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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. The problem is there are no "other side" here.... But we are getting terrible off topic, my bad. Sorry.
  2. Easy answer: We've gone Nazis! 20% voted on a crypto-nazist party. on second to previous election. Last time the crypto-nazists was 'down' to around 10%, but unfortunately not because the voters got wiser, but because all the classic parties more or less adopted the racism and xenophobia in their policy...
  3. Luckily it is not ONLY up to the individual to abide to the law in all countries. There might well be legislation requiring a device to have limitations build in. Just as certain devices are not allowed to be sold without special permits. (e.g. lethal weapon in many countries). E.g. in Denmark the Scooters sold have to have the maximum speed capped. Of course you are still not allowed to exceed the speed limits for the model say down hill, that part is the users responsibility. I believe there is an EU legislation that require phones to not go above a certain volume without expl
  4. If you already got a flat-L shaped PD cable, then it might be a tolerable solution with a straight adapter (see drop down) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/283708836817
  5. Ah I see. This looks like it might be charge only, not sure: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/143438556436 ADD: Almost certainly NOT 20 pin, see this from the listing.
  6. Should not be that hard, e.g. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/202771280351 Just did an ebay search for pd magnetic data cable
  7. I would be a bit worried on using SD for SWAP, as an SD card got a limited number of writes. Not an extremely low number, but if the swap is needed, it is likely to be quite active. At the least is should be something to be very aware of when choosing the particular SD-card model to use.
  8. i disagree. If you want to have it out of the box, all that is required is a question during the initial setup OR simply changing the defaut, as it would be better for about anyne not using a case. So would clearly be an improved feature IMHO.
  9. A bit off topic, but talking MTP-filetransfer you might be interested in this for doing incremental transfers. I use it for rather efficiently fetching copies of new screendumps, photos and other. Note that not all can be seen through MTP (e.g. SMS and MMS missing), so use it combined with a backup tools EXcluding photos and the like, as these tools typically can only do total backups.
  10. Both thick products and milk. Also simply a matter of more compact waste, so you don't fill the bag as quickly, but we are getting terribly off topic here *LOL*
  11. Other apps can do that, BUT the problem is that some apps seems to look at and draw relative to the physical display and others more benign relative to the logical remaining display. So to really work, it has to go deep enough to also modify the answer for the physical size. So I assume the best would be if it went into the hardware driver.
  12. Maybe that would require a special outdoor licence. 😇😋
  13. I never even thought of folding a milk carton for a case - now there is a challenge!! As the standard 1l is slightly less wide than the Pro1, it is not going to be easy... ðŸĪŠ
  14. I hope someone find a case that naturally opens in the other direction. Maybe we should be looking in countries with right-to-left reading direction, as they would have the wanted book direction as the natural one (The cover opening to the right). So If we can find a Japanese phone with the right dimensions we might get a good chance. I can not read Japanese at all, so are limited to translations, but perhaps we got someone in here that can do the right search? Similar to this search but including all the a Japanese devices GSMarena does not. I optimistically tried this: https://www.
  15. Illegal in some countries. I doubt it is allowed in the EU. It is not allowed in Denmark. Often calling a company I get an automated message telling that they want to record "for educational purposes", and is then asked to press say 1 to allow or 2 to disallow before continuing.
  16. And we know Chen is in China at the factory, and I would guess Adrian is representing them at CES... So that is likely to delay approvals.
  17. This is a fruitless discussion... This list as an example we all have, so all can test it. The functionality is not a big miss here. But it might be in another context. I merely tried to point out that a functionality build into Android is prevented from working with the fix Edge null give us. Whether it will be missed or can be circumvented is a totally different story. And for many it most likely is a less nuisance that the edge is passive than the accidental grabbings.
  18. If you grab the grey slider you can go from the top to the bottom of the list in one screen length, grabbing the page, you can move one page at the time only (and more swiping)
  19. Sure, you can do classic scrolling swiping like crazy (and the more apps installed the worse), but you can not grab the scroll slider and scroll quickly, as it is at the very edge. ADD: Actually Pie is a little odd here, as you can drag that slider, but you can NOT drag the similar slider in e.g. Developer options 🙄
  20. ...I do not think I break any secrets by saying that something similar to edge null is already active in the hardware driver. The outer most pixels are not touch sensitive. The whole display was active on the early builds, where the problems was much more pronounced.
  21. I meant the installed apps list. "Setting", "Apps and notifications" "See all ### apps"
  22. The only problem with edge null, is that it is touch only, so interaction along the edges are no longer possible. If you open e.g. the apps list, you can not pull the scroll bar slider. But it is for sure a big help for those having issues.
  23. For me it changed a lot when I added a case, And I'm still using the rather bulky (21mm) flip case, as the device is not currently easy replaceable. But I guess I will go back to a shell protecting the bottom half, but that had about the same effect, as the fingers grab the case, and thus about 1mm from the device (and fingerprint scanner), unless I deliberately grab and unlock it in one go. (The pre production unit that can not connect to the net, I keep in a simple shell)
  24. Thanks, yeah thought so. I do not know if there are some reasons why @Anssi Hannula got the source but not the .apk linked on his page. Of course I (or anyone) could just take the current from a phone for a test but would prefer an official link. But I merely tried to signal, that the fn thing most likely would be fixed by that. Of course the lack of backlight-support is not as easy.
  25. Very interesting. Did you try it with FinQwerty? I suppose that would fix the keyboard issues with Fn (=Yellow arrow)
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