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  1. I just upgraded to FX Pro1 X Sapphire blue 😁 So I decided to wait another 8 months, but I think it will be worth in the end. By the way, today itΒ΄s 1 year since ordering, it was the February 10, 2020 πŸ˜†
    4 points
  2. I think some clarity has been arrived in a form of update at Indiegogo campaign a few minutes ago. Not an easy problem anyway and that is the biggest problem in the tech industry in general. It is moving fastly and long-term availability is not a main goal for chip manufacturers.
    3 points
  3. From Update 12 on IndieGogo: A similar note went out to those who are still waiting on their Pro1 (non-X) phones. Their orders, so it says, will all be changed to a Pro1-X and be prioritised before the IndieGogo Pro1 X orders.
    2 points
  4. Yes it looks that way - and with the Corona messing things up, Who knows what unforseen things that can make it even later. If they need new certification, that can be slow .
    2 points
  5. I am sure it is not a complete restart from scratch as at this time, other components are seem to be unchanged. The keyboard for example is an already developed part. I think a lot of support for the new SoC are already in the kernel but it does not mean all parts of development are already done, also testing should be done. ...but a lot of development related to keyboard and landscape functions, curved screen part, etc. are already in LineageOS and should remain there... If something has to be changed, it should not be in high level in this relation.
    2 points
  6. I don't even have the Pro1 yet, but I'm quite sure that the image of that cereals shelf is proof enough that it's not a focus problem, it's that the camera's lens is decentered, internally slanted. There's no way a correctly adjusted lens on such a small sensor (with such a large depth of field) could see the left part of the shelf (halfway) in focus and the right part, which is only marginally further away, already totally out of focus. I'm sorry to say this has to be a defective camera.
    2 points
  7. Well, according to initial estimates, I should have had the phone within three months ... Their estimates on delivery times have always been off by an insane factor. The reasons have always been issues with their suppliers they could not control. I honestly think that situation has not changed since the initial production phase. I believe Fxtec is simply too small a fish in the ocean to make pressure on their upstream suppliers regarding delivery deadlines in the present pandemic situation. This is probably something we have to accept.
    2 points
  8. We don't know what they have found, but it is clearly display-related problem - most probably a display fault, but I may think also a small possibility which may be fixing related... ...but it is clearly not related to other components and I don't think it is a design failure.
    2 points
  9. Maybe it is no mistake. If they'd give less optimistic forecasts, like "we don't know when you'll get your device, maybe in a few weeks, but more likely in nine or even fifteen months" instead of "7-10 weeks" or whatever they have on their homepage, nobody would be ordering anymore, and you know what that would mean in the end, not just for Fxtec, but also for those who are waiting on their already paid-for phones, and for those who are looking forward to buy further improved keyboard phones in the future. Also, in individual forecasts, being optimistic will keep more customers from giving up
    2 points
  10. I don't understand their fascination with over promising and under delivering - repeatedly. You would think they learn from mistakes...
    2 points
  11. 1 point
  12. I do understand that. My point is that this change involves much of the overhead of a "real" upgrade without any benefit to either the customer or Fxtec themselves. The natural way to react to obsolescence would be to switch to the designated successor product -- typically bringing better perfomance and more features. However, Fxtec cannot go that way as it would involve updating the entire phone, which they cannot afford. They are effectively driven into a platform downgrade they did never intend. Sadly, there is no denying that.
    1 point
  13. Not really true; cameras are still increasing pixel count, with currently 60 MP being the maximum for full-frame system cameras... And even 60 MP. And for equally sized prints, they're not worse than those 24 MP cameras. Just like 48 MP smartphones are no worse than 10 or 12 MP smartphones when looking at the results at same sizes, whether on a smartphone display, a computer screen or indeed even a print. Indeed, that's totally true. But the main reason for that is the small sensor size, not the number of pixels...
