dp in Developer Options and everything looks stunning, if you want your apps to display more info. Also, I have a DELL 1080p monitor with USB-c and USB 3 ports and the phone works great with it, with just one cable you get: Video out Charging Any device plugged into monitor's USB ports is seen by the phone Also, with the 550 dp smallest width, apps look way better on the monitor. I tried various desktop layout apps but they are all pretty buggy. This seems like the cleanest compromise.
    1 point
  28. It is my understanding that FXtec can and did work on multiple software problems, taking responsibility for proper functioning both before and after release. We collectively have no relation with IdeaLTE. That is up to FXtec's discretion as to what is delegated, but the responsibility has been and remains theirs.
    1 point
  29. I reproduced this issue on test-3. I am trying to figure out if it happens on stock, lineage, both, or neither. The fix should be relatively easy.
    1 point
  30. Anyone want to bet whether it's the QWERTZ Pro¹ ordered in September 2019 or the QWERTZ Pro¹ X ordered right now that will arrive first?
    1 point
  31. In the video, I squeeze the top part in landscape, again the part of the screen that would be next to and just above the camera button. It is just that spot on the screen. No other does it. Yow, it just went crazy again on it's own, When I set it off it's over quickly. When it does it spontaneously, lasts longer.
    0 points
  32. I made a video, not that I'm all that good at it. This is a converted version to be able to be emailed. I sent it to FxTec along with a link to a higher quality version. Specific pinch spot produces phantom touches
    0 points
  33. Ever since I switched to LOS, Signal video calls heat up my Pro1 like crazy. "Crazy" as in it hits 50 deg.C and starts thermal throttling. I don't think that it is a specific LOS issue, as my sister experiences the same heat issue on her Xiaomi. The only suspicious thing I found in my logcat are thousands of these: I mm-camera: <STATS_AEC >< INFO> 1983: aec_port_send_aec_update: output_index(1): sg:15.712061, et:0.033335, iso:1571, lc:2531 E QCamera : <HAL><ERROR> handleMetadataWithLock: 4288: result.num_output_buffers:1 E QCamera : <HAL><ERROR> orc
    0 points
  34. Someone on discord brought up a bug with Lineage I didn't even notice, but I'm wondering if this might be the problem. Apparently if you touch the edge when edge protection for accidental touches is on, it will stop registering any touches. Easy to reproduce. As I say I don't run into it much, but I mostly use it with the keyboard out. https://discord.com/channels/604479731156385792/604551719724122152/771798771050348565
    0 points
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