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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. A little graph from here on the age distribution of the mortality from China. The numbers are from this report. (attached) COVID-19[1].pdf
  2. As I understood it, it combines the two going forward. I have no idea on the details.
  3. Thanks, Just got confirmed from @Waxberry that the 20200306 is indeed a variant back on September security level, that IS in compliance with CTS / Safetynet (Those of us that updated to 20200304 will have to wait for a later common update - it is finished but awaits to be certified, hopefully in the coming week)
  4. Interesting. I'm not offered that one. Could be that it is an alternative to the suspended one - does it say what it contains? Is it the same list as in the screenshot @FlyingAntero shared earlier here? ADD: I installed the 20200304 stamped patch, manually.
  5. On the first. Adding FinQwerty to me made all the difference in getting a good keyboard experience. On the last, well yes and no. In some countries the consumers have a lot of rights on fraudulent activities, so obviously the banks want to protect themselves against any claims from the consumer that (s)he did not do a specific transaction. And the more secure the platform, the easier it is for them to prove that it actually was you.
  6. I'm pretty sure it (except the very first batch) is sent with an unlockable not an unlocked bootloader. It is only the last OTA that broke the safetynet test.
  7. And a very important factor here is that some will need an Iron lung for a while, but recover completely afterwards. So to the extent this treatment is available the mortality will be lower than if not. So even if the mortality in hindsight shows a low number, a lot of people might have needed the help of the health care system to survive. And this brings us back to the whole purpose of all that various governments are doing is to to stretch the whole thing over time, so the health system will not break down, as it seems to have done locally in northern Italy. So to assess the danger
  8. Unfortunately we do not really know the numbers here. I think those figures are over-optimistic.
  9. The script is just an automatised version of the process @tdm described here. I have compared the boot-images, and they are binary different (I do not know why). (I could have added some echo-text of optionally wiping user data before the first main sideload, to be used when switching from stock, or when you do NOT want an upgrade - e.g. a downgrade from test10 to test9 would require a wipe)
  10. I think it is EXTREMELY optimistic that it should be contained in China, and somehow miraculous will not sieve back from abroad. But of course I HOPE you are right.
  11. Well there are (at the least) three levels Authorized to run the Android Market the "Device is certified" within the Android Market Safetynet So the Lineage pass the first, but not the second (and thus nor the third)
  12. This is NOT about limiting it, it is about STRETCHING it, so fewer are sick at the same time. Most likely almost all of us will get it sooner or later, no matter what.
  13. If I enter settings in the android market and scrolls down, it says "Device is not certified" on lineage Test11
  14. @silversolver I agree to a very large extent. But the point of the current actions of many governments is NOT to claim that it can stop the virus (only fools believe that IMHO). The point is to DELAY the spread. So the few that will need treatment can get the treatment. If a lot get sick at the same time the health system will crash. But if it can be prolonged it is possible. Actually this flu seems to have a rather low mortality, even for the severe cases IF the patient get the iron lung support they need. But that will not be possible to offer if a lot comes in at the same time. T
  15. (Same here in Denmark) 😷🤒🤧
  16. Allow me to suggest rounding, as the 'hooks' will likely have a tendency to get caught in fabric like the a pocket-linning. e.g something like
  17. Next time try launching a program that ignores your auto-rotate setting, And rotate the Pro1 back and forth within the app. e.g. the snapdragon camera app or AndroSensor. It usually solves it for me.
  18. Slight update to the helper-script, removing a few clicks, and make it more suited for 80 char width Assuming the needed files are saved in a LineageOS sub dir, so change as needed. @ECHO off if %1.==. goto :EOF ECHO * Wait for boot to bootloader to finish (or do manually holding VolDown+Power) adb reboot bootloader pause fastboot flash boot_a LineageOS\lineage-16.0-pro1-test%1-boot.img fastboot --set-active=a REM fastboot reboot recovery does not work, so do manually: ECHO * Roll down to "Recovery Mode" with VolDown, and press Power to select. ECHO * Await recovery boot. Select "A
  19. A little more on LiveDisplay. The options displayed is the same for Test9,10 and 11. There is another minor (new) issue from Test10: In the notification area, pressing and holding the A in a square fails to launch LiveDisplay (It works with both Test8 and Test9, but NOT on neither test10 nor test11) It understand that it is supposed to do something, and collapses the notifications, but no launch.
  20. Here an example with some allegedly 0.5mm thin rubber strips from here suitably cut I placed two 'long' strips (5x65mm) at each end, and two minor pieces, one next to the space bar under the screen (3x17mm), and one on the opposite long edge side (7x17mm).
  21. Just a hint. IF our mail-server's certificate is not correct we can select to accept this BUT if we import settings, we are not presented with this option, we have to go to both incoming and outgoing server on each mailbox affected, and click connect... Only then will we be presented with the dialogue to accept... (it is a K9-bug)
  22. You are absolutely right, home office might not be a possibility. Even though the computer could be just a laptop, but that too could be a problem. If some other family member already use the flat during the day-time. As an example take the classic stereotype of the wife using the flat for some textile business in day time. And even if the flat is spacious enough, the internet connections available might be of a quality/price preventing a VPN connection from being a viable solution.
  23. And the FM works too. Thanks. 😎
  24. As a last resort, if all other methods fails, I suggest a small piece of high friction tape. see e.g. here for various suggestions on how to open.
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