    1 point
  14. It's a higher end sensor that the one before, it doesn't mean it's the best that could be for this value. But as everyone accept and buy smartphones considering the more pixels the better, all the high end smartphones sensors end up having a lot of pixels... 10 years ago it was the same trend on dedicated cameras but now everyone went back from that. On APS-C and 24*36 cameras you have a lot of excellent ones that stays at 24mpx for better sensitivity and pure quality. (Yes there are also a lot of 24*36 that went to 48mpx to handle big prints.) And I have looked to a lot of ph
    1 point
  15. It won't be outdated, on the contrary, it is a much more recent chip. It's just that now it isn't even a "former high-end" chip, it has been a "midrange" chip right from the start. That said, I've searched the net for benchmarks, and I don't expect to even notice the difference in anything I expect to do with it. Just as the 835, or so it has been reported in reviews, was hardly slower in real-world applications than a current high-end chip like the 865, either. I guess that highly demanding graphics applications (i.e. games) might be the most likely candidates for noticing a differ
    1 point
  16. You are right, the biggest question is if they have enough spare PCB for repair purposes. Anyway, they may have some replaced mainboards which has clear faults like the broken UFS flash chip which may be repaired by replacing these chips if they find a company who has appropriate tools for it. So even if they currently don't have working motherboard, they may be able to repair some if they did not do it yet.
    1 point
  17. Seems one early promise that related to my September 2019 order might finally come true – I might actually get my device before Christmas!
    1 point
  18. You might get lucky and still get that replacement, if they still have a small volume of replacement devices stacked...
    1 point
  19. I might be in the minority who isn't worried about slightly lower performance if it comes with improved battery life, but was is annoying is that (probably due to one too many drops) the GPS on my current Pro1 has stopped working, and the Bluetooth signal has significantly degraded, so I was very much looking forward to getting a replacement next month. Sticking it out until August at the earliest is going to be… tough.
    1 point
  20. It would definitively need lot more money. One thing is the complete antenna redesign, testing and related certification which they wrote in the update, and another one is the difference between an SoC with similar functions and pinout which is much easier to apply even if it has slight differences or modified package and a completely differerent SoC which would need a more complex modification of the PCB or even almost a complete redesign. So the latter case is much complicated and takes much more time of design and testing.
    1 point
  21. I appreciate you guys trying to be optimistic, but I must say this news scares me quite a bit. Having to downgrade to an inferior SoC is a devastating blow. So much development work (and time!) will be spent for nothing but getting an even more outdated phone even later onto the market. That is brutal. Even as an enthusiastic Pro1 owner, I must admit that I can understand anyone who decides to draw back from the project at this point. Let me stress that I think Fxtec are a good people. They are not trying to betray us. They themselves obviously believed they would get those boards.
    1 point
  22. oof ... I am torn I was frustrated to be left out for so long ( Jan 2020 ) ... but my biggest drawback was the age of the 1st gen chip ... yay! I have a working phone , so I am not in the same boat as most of you ... here's hoping that they have a better than expected 2021! -Chris
    1 point
  23. You're not up to date there. More megapixels tend to mean worse image quality per pixel, but not necessarily per image. Also, phone cameras using such sensors usually operate in a special pixel-binning mode that combines four physical pixels to one, resulting in very good (for smartphone standards) 12 MP images, and so does Sony's IMX586. This chip is definitely better than the one Fxtec previously used. I can tell; it's the same camera that's available as a DIY upgrade for the Fairphone 3 (which originally had something more like the Pro1's former camera) of which there is one in my household
    1 point
  24. ...and the best is that they are still able to make modifications on hardware if necessary. ...and it should also include certifications, Google-related payments which also require additional money.
    1 point
  25. For me a 48mpx camera is a downside. All smartphone camera are crap and rely on heavy postprocess smoothing to look good. On the other hand it's a real pain in the a** to manage the huge files you get from a 48mpx sensor. In a lot of place you need to resize before upload, etc. I prefer a good 12mpx, at max a 16mpx.
    1 point
  26. Let's hope for the best ... The number of pixels of the camera has been my least concern up to now. I could think of many other things to improve there ... πŸ˜‰ I am most worried of the 3rd-party OS'es. LineageOS is IMHO the most advanced operating system for the Pro1 in terms of usability. However it is community-driven and did take some time to take off. If its development is to re-start from scratch, that is a serious set-back.
    1 point
  27. The timeframe is believable and decision is right for being relatively fast. Re-certifications will be needed anyway. Performance loss is really an unfortunate thing, but I don't feel I need high amount of Pro1 existing performance, so it may be also enough... However, camera resolution may also gain some positive change compared to original Pro1. Also, Covid situation may be better as vaccination increases, so I hope it will not delay Pro1-X further.
