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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2022 in Posts

  1. There is an official Pro¹-X rooting guide using the Magisk boot.img patch method here.
    5 points
  2. Myself and many others who ordered back in 2019/2020 are put on hold again, it seems like getting the phone I ordered 2,5 years ago has less priority than those who backed on indigogo just 2 or 3 months ago I have received my Oct 2020 IGG contribution # 3xx, but not yet my website order from Sept 2019 (Pro1 later changed to Pro1 X). I was told the latter is definitely in the pipeline, but things were mixed up quite a bit in China with regard to the sequence of shipments. (Personally, I couldn't care less which of the two came first 😉, but I understand that it's different for th
    3 points
  3. Sometimes in life you are a lucky guy, and the problem-app begins with an "A". Anydesk was the influencer in my case. I did not even had to uninstall it. Just removed all the rights in the special-rights chapter. And my physical keyboard is giving me the proper values again. Thanks to all !
    3 points
  4. I wrote a quick and dirty guide on re-flashing the stock ROM for macOS and Linux. It got a little buried in another thread so I thought I'd post it here for posterity. flashing_pro1-x.pdf
    3 points
  5. I'm not a Windows or Mac user, but I'm pretty happy that we have two tools at hand, including one that's multiplatform, fully open source and based on an open source language. The alternatives to that would either be (i) nothing or (ii) proprietary software, which I would view as a much higher "infection" risk. I mean, at some point we'll have to install something on our machines to perform operations to reflash our Pro1(x), there's no other way, and them being flashable easily was one of their selling points. Python also is a language that can easily be containerized in a virtual enviro
    2 points
  6. I seems this isn't even a Pro1X thing, it's an Android 11 thing that happened on other phones, too, after 11 came out. I'm carefully optimistic that (one of) the fixes mentioned here might work; at least I haven't been asked which launcher I want for the whole day now: "If you set the [stock] launcher as default, then go in and make your preferred launcher default, it seems to fix it." "Go to app settings for Nova Launcher and check the permissions it has. Give it permission to modify system settings." I didn't test between the two, so I don't know which of them actually
    2 points
  7. I would also double check the selected layout for the physical keyboard.
    2 points
  8. That they worked initially is a good sign, so most likely you can avoid the full reset. I agree with @Hook's suggestion, but start with any app that is mentioned as active under Accessibility - or just switch its rights off under accessibility. And if that does not do it, focus on anything keyboard-related, or 'fancy', the more complex the larger the risk of it trying to be clever and mess of stuff. You could try to just STOP rather than uninstall stuff first, with the risk of them being brought back to live, making tests harder. A reboot often restarts a lot of junk you may have stopped
    2 points
  9. I can confirm that the app itself does not (yet?) complain about rooting per-se. Rooted, Google-free Pro1 with LineageOS 16.0 here. That's good-old "su" (on modified root partition), no magisk hiding anything about it. I could install Netflix via Aurora store and it is getting updated normally.
    2 points
  10. Yeah, that was me. Magisk runs fine, but it doesn't pass the CTS check despite me changing the fingerprint. I am still using my OnePlus for online banking etc.
    2 points
  11. This seems to be an Android/AOSP issue. My OnePlus 7T Pro with LineageOS 18 recently started showing the same behavior. I don't see that on my OnePlus 5T with Lineage 19.
    2 points
  12. I dunno... I'm pretty darn frustrated....🙃
    1 point
  13. I never had any Netflix issues on the rooted Pro1 with LOS 18.1, either. That said, I wouldn't know whether the Netflix app might have been marked as incompatible at some point; once it's installed, I don't think it would get deleted. You might want to download the APK (like with https://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/ from Google's Play Store), if all else fails.
    1 point
  14. Expansys/FedEx have not even sent out the Batch 1 they got from FxTec yet.... Really annoying, but not much FxTec can do I guess. I'm in the first dozen on IGG, yet I still have not got a shipping mail, despite FxTec told me that Expansys has processed it a fortnight ago... They are as frustrated as we are on the situation.
    1 point
  15. Myself and many others who ordered back in 2019/2020 are put on hold again, it seems like getting the phone I ordered 2,5 years ago has less priority than those who backed on indigogo just 2 or 3 months ago.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. You could try uninstalling apps one at a time, ones that aren't challenging to set up and see if the keyboard works okay afterwards. A long process possibly, but maybe you can guess at possible culprits.
    1 point
  19. @fxnoma Like Kabouik mentioned, Android sync apps will not work since the SailfishOS android layers do not support to relay bluetooth to the system. On the native sync client side we have Adams Amazfish, originally written to support Amazfit products. But adam maded it nicely modular and now the PineTime and bangle.js are supported as well. https://github.com/piggz/harbour-amazfish Then there is rockpool, providing support for all pebbles. I used that on the Pro¹ for some time. You might have heard of AsteroidOS, a full linux replacement to WearOS on 19 supported watches. The pitty, tho
    1 point
  20. Camera works for still images, calls work, WiFi works (but see potential issue in the FP), texts work, MMS work, F-Droid works in Waydroid but I couldn't add custom repositories because F-Droid would crash, I have not tried Google Play apps. Copy/paste works fine in Sailfish, what's difficult is to transfer the clipboard from native apps to Alien Dalvik or Waydroid ones, or to LXC of course. I remember that copy/pasting from emails was not trivial (we had to go into edit mode to copy text), I don't know if that's still the case because I read my emails in my LXC container now.
