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  1. Let me try to rephrase that in a more optimistic way: They are very enthusiastic about porting the latest-and-greatest release to the Pro1. πŸ™‚ The real problem is that, as soon as a new release (here 18.1) is declared "official", the previous one (17.1) stops receiving upstream patches. De-facto, releases are dropped from support at the very moment they have matured ... Effectively, users have only this choice: Either stay on an older, stable, and nicely de-bugged LOS port that does however no longer receive upstream AOSP fixes. Or change horses every few months b
    4 points
  2. I agree that the Pro1 is bulky compared to other modern phones. But to be fair one must also say that the big size helps in all kinds of business use-cases (which are a main selling point of the phone): When coding, emailing or word processing, the huge screen allows to display a lot of content at acceptable font sizes, which certainly increases productivity. Also, as @lawliett already mentioned, running desktop Linux apps in a chroot is much more pleasant with a big display. As much as I loved my N900, I certainly do not miss its tiny screen. πŸ™‚
    2 points
  3. I told Chen about this nearly two years ago when the pro1 was still in development. Still think the device is too big but that ship sailed a long time ago. Given you have the added bulk of the keyboard the screen should be a little smaller. Maybe 5.5 - 5.8 inches. As it sits right now, the pro1 is one of the thickest, heaviest, and bulkiest phones on the market. Using a 6 inch screen doesn't help that agenda
    2 points
  4. I certainly hope he will πŸ™‚ The issue as @claude0001 pointed out is that LOS is great when it stabilised, but pretty crazy that they immediately remove the older version as supported. A few months overlap - with security updates would be nice. Even what in the broad perspective can be seen as minor bugs, can be crucial for others, so some overlap where people can jump back waiting for a fix (even if it requires a wipe) would be nice. Or simply be hesitant in upgrading until those of us not dependant on it has stumbled on the bugs, and can report if&when they are fixed. I can fully u
    2 points
  5. Yeah I am also running 16.1 that tdm created. I'm sticking with that for now don't see a reason to update to the latest one.
    2 points
  6. As much as I enjoy the fact that LineageOS on the Pro1 seems to be alive and well, I am puzzled by the practice of removing previous major releases from the build systems as soon as a new version is made. In November, LOS 16 stopped receiving upstream updates (in favour of 17.1) just a few months after I had installed and -- quite heavily -- configured it. Now, 5 months (!) later, 17.1 disappeared from the build targets for the Pro1 at the very moment 18.1 came around the corner. I understand that a community project may need to save computing ressources on the build farms. Stil
    2 points
  7. I did not think that was the problem here. If LineageOS 16 and 17.1 still had the Pro1 as build target in their config, the build system would continue to spit out new builds every week. In that process, upstream patches like AOSP security fixes (which are not device-specific) would be included automatically and not require any manual intervention by a device maintainer. At least this is how I understood things work. Someone with more knowledge about the LineageOS build process may correct me. I thought the problem here was simply to save resources on the build farm by allowing
    1 point
  8. I agree completely. But this, in my experience, is how most ROM developers work. Once they move on to the next version, they drop all support for the previous versions. However, some ROM dev teams are much more careful about where to draw that line. The Dirty Unicorns team, probably the best ROM I ever used, would take ever so long before they would declare a new version official and they would maintain the previous version for all that time with security updates even though they weren't doing anymore work on the previous version.
    1 point
  9. Really, aside from the car BT thing (which also existed in 16, I never got around to trying 17), 18.1 seems to be working fine for me Then again, I don't have the keyboard issues because I don't do international stuff. But really, it seems fast, smooth and stable on my Pro1. It is true that I am here largely for the security patches and if @tdm ever returns to updating AICP I will probably go back to that, but Lineage 18.1 makes a great daily driver for me so far.
    1 point
  10. Actually, I've gone ahead and deconverged. I didn't realize Android Auto depended on the BT for phone stuff and it will not send the phone to speakers and microphone in the car no matter what somersaults I do with the Pro1, Lineage, or the car's dashboard software. It's just a deal breaker. So I will use my Moto G8 Power as a phone and in my car and use the Pro1 for everything else. It's an arrangement I had already been doing when I couldn't get Verizon working in Lineage on the Pro1, so I'm already used to it and the functional split is very clear and useful. I am planning to get the Pro
    1 point
  11. ...As long as we avoid HDR mode, yes. Currently HDR works with the stock app, but not trough the api with other apps. Be aware that the HDR mode does not work as intended. It do take a high and low light image as it is supposed to, but some metadata handling in the Camera2 API interface must be wrong, so when the software tries to stitch the two together, we get odd shadow-results. e.g. OpenCamera HDR works just fine on a Samsung S8, so not the app that is wrong. it must be the returned images that does not match the requested shuttertime/ISO settings. And this obviously confuses the
    1 point
  12. As I wrote above, 17.1 no longer has the Pro1 as build target, so there will be no more (official) updates for it. See https://www.lineageoslog.com/17.1/pro1 ... and that is exactly why the older, stable versions should keep building, at least on monthly basis so they keep receiving the upstream security fixes in AOSP. Every upgrade that changes APIs or other major parts of an OS is potentially disruptive for the already-installed base. That is why professional distributions keep their "stable" branches alive as long as upstream fixes can be picked-up with reasonable effort.