    1 point
  28. Wow. This confirms what I wrote above in a way even I did not expect. They admit that this will involve a re-implementation of all operating systems and eventually result in a perfomance loss. That sounds like a serious blow. Also, based on past experience, I would not trust the promised start of shipping in August one second ... I am sorry for everyone waiting for their phones. 😞
    1 point
  29. Lying to customers is a terrible business strategy. Regardless I've said more than enough... I genuinely applaud anyone who is still waiting for a phone because you're supporting the idea and keep the company alive. I don't have the patience for that.
    1 point
  30. They had months of delays even before covid hit.
    1 point
  31. Thanks for sharing. Now that Fxtec has repaired a few devices with this problem, do we know more about the cause? Is it just a failure of the display or is it some failure caused by the proximity with other components (design failure)?
    1 point
  32. Until we have reliable data showing phones are getting delivered in the timeframe they themselves are saying, I won't be placing a new order. I cancelled my preorder November 2019, 4 months in after multiple delays. Brilliant phone or not I don't like my money being borrowed without permission. Looking back and occasionally checking in to see these threads, I feel like I made the right choice. Regardless of the circumstances, not giving themselves enough buffer time looks bad. I remember when they said July 2019, then summer, then monthly delays, and it got murkier from there on out.
    1 point
  33. Just to clarify even further, they promised we (who applied the voucher based on Keyboard Mod) will have priority in receiving the phone which was mostly happened.
    1 point
  34. Just for clarity, instead of refund, another option was to get some discount later on a phone they just started to develop. Initially, they have called it Q-Device (which name was subject to change later) and they have received a lot of critics on Keyboard Mod Indiegogo site and also at maemo forum. A lot of users were in doubt they will ever able release a phone. So a lot of users went for a refund instead, which they have received. As of others, they were waiting for Q-Device which became F(x)tec Pro1. So that is the connection with Pro1 here. πŸ™‚ As of Moto Z, that was an i
    1 point
  35. TEX Shinobi, respect. I should get one of those at some point. Though my older Thinkpad keyboards are still going strong. How is it like? I would not know what kind of switches I should get either.
    1 point
  36. I had the gemini pda and the cosmo communicator before I got the pro1. I considered pre-ordering the astro slide, but decided against it for 3 reasons. 1. The keyboard is too big for thumb typing and yet too small to be able to touch type in a way that's comfortable for long periods of time. If I'm actually going to sit down at a table and touch type, I'd rather use a full sized keyboard. 2. The astro slide keyboard doesn't have as many keys as the pro1 and the layout isn't ideal either. I want to run emacs+vim and they use a lot of specialized keybindings, so I want
    1 point
  37. While I am no expert in Li-ion batteries, restricting the discussion to the question what is the maximum "healthy" charge of the battery seems like over-simplifying the problem to me. Indeed, it seems evident that consistently keeping the charge of a battery close to some intermediate fraction (around 50%) of its nominal capacity does slow down degradation of that nominal capacity. See e.g. Grolleau et al. (2013) [doi: 10.3390/wevj6030549]. However, the downside of that strategy is just as obvious: this way, you will never take advantage of the full capacity in the first place! Essentiall
    1 point
  38. Unless people post spam or outright lies, i'm not aware of things being deleted (nor edited in substance). There are loads of inflammatory posts in here. Especially on the delays and sub-optimal communication. It is not usually up to a forum-moderator to change the content of web-pages, if that is what you imply by the last line. Remember this is a user-to-user forum, and I'm just a volunteer. And as such I haven't got the details of their business. So even if I could change the pages, I would not have the knowledge of what to change it for....
    1 point
  39. If you look at this picture I took on Stock Android, you can also clearly see it, even though the image overall is more sharp. Back then I thought, that it was just the Snapdragon camera software misbehaving.
    0 points
  40. So unfortunately, the same ghost touches started happening to me yesterday. I was hoping it would be related to the cold after I had been outside. (Currently everything is covered in snow here). But after using the factory kit I have noticed that I am having the dead touch row in the same position as well. Got mine in February last year.
    0 points
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