    1 point
  21. Netflix works on my rooted Pro1-x with the zygisk and hide settings in this bug report (and using the module): https://github.com/kdrag0n/safetynet-fix/issues/176
    1 point
  22. I really wonder. The ebay says unused, so I suspected scalping. But joes account seems to had some valid questions. So may we ask why it gets sold?
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Don't install python, then 😀. Just use the all-in-one package which you extract yourself. Give this a try: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3106/ -> You only extract files into a directory yourself. It's a zip. Python doesn't have any code to proliferate on its own. On windows... That's a complete mess. They did an exellent job to try making it work but the linux VM management and the service they used to copy files around works more like a hack, IMO. Docker on linux is very fast, uses a tinny fraction (because no linux VM) of RAM unline in windows.
    1 point
  25. Nice work just one clarification you might want to update the guide... To me this command doesn't execute: edl --loader=prog_firehose_ddr.elf reset reboot So I use "edl --loader=prog_firehose_ddr.elf reset" instead... I think the reboot at the end is not necessary and I'm not sure if it properly executes on any device at all 🤔
    1 point
  26. netflix is not working on rooted devices https://techindroid.com/get-netflix-on-rooted-android-phone/
    1 point
  27. SafetyNet check is fine for me - I did not adjust the fingerprint, but I'm using https://github.com/kdrag0n/safetynet-fix and Zygisk
    1 point
  28. Can't you simply use the livedvd? - I assume the image can be put on a USB drive e.g. using Etcher. https://github.com/bkerler/edl
    1 point
  29. There is no official set of downloads yet. @EskeRahn has rounded up guides, official OS and alternate OS from various threads in this forum which has pretty much everything currently available for both the Pro1 and the Pro1x., but it is not official. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  30. (Have a look at the reasonably pocketable Sony RX100 III, I think they are at VII, but photos on IV were marginally worse than III, and have not seen anything that persuaded me that V, VI or VII should give better images in poor light, in the wide end)
    1 point
  31. I don't understand why you see python as something that infects but if you have a linux OS, you mostly don't have a choice any mainstream linux-based OS needs python to function. If you are with windows, I don't understand how it's a problem to you. Maybe a bad past? Python is open-source (FOSS, even!) too... You don't have to install python, even. You can just run a self-executing package and delete it after use without trace, if you prefer.
    1 point
  32. Thank you! Yeah I'd love to carry a real camera, but right now I already have to carry 2 phones (work and personal), so just no room in general to have one with me. Maybe I can look for a really slim camera that would fit away nicely in a pocket...
    1 point
  33. I made a quick and dirty guide for Linux & macOS. If something is egregiously wrong, please let me know. It includes instructions on backing up and restore persist as well as all user data. Many commands lifted from @mosen 's posts and from the Windows guide. flashing_pro1-x.pdf
    1 point
  34. It works on all 3 major OS. It's made in python and with the different OS in mind. There's the setup process for Linux, MacOS & Windows: Nothing really changes in between them after doing the setup. So, the guide done, although only tested on linux, also works on the other 2 major OSs. There's no separate compilation process. It's python. The compilation is just-in-time. There's an installation step in case the user wants the program to run globally but that's about it. (Well... For windows there the "QC 9008 Serial Port driver" but that's about the same as the
    1 point
  35. Just tried a factory reset (not a reflash), Entered google account, but skipped restore, and as soon as the wizard ended launched youtube and played some random junk, and it worked (no matter the volume) So this was NOT enough to trigger the bug. (despite having had it earlier)
    1 point
  36. I'm like a toddler, i now I shouldn't fiddle with it but I do anyway 🤣. But I'll will hold myself back and let it be
    1 point
  37. What is the current status of SFOS on Pro-1[X]? Last time I used it (Jolla) even copy&paste was barely existing. Smartwatches that needed Android apps also did not work, as Android apps did have access to internet, but could not use bluetooth. Any updates on that front?
    1 point
  38. Edited the first post with working repair instructions using restorecon. Ii just now successfully found that way to be working on my side. 🥳🎉
    1 point
  39. I ported Google Camera to the Cosmo Communicator, which has a "24MP" Quad Bayer sensor (as advertised). My work can be found in the OESF forum. The stock camera app produces horrific interpolated 24MP images with smudged detail, no shadow detail, and often burnt or washed-out colors. GCam produces a clean 6MP RAW image with high detail (for a 6MP sensor) and accurate colors, and 6MP JPEG images of similar high quality. The sensor definitely performs better in low light than conventional Bayer sensors of even higher resolution (for cell phones and tiny pocket cameras). So in my experience,
    1 point
  40. Hello, everything started with one problem - the stock camera app froze right after start and even though OpenCamera did show the camera input, it was not able to focus. My idea was that the problem is in the software, so I backed up everything valuable, than loaded LineageOS. As you probably guess, the problem was still there. I believe that fingerprint sensor did work at this stage before first opening correctly. So I opened the phone, having no clue, what to do. But Heureka! I found one of the camera connector completely disconnected. So I connected it back and the camera started
    0 points
  41. YIKES So you are saying that I can not limit Phewton to a (virtual) machine to compile edl? Phewton actually have to infect the physical machine that is connected to the phone? ... Not a chance... But thanks anyway.
    0 points
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