    1 point
  13. I'm still on LOS 16 because I was too lazy to manually update when it said I couldn't automatically update. Could I go from 16 straight to 18.1? I'd rather not lose data, but it's not critical.
    1 point
  14. That would explain @ivoanjo's experience with 18.1. I'll be staying on 17.1 for a bit longer, then, I suppose.
    1 point
  15. I've seen some earlier posts suggesting it might be due to static charge. I wonder me reconnecting it would have discharged some of it, thus making it work properly for a few days. However it is odd that it's only along the bottom though. Top end seems perfectly fine.
    1 point
  16. Announcement: https://www.xda-developers.com/lineageos-18-1/ Upgrade: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/upgrade Get it here: https://download.lineageos.org/pro1
    1 point
  17. I was really hoping for 18.1 to fix this. This is really super annoying and might make me to switch to other phone since I speak daily 1-2h with clients in my car. The on/off bluetooth trick during the call fixes this bug, but it doing it past 6-12 months is starting to really tire me out
    1 point
  18. Flashed the first 18th version that was listed for download. Backuped everything, but didn't need to. Flashed the 18th version, flashed MindTheGapps, flashed Magisk, done. Everything works as good as before. Went from 16 to 18. The phone seems to respond quicker than before, or the animations give the impression that it does. I like the new theme.
    1 point
  19. Never mind. I found it with help on Discord. Vol- + Power, quick click on both. Kind of awkward in landscape. 😏
    1 point
  20. That is, unfortunately, precisely my situation andd the reason why I am still using the last LOS 16 build ...
    1 point
  21. I concur, Droid4 was the ideal size format. It also had no godawful curved screen, so a two piece case didn't interfere with the number row.
    1 point
  22. A quick rundown of my dirty flash: Had LOS 17.1 with OpenGapps Nano installed. Download LOS_18.1.zip and MindTheGapps_11_arm64 to PC Connect phone to PC Reboot to recovery (the recovery from LOS 17.1 will do - no need to fastboot flash the recovery.img) Install via ADB sideload run from command line: adb sideload lineage-18.1-20210401-nightly-pro1-signed.zip Select Advanced -> Reboot to Recovery run from command line: adb sideload MindTheGapps-11.0.0-arm64-20210220_140101.zip Reboot Have my Pro1 running for 4 hours now without issues.
    1 point
  23. Update: I can now run the X.org X11 server inside my Devuan chroot. Yes, the real thing, not TigerVNC or TightVNC. The nice thing with X.org is that I can use it with xorgxrdp in the chroot and connect to my Linux distro via a much better-performing (native) RDP connection as compared to using VNC as backend for XRDP. I still use the Microsoft Remote Desktop 8 App combined with the default xrdp-0.9.9 shipping with Devuan 3/Debian 10. As far as I can see, one can find no information on how to do this on the internet. Either it is really tricky and I am a genius, or no one cares about
    1 point
  24. I'm one of those who want a big phone with a big screen as I want to run linux chroot on it. Having a big screen is vital for using desktop applications as the text will be rather small since it's not made for mobile phones. However, I have a suggestion that would appease both big phone and small phone users. Use a split keyboard design. That way no matter how big the phone is the keyboard keys will be in easy reach with our thumbs.
    1 point
  25. This morning I decided to update (from within the OS) to 0405 so I could test BT for Hook. Bad idea, my phone won't boot (tries and then goes to recovery). I am now sideloading 0504 to slot a after flashing recovery. 10 minutes later it still keeps on showing the LoS animation. Now trying slot b. I updated from within LoS. And everything went sour. Sideload 0504 to both slots didn't help. I keep getting corrupt data. Sideload 0104 to botth slots same shit. This is !$#(!#$*!)#)(@)(#$**@(#(!). Factory reset it is then... It's alive!!! I reflashed the 0104 recovery. Then
    0 points
  26. Sigh... my replacement screen is now starting to misbehave as well.
    0 points
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